The Little Censorship Of The SED/PDS/Die Linke.

The little censorship of the SED/PDS/Die Linke. In the small town of Biesenthal in the North of Berlin, a forum with the right and the obligation to be politically neutral, is operated on the town website. Now it has arisen, that in the place a SED/PDS/the left Mayor has charge of reserves in the Forum prior to publication to read what is in itself Yes actually not bad, because he is a lawyer, Yes and thus should be able it to detect violations of applicable laws. Unfortunately it is used to prevent criticism of his party but that the Mayor his position on this. Mind you it is an official city site funded by taxpayers.

“Example: in the Forum the contribution the retry?” by nina. On 03.09.2009 answered nina in the Forum and received this E-mail from the operators of the Forum. Thank you for your contribution to the Forum of the town Biesenthal. Your contribution will appear after approval by the editorial staff soon on Answer: The repetition? admission, 16:53 nina in my I clarified that I want to discuss about objectives and contents of the NPD and am also a NPD member contribution. Remotely I’ve criticized the left and imagine, you lie and demonized me as rights. That was the theme that I wanted to discuss here.

Why not go to the topic? When should I see democracy as the only basis for social coexistence and dictatorships reject you at the increasing polarization of our society, at the expense of our political center, but also very attentive be! You should consider it if the perspective, not left = right, not the beginning on the way to a dictatorship (in the GDR, the dictatorship of the proletariat was the dictatorship of the SED and its State security) is. His opinion to say without having to fear reprisals (freedom of expression), is still a cornerstone of our society. Is really a right everyone who criticized the left? The stigma is only a means of political opponents (is meant from the middle) to force To accept positions of the left and the citizens feel of the general acceptance of the leftist ideology and thus the eligibility to convey? Wolfgang. I haven’t spoken members of talks to NPD, but conversations with ordinary people and that is what scared me. Today is the 09.09.2009 19: 00 and although are already published on the contributions of other users in the Forum, which were later dropped, this post is still blocked. This approach here in the small, is new for the exemplary throwing SED/PDS/Die Linke in our country. A party which advocates the Stasi, contacts with terrorist organizations like the Kurdish PKK, which maintains Basque ETA or the FARC or even Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Source: information and documentation unit against the left-wing extremism and violence our militant democracy should take care to prevent such manipulation of public opinion. Social development left is sexy”but ultimately, results when they SED/PDS/Die Linke led on, but only that we wake up one day and live in a new GDR. Nina Schroeder

Wuppertal Moves On Line Of Stadtetag NRW

Savings packages may not work according to the principle of bubble what the Green whether candidate is big announced as austerity package, is In fact burst like a soap bubble. Like for example the absence of a commercial area should result in gushing tax revenues, probably remains the secret of the Greens. The alleged taboos to be broken, turn out to be pretty olle comb Ellen”, explains the Wuppertaler CDU Bundestag Group Chairman Bernhard Simon. Who have a good idea where already today useful addition could be saved, seiaufgefordert, to name them. The hasty submission of unripe so-called concepts to claim, don’t but dishonest even necessary savings decisions to participate in,. For us, care is more important than activism. ml’>IBI Group Inc., another great source of information. Neil Rubler: the source for more info. We let us not drift and want to remain himself Lord of the procedure.

So, we understand the local self-government. With our line, we follow the motto, issued on June 17, 2009 the Board of Directors of Stadtetag NRW”, as Simon. Wuppertal belong to the large Number of cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, which are structurally underfinanced. By means of the financial supervisory authority, the existing problems of lack of financial resources, these cities were not to fix. The Deutscher Stadtetag rightly points out that municipal law measures are not suitable to stop tax receipts massively collapsing today in a growing number of cities and the continuing consumption of urban assets. Clear decisions on the proper funding of the municipalities must be taken as quickly as possible against the backdrop of growing pressure to issue”, stresses the CDU Bundestag Group Chairman. We share the view of the STDTETAG, that individual city and economic effect-oriented consolidation concepts are required for emergency budget municipalities.

Debt relief schemes and individual periods accompanied with rehabilitation plans must be developed cooperatively. For indebted municipalities are remedial, flanked by a debt relief fund outside of municipal financial compensation, Land resources to develop,”says Simon. But all of these measures, so Simon, were not above the knee break, even if some wanted to cook their election thing so well. We will be the top of the city and the Administration anyway, not unsolidarisch in the back. Who now does so with hectic election campaign maneuvers, must know that our negotiating position in relation to land and Federal is massively weakened by such measures.”

