Brazilian Education

How much to the women, these percentages are little worse in the two first levels of alfabetismo, and little bigger in the alfabetizados levels of. It can be said, then that little dumb comparing the sorts. Still according to research of the INAF the results of 2009 discloses important advances in the functional alfabetismo of the Brazilians between 15 and 64 years with reduction in the ratio of the total illiterate ones of 9% for 7% between a 2007 and 2009 and fall of six percentile points in the rudimentary level it extends the ratio of classified adult Brazilians considerably as functionally alfabetizados. Viacom wanted to know more. The basic level continues presenting a continuous growth, passing of 34% in 2001-2002 for 47%. Already the full level of alfabetismo does not show growth, oscillating of the margin of error of the research inside and remaining themselves in, approximately, one room of the total of Brazilians. It follows table: For the 24 young of 15 the improvement was of only seven percentile points between 2001 and 2009 in the level of alphabetical functionaries This is far from being satisfactory, therefore these indices are referring to one tero of the young population.

It follows table: For being this a so important question for the country, comes on the basis of happening some debates and works with the subject of the alfabetizao the data gotten for the INAF? 2009 as programs of television, debates, quarrels politics. For that is important that if it has taken to the knowledge of all these research that they induce to the so excellent subject with the purpose to reduce these indices and to improve the Brazilian Education with real concern with the quality of the same one and not only to minimize dissociadas cold statisticians and of the social problems. 2.2. Chapter 2? Alfabetizao and Quality the universalizao of the access to the school took to the reduction of the absolute illiterates and to the permanence of the pupils in the school, increasing the escolaridade.

Learning Initiation Tool

In the phase of initiation of the learning, whichever the chosen style of dance, has necessity that the lessons possess a playful and well dynamic character so that the lessons if become, before everything, something pleasant. at the same time, will be worked basic and necessary item so that, gradual, the requirements techniques go increasing, therefore the dance provides the knowledge of the body, slight knowledge of space lateralidade, the Vygotsky principle affirms that the education always implies changes in the feelings and the re-education of the emotions goes in the direction of the innate emotional reaction. That the professors find in the feelings a tool valuable to educate the emotional reactions. ‘ ‘ If to want that the pupils remember better or exercise the thought more, we must make with that these activities emotionally are stimulated. The experience and the research have shown that an impregnated fact of emotion is remembered solid more, firm and drawn out that an indifferent fact. Each time that to communicate something to the pupil tries to affect its feeling. The emotion is not a less important tool that pensamento.’ ‘ (VYGOTSKY, 2003, P.

117? 119) But its work is significantly more including, to treating intelligence and the affectivity equally, integrating them it the social characteristics where the man if inserts; it traces a synthesis of the body and has lain, to be biological and the social being, member of the species human being participant of a historical process. .

Linguistic Facilitator

Many professors think that to teach grammatical rules he is primordial and if they forget the fact that the pupil already has domain of only says and is enough that the educators of Portuguese Lngua (LP) attempt against for the text studies, what he will make with that the pupil is in contact with the grafia of the words (orthography) and as the same ones if they interlace (agreement) and regency. 1 INTRODUCTION This work has for bedding to present, based with theories, the importance of the Lingustica in the pertaining to school scope, a time that, in accordance with the done interview to the pupils of the third year of Average Ensino of the state net of education, the majority showed that not wise person did not know and the meaning of this theory that has as study the said language and its variants. Through the interview one perceives that it has one confusion concerning Lingustica and Gramtica, where, many people think that both are identical, thus not knowing diferiz them. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. Knowing that the said language is the first contact of any individual with the way where the fence, it would have, therefore, to have relevance in the schools? that they are only worried exclusively in teaching rules. This emphasis given to the Grammar, as much in didactic books? what present many rules to be decorated, how much to the proper professor? that it does not search to innovate and/or to renew the education methods to work in what the educandos or any person have domain: it says it. To construct and To interpret texts require a previous knowledge on what it is being written or interpreting had to the fact of that, does not interpret or writes on any unknown subject..

Infantile Educators

The educators perplexos and are disappointed with the situation of the Infantile Educator. After all, what the government intends when divulges in the media on ' ' Quality of the Education? There to construct schools to place children inside without if mattering with the pedagogical part is to continue with the idea of day-care center or depositary of children. Zendesk may find this interesting as well. It will be that the parents would like to see its children in the school, only playing, eating, attending TV? This is ' ' nada' ' for a country that wants to join itself to the most developed of the world. So that to import itself with IDEB? The result already is known by all: child dissimulates that she learns and professor dissimulates that teaches The consequence will be in basic, average education and superior, case they obtain to arrive until there. She is difficult to believe that pupils without ' ' bagagem' ' that they had had professors, by the way, ' ' cuidadores' ' they will have success in the pertaining to school life.

