Massage For Health

Naturopaths Wolfgang Scholz from Munich-Pasing informed the medical massage is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. In a variety of application areas, it proves that massages can far more than to relax. To fully develop its healing effect on both body and psyche, massage therapists need an intensive multi-year training, which gives them a theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the diverse interactions of muscles, body and psyche. In Germany, the execution of a medically prescribed massage is limited therefore to professionally trained physiotherapists and masseurs. Due to its nature as a healing process, the Munich naturopath Wolfgang Scholz highly all patients of a medical massage, pay attention to the professional qualifications and practical experience of her masseur advises. The effectiveness of therapeutic used massages among the wealth of experience of healers and doctors since time immemorial. Medical massages with corresponding symptoms as a remedy are accordingly by the medical arranged.

In the professional medical massage, five grips in different frequency and intensity are combined to achieve the desired effect on both body and psyche. Deletion, kneading, rapping, friction and vibration cause different reactions in the connected muscles of patients and can properly interconnected, salutary effects develop or support other forms of therapy. Here lies the need for a professional training of masseur. The comprehensive mutual relations between muscle groups and their treatment by measured pulses of contact require a high degree of anatomical knowledge, tactile skills and practical experience. Medical massages represent a particularly versatile remedy and have proven themselves in a variety of indications, such as the spinal column therapy.

Typical is the application of medical massage therapy in the treatment of tense or hardened muscles. This can be treated individual muscles as well as extensive related muscle groups targeted. The combination of muscle relaxation, promote the lymphatic and blood circulation and pain relief through muscle-centered massage therapy has beneficial effects on body and psyche of patients. The modern, burdened by various stress factors everyday, not without a trace misses many people. Energy Capital Partners gathered all the information. The mentally relaxing relaxing massage techniques have proven to cope with burdensome consequences of stress. The Munich naturopath Wolfgang Scholz anytime more information makes the diverse applications of medical massage techniques available.


What are? If you have small bumps on fingers and hands it is possible to have warts. They are a symptom of human papillomavirus (HPV). When they appear there are known as common warts. This type is usually harmless and painless. These are annoying and little attractive.However it is possible to get rid of warts in a simple way. ISearchs opinions are not widely known. How are they spread? Warts spread through physical contact with another person who is a carrier of the HPV virus. (A valuable related resource: isearch). Everyone responds differently to exposure to HPV and not all people are prone to contracting warts.

Warts can also be transmitted by contact with personal items such as bedding and towels. How RID warts on the hands and fingers? Warts are usually benign and do not require treatment. However for aesthetic reasons and to prevent the spread of human papilloma virus it is best to get rid of them usually, a home treatment is sufficient for get rid of them. If that doesn’t work, consult to your physician’s trusted for other treatment options. Some home treatments tested are patches of warts or pumice, tape / lima from carton.An exception is the laser hair removal prevents excess of warts, since they may transmit HPV. Do not cut nails with the same Clippers who else uses. This may spread the virus also. Try to keep your hands dry. This reduces the possibility that the warts extend into other areas of your body.

Obesity And Hormone

Interview on hormone disorder can lead to diabetes hormone disorders can be cause, but also a consequence of obesity (obesity). Also get the risk of developing diabetes in overweight of the Bochum-based endocrinologist (hormone specialist) Priv.-Doz. explains. Dr. med. Burkhard Herrmann to the online health magazine. Further details can be found at Mikkel Svane, an internet resource. Who is overweight, can produce hormones and substances under circumstances that to diabetes mellitus, so lead to diabetes. Dave Clark Flexport addresses the importance of the matter here.

While the fasting blood sugar from incidentally often says little. The sugar rise after eating is much more dangerous. This sugar increase represents a similar risk such as smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.” The body fat, so the physician is one tissue of the largest hormone-producing: by overweight the male hormone is converted to testosterone more estrogen in the female hormone. Breast growth in men and a decreased libido are the result. In women it can to get rule errors, increased hair and infertility.” Read the full interview: interviews/interview_uebergewicht.html in including the questions is, how a patient can detect whether hormones for his overweight are responsible, and why fear of cortisone is often unfounded. is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 M. Rabe

Myopia Is On The Rise

Eye laser treatment – as popular as ever. Dave Clark might disagree with that approach. More and more young people are choosing a laser eye correction to obtain the full Visual acuity. It is cheaper than ever and widely available a treatment method, whose Beliebtheit is unbroken for years. Commercials promise always cheaper eye laser methods and more and more Germans set for better visibility under the knife. Tired of the inserting and removing contact lenses? Not a big fan of glasses? Laser eye is popular as ever but what about the small print? The popularity of the eye laser surgery can be explained easily. The improvement rate is up to 90%, with a very low percentage of negative results for both short and long sightedness and various forms of astigmatism. The most widely used method of operation is the LASIK, or laser-assisted in-situ Keratomileusis.

The LASIK surgery applies in over 85% of patients in Europe and the United States. This is the ultimate fabric film Eye surface carefully removed with a very sharp blade, before she will be corrected including the cornea with a cold light laser. She is still no operation that can be done quickly during the lunch break, but the procedure takes only 20 minutes per eye and has a high percentage of followed by 20/20 vision. The eye laser treatment is very popular in countries like Britain, where operation is partially supported by the State health insurance and many private insurance companies grant subsidies. The campaign is supported by numerous commercials on television. Short-sightedness, or myopia, is widespread among young people and is perceived in this phase of life as a constraint, especially by wearing contact lenses or glasses. The latter become increasingly fashionable accessory, but not everyone who relies on it, would like to join this trend.