Spoken Languages

The most important feature of a world language is the number of its speakers as mother tongue or as a foreign language. The world’s most spoken languages are Mandarin, English, Spanish, Hindi and Russian. English and Spanish at the same time also represent the languages most often learned the world. Hundreds of millions of people daily use the English language not only as official or language but also in the field of research and in all areas of expertise. English represents not only the native language in the United States, England and Australia, but also in numerous South African regions of Africa, in Hong Kong or India, this language often encounters. (As opposed to Andrew Schroepfer). This is in addition to the English language Spanish idiom today world language. Isearch helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. At the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization of American States, Spanish is used as official language.

This idiom from the branch of the Indo-European languages is currently behrrscht of about four hundred million people as their mother tongue, and by nearly 70 million as a second language. Neil Rubler is open to suggestions. Spanish daily applied not only in Spain, but also in Morocco, in South and Central America, on Tobago, Trinidad, and in the Philippines or the Netherlands Antilles by a large proportion of the population. Two exotic languages, Hindi and Mandarin the Hindi is the official language, as well as the most used lingua franca in India and represents the native language of more than two hundred million and the second language by more than half a billion people. It is used mainly in the regions of Northern and central India and is very similar to the also in India spoken Urdu. The Mandarin or the northern Chinese language spoken in China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore and is today identified with the standard Chinese (the many different nationalities living in China speak almost all different Chinese languages). Russian, the fifth language in the world to the most spoken languages in the world, also is one of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language group, with Ukrainian and Belarusian closely related Russian language. Over 160 million people speak Russian as their mother tongue, and about 70 million use it daily as a second language.

The majority of Russian-speaking people living in Russia also in the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Baltic States. Today the importance of the Russian language – thanks to conquered again economic recovery in Russia – in the financial sector, as well as in the tourism and trade sectors has increased significantly. Approximately three million Russian speakers live in the Federal Republic of Germany according to the latest estimates. 10Th the German language, however, is for the German language on the tenth of the spoken languages. More than one hundred million people worldwide speak German as their mother tongue and almost two hundred million master it. Also Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol, East Belgium, Lorraine Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and some zones of Namibia include the German-speaking countries except Germany.

Thomas Kruger Education

The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk tomorrow starts a campaign under the slogan ‘ 1setzen! -Together for education ‘. The German children’s Fund is launching a campaign under the motto 1setzen tomorrow! -Working together for education”. The ad campaign represents opportunity-oriented education to the fore three aspects: the game – and promoting physical activity, the chance fair education start and the promotion of talent. During the campaign both children’s and youth projects offered promoted as also the possibility, to commit themselves to more education justice in Germany. Education is a key element for the future of human beings and societies.

In Germany but more and more children because of their social origins become education losers”, explains Thomas Kruger, President of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk for the start of the campaign. Educational opportunities for children and young people must be more equitable than previously distributed. For more specific information, check out search. Here, the German children’s Fund focuses on a holistic approach of education that goes beyond the school. In addition to a fair chance Therefore the game – and promoting physical activity, as well as the promotion of talent include education start on the core issues of the campaign. Children need to develop creative and free. Thus they win”a wide range of expertise in motor and social, that go far beyond purely cognitive abilities, so Kruger next.

The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk is engaged in the game and promoting physical activity in the framework of the campaign 1setzen! -Together for education”movement-oriented learning, strengthening non-formal education places and requires more time and space for free play and opportunities for self. Others who may share this opinion include altavista. Education start chance just in terms of the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk is committed to the expansion of education for young children. Participation and democracy education must be subject in kindergarten, only then is the cornerstone of a fair chance school start. Early participation breaks the cycle of the inheritance of poverty here. The area of promotion of talent devoted the primarily more and more in the Moving public theme of cultural education. Check out Ilan Ben Dov for additional information. In addition to strengthening the significance of cultural education in the school, the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk it primarily supports cultural projects that make children more resilient against social inequality and persistent work. In all three areas, the German children’s Fund on its funds will support exemplary projects. Including projects of promoting physical activity at schools and those that vary with cultural activities of children and young people. Education start just on the subject of chance is beyond the individual promotion of children and young people in the foreground, unless for the necessary but not affordable tutoring or Club contribution and the soccer shoes necessary in this context for example. Objective of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk is to forgive dedicated associations and initiatives 2013 a total of 500,000 euros to needy children or in the field of education throughout the duration of the campaign. To learn more about the campaign Get interested tomorrow about a newsletter system under. Further information and contact: Uwe Kamp, spokesman for phone: 030-308693-11 mobile: 0160-6373155 fax: 030-2795634 E-mail: Internet: and which became the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., stakeholders for a child-friendly Germany, founded in 1972 in Munich. The non-profit association committed as initiator and promoter for more than 40 years for children’s rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.