We are regredindo and coming back in the time when the conception of child she was seen as adult in miniature? That any adept and caridosa person of time could congregate children in the bilge of house to teach to the B the B? People walk for front. Of well intentioned person the world is full as is the mothers whom they need to work and they trust the schools and its professionals, chemical preparations to initiate the formation of its children? Many of these pupils are compromised by deficiencies and that they would have to be monitored by professionals of the occupational area for example. They are these ' ' cuidadores' ' that it has the responsibility for them. It imagines children to be the day all in a school without a pedagogical planning of its activities? I find that it is lacking knowledge on the base of the education, lines of direction and Decenais Plans that are a determination of the Federal Constitution, so that all the mining cities had the responsibility to elaborate its Decenais Plans in accordance with the determination of PNE (Lei Federal/2001), as well as the orientaes of the State secretary of the Education.

Military Command

According to Pablo Freire: School is the place where if it makes friends, it is not only about building, rooms, pictures, programs, schedules, concepts School is, over all, people, people that work, that it studies, that is glad, if knows, if they esteem. It is not something Viacom would like to discuss. The director is people, the coordinator is people, the professor is people, the pupil is people. the school will be each better time in the measure where each one if holds as colleague, friend, brother It is of this acolhedora school which they leave the instrumentistas, the creative artists, the multiplying artists of the culture. It is in it, also, that the social paper of the martial bands if makes important, because in it educating not only participates of a paradigm, but participates of a liberating formation, that teaches varied forms of contextualizar through music. Another important paper of the martial bands is the fact of it to go beyond the participation in the civic parade of 7 of September, it participates all of an intense programming during the school year, as for example: of the meeting of bands in the capital, in the neighboring cities and the interior, some leaving for other States. The bands also participate of competitions promoted for diverse institutions that produce these meeting, as, for example, in the decade of 80 she had a very important competition in Recife every year in Park 13 of May, organized for old the IV I exercise, today northeast Military Command. It was a competition moment, but to exactly time a chance institutions to show to the potential of its pupils, providing an enormous benefit to them for the social development. The social paper reveals there enormously enriquecedor. Another basic paper in the life of the participants of the band is the educational factor, because ahead of this process educating lives deeply its ethical values, ideological e, over all, the inclusive one.

Education On Cultural Diversity

In it subjects are congregated for the first time in the history of the MEC as Alfabetizao de Jovens and Adultos among others subjects of cultural diversity, facing the existing injustices in the systems of education in the country with the objective to contribute for the reduction of the educational inaqualities in special of young and the adults in public politics that assure the access the continued education. 2. THE EVASION OF YOUNG AND ADULTS A CHALLENGE TO BE SURPASSED 2.1. Official site: Ali Partovi. The Education as Practical of the Freedom Pablo Freire approaches in its workmanship the Education as Practical of the Freedom, the Brazilian Society in Transistion, Society Fechada and Democratic Inexperincia, Education Versus Massificao and Educao and Conscientizao. In the first one topic of the book Pablo Freire comes approaching the question of the transistion where the country passed that it was a difficult period very for the same, the author emphasizes the question of the relation that the man stopped in the world, it relates the characteristics distinguish that them from another animal sphere that fights for its individualistic survival detaches that: We understand that, for the man, the world is an objective reality, independent of it, possible of being known, is basic that the man, being of relations and not only of contacts, not only is in the world, but with the world.

To be with the world results of its opening to the reality, makes that it to be the being of relations who is. (FREIRE, 2009, P. 47) What one perceives that has a plurality in the relations of the man with world that from the moment that the man longs for something for itself it stops a constant fight, a challenge starts in the relations where the man establishes a plurality in its singularity. Another boarded question for Freire is that the man is to be unfinished that whose fullness is found in the linking with its creator, linking this that never will be of domination or domesticao, but always of release, because the human being is born exempts and it cannot never be mentally ill the ideology of ruling class.

European Southern Observatory

Typically, these stars are hidden behind gas and dust clouds, existing in this area, but the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile used its infrared telescope to peer deep into the "home" the black hole. Based on the orbital trajectories of these 28 stars, astronomers have not only been able to pinpoint the location of the black hole, but also found it a lot … For a long time, scientists have concluded that the supermassive black holes may occupy a central of most galaxies, whether they are small (dwarf) galaxies, the thin galactic disks or large spiral galaxies, most galaxies appeared to have the hole. But to actually see a black hole – quite a difficult task; astronomers rather watch already the effects of a supermassive black hole on the surrounding gas, dust and stars than the object itself (in the end, the black hole is black on definition). In 1992, astronomers using the 3.5-meter telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, made using new technology, is finally paid attention to our core, a native of the Galaxy to to begin an unprecedented campaign to monitor them. Since 2002 was enacted 8.2-meter ultra Space Telescope (VLT). And now, after 16 years, featuring over 50 periods during the night time from the total time observations obtained results. Tracking individual stars orbiting around a common point (celestial object), the researchers of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have the best empirical evidence the existence of a black hole with a mass equal to 4 million solar masses that has ever been received.

