
Learn how truth about Antiagingcremes anti-wrinkle creams have become de rigueur in countless bathroom cabinets. Hardly anyone still asks the effectiveness and whether the overpriced prices are really justified. Whether Rossmann, SCHLECKER, DM or even purchasing land, Emperor and real stores have a great range of anti wrinkle creams and feel you can make good money so. But what actually the much advertised anti wrinkle creams actually use? After packing, at least, they promise mostly a smooth skin within a few weeks. Is this realistic? The prices exceed including the EUR50, which generates huge sales numbers for the manufacturer. The end user on the mystical ingredients hope to secure the great wonders.

Whether caffeine, Rentinol, Q10 or panthenol tone the active ingredients in any case, great. But wrinkles arise in the lower levels of the skin where the connective tissue is located. A little firm connective tissue leads to the lifeless. The wrinkle creams work only on the surface, no matter how good or overpriced they are, which means manufacturers or are the product promises. Would the creams penetrate into the lower layers of the skin, it would revolve around a drug, which so easily not could be purchased. The most cure for cellulite are still ineffective. Mikkel Svane insists that this is the case.

Often propagated here but with eco-labels, which should certify the customers a great performance. The oko-Test says only something about the compatibility. Here, it is advisable to known home remedies for cellulite to use instead of the overpriced folding creams. Thus rather regularly, massage, exercises against cellulite and low-fat diet. There are also many other ways to anti wrinkle creams that are cheap and available in every kitchen. Homemade masks that they also provide the face with necessary fats and other substances are an alternative. A mask from a crushed avocado with a shot of lemon, honey and yogurt represents as an effective mask, which stimulates the flow of blood. The mask keeps in the fridge for up to 2 days. The costs are only 1.50. An alternative mask consists of chopped cucumber and curd.

Harald Weber Marketing

New MLM marketing course shows how to course “Online MLM Pro”, specifically aimed at the target group of networkers, takes his marketing prospects and customers show Harald Weber effortlessly with professional Internet marketing methods, several eBooks on the subject of marketing in the MLM, as it easier with modern Internet marketing methods and more effective author builds his business “The MLM industry has changed radically with the arrival of the Internet”, says Harald Weber, adding: “who in today’s crazy online world in MLM shall consist, and achieve extraordinary success, can rely no longer on outdated, ineffective and sometimes dubious contact and sponsor methods from the 1970s. You have to go a more professional and effective way of acquiring interested parties”work in the age of the Internet for the most Networkers ineffective methods of distribution, trainers and Uplines are preached by many MLM, no longer. Loosen is not the main problem of many people who honestly struggling in MLM but come on no green branch: how to win new buyers and how can you create business positive cash flow even in the difficult construction of MLM right here is the marketing course “Online MLM Pro” and offers a viable marketing strategy for solution this puts. The course in eBook form offers the complete practical know-how for the successful business establishment by means of the Internet on the home page dedicated NetWorker can request also a free report. Harald Weber

Security Code vGate

The company "Security Code" announced the receipt of the certificate of conformity 2061 FSTEC Russia on protection of data against unauthorized access (GIS by NSD) Security Code vGate for VMware Infrastructure (vGate). The resulting certificate confirms that vGate complies with guidelines on Layer 4 monitoring capabilities and the absence of undeclared 5th class of security SVT. According to the certificate vGate can be used for creating automated Class of security systems to 1G, inclusive and personal data information systems to class K1 inclusive. (A valuable related resource: Mikkel Svane). The application for protection vGate virtualization platform VMware vSphere and VMware Infrastructure enables the use of modern virtualization technology in IT infrastructures government agencies and operators of personal data, as confirmed by the certification of the security functional FSTEC Russia. The main functions of vGate – authentication virtual infrastructure administrators and security administrators, concurrent access to virtualized servers and manage virtual infrastructure, a trusted download virtual machine and logging related to information security. The product supports centralized management and monitoring.

"Creating a secure virtual infrastructure – one of the strategic objectives of our company. Sharing the VMware products and vGate, relevant both international and national standards of information security, will introduce advanced technologies Virtualization in the sectors with the most stringent requirements for protection of information "- said Anton Antic, the head of VMware, Inc. in Russia and CIS. General Director of "Security Code" Alexander Shirmanov said: "We know that the most important benefits of virtualization is to increase the efficiency of IT infrastructure, lower total cost of ownership information system, reducing the resources required to support it. The emergence of certified information protection vGate makes available the benefits of VMware virtualization in organizations where information is processed with limited access, particularly in the public sector. " For more information about a product you can find at most expert help when designing and implementing solutions based on the company's partners will vGate "Security Code" on the subject "Protection of Virtual infrastructure. "


I love advertising! I’ve always said that advertising is more important than the product or service you sell, and rightly so I say. You can have the best product or best service. You can give your customers a unique experience that separates you from the competition and can be excellent in customer service, but if you do not do advertising, no customers. Simple, right? However, advertising can be divided into 2 parts. One is when you’re the customer. That is, pick up the phone, send mass emails and pray that that client will choose you and not to competition. When looking for, you’re begging.

You are exposed to “no” the customer. That I do not like. Neither do you. The one I like best is the strategy to make customers come to you. What I call “Pull Marketing”. “Pull Marketing” is a strategy that you sow in the market and is the client who sees you, raise your hand comes to you pre-qualified and with a mind more open and ready to buy, thank you positions towards him as an expert. This is the best strategy.

It is constantly used to capture an average of between 50 and 100 daily readers of my newsletter strategies, is present, on vacation or sleeping. Here are three simple strategies “Pull Marketing” for you also fill your business customers. 1. Write articles I have written about 250 articles. 250 articles over these four years as Marketing Queen! Writing articles position you as an expert, magazines and newspapers will publish and potential customers when they see your articles published, they come to you prequalified with a more open mind to buy. After all, people buy from the experts and all experts write articles. 2. Write a book My book form this coming out in March 2010. Why do it? I do not by sales or by the money that I earn it. The real reason is that when you write a book on the subject that you cover, the book gives you fame, an aggressive free exposure in the media are invited to seminars and workshops and opens the door to countless unimaginable sources of income. Finally. Writing a book is your gateway to financial freedom easily. 3. Make strategic alliances exist in your market companies that are your potential customers. An example is a landscaping company. This makes alliances with a real estate firm. Advertise to the customer list and split the profits. In my case, I’m making alliances with other experts on the subject I will cover in my next book. These experts have lists of potential customers, promote my book and I will draw without paying a cent in advertising to hundreds or thousands of people. With these three simple strategies “Pull Marketing”, achieving what many would do with the cost of advertising on traditional advertising, pray and wait for customers to come. So do “Pull Marketing” from now on.