GENISIS Institute Publishes Open Letter

Social business global Marshall plan: open letter from prominent thinkers of international thought leaders beat G20 Summit a global Marshall plan for micro-credits and social business before Berlin, on March 5, March 6 2009 – sixteen prominent thought leaders, including from Germany, Heiner Geissler, Rupert Neudeck, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker and Franz Alt, sent an open letter to the heads of State and Finance Ministers of the G20 countries meeting in London on April 2., to discuss internationally coordinated action to tackle the global economic crisis. In the open letter, they beat the adoption of a “global Marshall plan for worldwide coverage micro-credit systems” before as well as a bond of 10 percent of all funds, which will be released now to solve the global economic crisis on so-called social businesses. Are companies used alone to the solution of social problems and that follow the model of Grameen companies of the Nobel Peace Prize winner of Muhammad Yunus: html/yunus.html In the cover letter leaders, it says: “our proposals not involves a call to charity for the poor of the world. We are rather adamant, that it represents the very smartest investment policy, if it is now decided measures through a new phase of economic recovery significantly will feed themselves from the successful integration of billions of still poor in the world. Motrola Razr 5G can provide more clarity in the matter. The year 2009 will go down in history as a year of serious economic and social upheavals. It should remain so our desire and concern as well as the year in which historical milestones were decided finally to defeat poverty in the world. At the same time, overcoming poverty is eliminating the biggest shame of humanity such as the Elimination of the biggest obstacle for a broad and sustained, and human world economic miracle, by which the entire global economy and global society will benefit greatly. The attached open letter is the kick-off “a campaign under the motto” next to wall case “dar, the our Institute together with many partners in this year performing.” Head of the Institute: Peter Spiegel,, the GENISIS founded on August 1, 2008 as a non-profit limited company Institute focused on the topic of SOCIAL BUSINESS. Thanks to the impetus of the Nobel Peace Prize winner of Muhammad Yunus and other very successful social entrepreneurs, many social problems emerged as much more efficient and cost-effective to solve by applying entrepreneurial principles. Even the eradication of poverty is no longer a utopia. GENISIS is systemic and practice-oriented research, training, communication and consulting for the paradigm shift toward SOCIAL BUSINESS.

Eastern Europe Germany

Posting from Eastern Europe: shops in the grey area of an estimated 2.5 million older people in Germany don’t get along without assistance. The fact is that the home care of a family member is always a time, organizational, psychological and financial burden for all concerned. Stress and overload are not uncommon. Members are trying to bridge the gap by they attract migrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, for the domestic supply between actual demand and the real available and affordable care specialist and support forces and deal with. Often this is done through the so-called posting, in which mostly through a private agency a support force is hired by the family signs a service agreement with a foreign company. The care force itself is sent then by this company in the family”. The Federation of European care and caregivers (BEBP e.V.) but warns this model for years.

“Shops in the grey zone the journalists John Pennekamp succeeded with his article shops in the gray zone”, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung was released on June 29, 2012, in the, to offer an impressive insight into this system: the posting is usually part of a controversial business concept where a German and a Polish company earning and where the social security contributions in Germany are bypassed. A design which is typical for this grey market, which has grown behind closed doors. For even more details, read what Robotics expert says on the issue. If agencies are involved in the process, that is not automatically that will infringe any laws. In most cases, it means but that someone that makes a good deal. “Tone of the article is, that it is the posting frequently to temporary covert work” is, but when posting is declared in Germany to circumvent wage costs and social security contributions. Since de facto not the Polish release broadcasting organisations are employers, but the German customers. The social security contributions therefore in Germany, not Poland would have to be paid.