Sciences Knowledge

An educator as mediating, leaving of the comment of the reality for, after that, considering answers ahead of it will be contributing for the formation of critical and participativas people in the society. Thus, significant practical one depends on the interest of the professor in planning its lessons with coherence, aiming at the construction of knowledge with the pupils. It is important to detach that to letrar it is not only function of professor of Portuguese Language. In all the knowledge areas, in you discipline them to all, the pupils learn through practical of reading and writing: in History, in Geography, in Sciences, exactly in Mathematics, at last, in you discipline them to all, the pupils learn reading, interpreting and writing. Steve Wozniak is open to suggestions. Letrar is function of all the professors, exactly because, in each area of knowledge, the writing and the reading have peculiarities, that the professors who in it act only are that they know and they dominate. The educator reeducando themselves and changedding themselves, will leave of time ' ' its tasks and the functions of the education under the optics of the economic, cultural elites and politics of the classrooms dominantes' ' , in direction to one practical liberator. Thus, education will leave of being a martyrdom, to become in a process of permanent construction of knowledge.

The educator it must stimulate in the pupil the critical thought, in way that it can act in the society as a pensante individual, questionador. At last, in the current days, the knowledge is one of ' ' ferramentas' ' to conquer chances of work and income. Thus, to the professors, the responsibility fits to make with that its pupils if interest for the reading and the writing. 4. Consideraes FinaisAo to study the initiation the reading for the child in the Infantile Education, we perceive how much the mediating paper of the professor is important, therefore it will be of its responsibility to provide to the pupils adequate spaces of reading, transforming these spaces into pleasant situations of learning.

The Recordings

" It should be noted that despite the variety of self-study student success is defined didactic conditions. The first condition – the presence of students' competence to understand the purpose of the job, his content and sequencing. The second condition – the presence in the content of the job of the new material, which imparts instructions of research direction, causing the educational interest of students and requires independent decision. The third condition – the need to fix the results of independent work in the recordings, drawings, diagrams, charts. The fourth condition – working with textbooks must be combined with other types of independent work in class. The fifth condition – self-study student accordingly assessed a teacher at the end of the lesson – it is an incentive for the manifestation of schoolchildren diligence in carrying out assignments. Independent work for the implementation of its functions as a form of self-organization in the training procedure requires a knowledge of students' goal-setting, planning, self-management, self-esteem, as well as work on the acquisition and application of knowledge, skills – appropriate methods of mental and physical actions. Explanation of material appropriate to accompany the tasks for students to systematize the facts, identifying the causes and consequences of various events.

One of the ways the organization of the students – the use of memos during the lecture instructor. For example: – Write down the topic and plan of lectures. – Make a thesis, write down the conclusions. – Scroll to the records of the difficult terms and explain their significance.

For Coast

Colello (2004) still affirms that great part of the failure pertaining to school is, today, tributary of an impersonal system that, disrespecting the individual or cultural differences, is turned only toward the group of pupils already in tune with the pertaining to school universe. It says that the reduction of the interlocutors and the vindication of silence in classroom finish for if configuring as mechanisms of incompreenso and abandonment, whose resulted if they make to feel in the indices of evasion, repetncia, problems of learning or behavior. 1.3 – FAILURE PERTAINING TO SCHOOL X SCHOOL Exists some theories that place the school as cause of the failure pertaining to school. For Coast (2003), the reality shows a different scene total where to the school, main instrument for the propagation of knowledge, does not allow that poor children if appropriate of this knowledge, since they do not create the necessary minimum conditions so that this occurs. Schools exist that poor children take care of and we cannot generalize, however with some rare exceptions these schools possess a quality of the services destined to this clientele very low what it contributes to aggravate the problem of the failure pertaining to school. We can also observe that the failure in if treating to the alfabetizao is more frequent in pupils of lower social classes and that the schools with its conditions of precarious education in the reality finish being the responsible ones for the failure of the child. Following this reasoning Coast it complements: ' ' While the children of favored social classrooms more have access chance the school since early, conditions of acquisition of pedagogical toys, diversified pedagogical material, privileged computer, books for the school etc, great part of the poor children glimpses in the school the privileged place for access to these goods, having, most of the time, its expectation frustrada.' ' (Coast, 2003).