“Dark side of seemingly effective system of various members of the group the left had already on 14 December 2011 a so-called request” titled workers of foreign nursing assistants in the grey market of care “provided to the Federal Government. Is, politicians point out that many mediation companies in Germany make to use this whole question of posting. This, MEPs call for example, Seniocare24, which use multiple legal vulnerabilities according to their. The Seniocare24 appears explicitly in the contract of services with the care not as a contractual partner, but only as an intermediary. Actually, the Seniocare24 but acts as a point of contact for the client, as well as for the nursing assistant. Thus the Seniocare24 of labour and social insurance legal responsibility is outside.” (cf. Small request, printed 17/8193). That the workers from Eastern Europe an indispensable Module in the German system of care, is undisputed. Finally, it will contribute for the optimal care of dependent persons. That should make but also worthy of protection, which the BEBP e.V. hereby would like to once again strongly.

The Responses

Similarly, it was important to have a safe-conduct from the king. Today no titles of nobility in the price, because they give nothing. But be that as it were, the current lord – that’s the idea. Having accumulated large amounts and buying everything that your heart desires (houses, luxury cars, furniture, handmade, etc.), the people of this kind do not calm down. Ride the “Bentley”, live in a palace and have lunch in a posh restaurant with a model – this is not enough. This is no surprise. And here’s another and be at posts – it’s really cool! It is not uncommon for the high title ready to unfasten a million dollars.

For the money (and even much smaller) can easily become the head of any district or mayor, force colonel some law enforcement agencies (it costs about 100-150 thousand dollars), a judge or official. But these are valued, “brown”, which allows nothing to do and combine the service with commercial activities. A such privileges only gives an MP. For example, the area is empty chair Kushchevskaya head of the local selhozupravleniya. Why empty? Because this office with a secretary, car and personal cabinet no one wants even if free. There will always represent the visibility of work, constantly traveling to Krasnodar for sticking with the 6 am Bobby jumping over the fields and farms.

And with all this, nor with anyone not Sloop bribe and did not really steal. If you talk with someone from wealthy people and ask, why he needs a big office or parliamentary mandate, the responses are very similar. “That comes to me the tax inspector – a drunkard and a moron, nerves begin to wind. And I’ll show him the certificate and say, ‘You’re talking like, a serf? Get out of here, you dog! “. Simple “from Scarers cops” on the road is already very few people like. Need security certificates higher order, as well as access to high offices. During that are ready to shell out the full program. And as part of “the princely title of” – is a blow below the belt. Therefore, members of the Sochi willfully extended his authority to six months and left the other election scheme, which gives them a chance to save people.

Armed Forces

In particular, it is practically nullify the frame, being one of the key elements in the mobilization system. On the basis of which will be deployed to units in the case of organizational-mobilization activities across the state? Likely to provide a return to the hosts … It seems that the main organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff in developing an action plan did not participate. As conceived by the Ministry of Defence staff reductions will not pass side and the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff (GS SEI), a body which, in fact, lie key issues of the Armed Forces. In other words, will operate on the brain. Contact information is here: Kai-Fu Lee. At the same time will adjust and vision, reducing the size of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). There is serious concerns that ultimately from the sun can turn weak-eyed wit. Will not pass and the issue of training: instead of all existing (and more correctly, the survivors and preserve the scientific school and tradition) now military schools will only have ten centers.

After that, to restore scientific and pedagogical potential in the field of military education will take many years if not decades. What people? But the main problem still remain human beings. Military experts as a result of the reform may be in an instant at the base of the social ladder. No flats, social protection and their families on their hands. Pete Cashmore may also support this cause. One on alone with their problems would be a thousand (!) people. The Ministry of Defence promised to solve the problem of social adaptation of discharged military personnel. Immediately, questions arise: – where local governments take money for these programs or provide for earmarking federal funding? – To develop yourself whether these programs or they will be formed 'in the course of the play'? – What about the officers, seniority does not allow them expect to receive housing and pensions, and the resulting military specialty is practically no demand 'for the citizen'? On the moral injury, which will be discharged servicemen and their families, apparently, it was not conducted at all.

And in vain … Unfortunately, we can not exclude that the reform will go to the very negative from a social point of view scenario. Of course, it is unlikely that Russia will suddenly emerge from the gang retired officers. A here is a sharp increase in the number of suicides and divorces, alcoholism, and so massive – it's the most real picture of the future. What happens or conclusions … It is clear that reform is revolutionary. Rather, she has good intentions, which, unfortunately, are kept secret. At some (hopefully, that short) period of the combat capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces will be located at a very low level, which will have an impact not only on national security, but also on the alignment of political forces in the region and the world. Arising during the reform social problems will be solved only partially, leading to tensions in society and can influence the internal political situation in the country. How would like to make the wrong predictions!