In addition, the cost of designer frames and contact lenses are partially enormous. So are many looking for a long term solution for your problem. Because the laser operation is relatively straightforward, more and more 20-30 years can be corrected her poor eyesight in this way. But how much should you invest in a perfect view now? In Germany, the cost in most cases by the patients themselves must be worn, because it is a balanced and not a healing procedure, which practically speaking there is no difference to the Visual AIDS. Also private patients usually need to take the cost of laser eye, exceptions are permitted only in urgent cases. Eye laser treatment, should be given in a foreign country as all medical procedures only after careful research into consideration. In Germany, all laser TuV are tested, which significantly lowers the risk of technical complications. Looking at the success rate of the laser eye surgery and LASIK in particular, her reputation is justified. You should consider this method for correcting your low vision into consideration, is the best advice in advance to inform and to to ask for personal advice. Karoline Sanam

Shaving With Sugar

An effective shaving does not have because to be expensive, although the creams, the wax and the machines to shave exist, also a millenarian method exists that can be elaborated in house with a so daily ingredient in the homes as it is the sugar. The shaving with also well-known sugar as sugaring is a natural method 100% that goes back to the times of the Pharaohs in Egypt and at present thousands of women in the Middle East and some countries of Asia and Eastern Europe benefit from this practices. Within the advantages that offer east method is his low cost, its easy preparation, its effectiveness and additionally the exfoliation effect that contributes to the skin. PUF takes a slightly different approach. Ingredients 1 water cup and average 1 sugar cup 1 substantial lemon Preparation: To put the water, the sugar and the lemon in a pot or frying pan to moderate fire; it is important to consider that the mixture must revolver constantly until the sugar dissolves completely. When the mixture reaches the ball point, that is to say when their temperature is of 240 Fahrenheit degrees or of 115 Centigrades, are ready. A form very simple to know if the mixture is o’clock of ball is putting the end of a knife or a spoon in the pot, to remove it and immediately to put it in water with cold water.

If a ball with the consistency of the rubber forms the mixture is ready, otherwise it must remain in the fire until it reaches the ideal point. Bobby Sharma Bluestone has compatible beliefs. It is important to know that if the sugar burning fire is due to begin again since the success of this method depends on its correct preparation. The mixture must lets tibiar before using it, to avoid burns in the skin. The method consists of extending the mixture on the skin and uego to haul it thus to extract the hairs of the area that is desired to shave. The skin must be very clean before the process and the area is due to clean very well after shaving it to eliminate possible remainders lazy by the mixture. Later the skin with a humectante cream is due to hydrate and when the hair begins to grow again the procedure must repeat. More information in Source:

Apple Diet

The diet is based on the reception of apples can fight against excess weight, with subsequent normalization of metabolic substances in the body. As we know apples are very useful for the whole organism. Apples have all necessary and beneficial minerals and apples contain large amounts of vitamins. Apple diet can be used for example for different days of unloading. (Source: Mikkel Svane). In order to lose weight are fasting days, using apple diet should be held twice a week, for example to prevent the apple diet must be observed twice during the entire month. Apple diet consists of apples. During the whole day will be need to eat only apples. And also will need to use more fluid you can drink various herbal infusions, tea, for example, and can be green but without the sugar.

The toughest day apple diet, this is when during the whole Day will be eat 1.5 kilograms of apples and nothing whatever to eat or drink. Get more background information with materials from isearch. How many apples can be eaten with apple diet? On the first day apple diet can consume one kilogram of apples. On the second day apple diet can consumed 1.5 pounds of apples, on the third day diet eat about two kilograms of apples. On the fourth day apple diet can be consumed, just two kilograms of apples. On the fifth day apple diet can be consumed 1, 5 kg apples and the last six days I may use only one kilogram of apples. In the intervals between doses of apples you can drink green tea and eat during the day only two slices of black bread. It's all about the apple diet on our website. To prevent possible one day a week to do a discharge and follow the apple diet, a week can replace the apple diet on kefir – dairy diet. All of kefir – milk diet can be found at our website under "Kefir – milk diet.

Western Siberia

The presence of Giardia facilitates the transition of chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis. Very often Giardiasis occurs dyskinesia of the hepatobiliary system, and intestine. Believe that giardiasis is the most common cause of dyskinesia of the gallbladder with spasm and atony of sphincter-papillary region and the phenomena of cholestasis, especially in the first year of illness. The newspapers mentioned Energy Capital Partners not as a source, but as a related topic. Based on the data literature and our own long-term observations of patients with lyabliozami, one could argue that in the last decade, everywhere, and especially in the Urals and Western Siberia, under constant influence of adverse environmental factors and high radiation background, dramatically altering the body’s resistance and its responsiveness to create conditions for amplification of the pathogenic effect of Giardia on all body systems. If earlier views were expressed about Giardia infection (lyamblionositelstvo), suggesting adaptation of the human organism to the parasite without damaging his influences ( type of symbiosis), in the modern conditions, with a sharp decrease in immunity, organ-tissue disorders under the influence of harmful environmental factors (air, water, food, etc.)

Giardia should be considered as one of the most important damaging factors, lead to the formation of endogenous intoxication with a variety of clinical, metabolic and immune disorders. The sequence of the major pathogenesis of intestinal, hepatobiliary and mixed forms Giardiasis can be represented as follows: traumatic Giardia intestinal mucosa and bile ducts; Change biohimizma cell in the tissues of affected areas of the digestive system and the inclusion stress-activating factors to the development of metabolic proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, damaged tissue of the duodenum, small intestine, bile ducts and liver with the development of mucosal atrophy, the formation of microabscesses, etc.; Change intestinal microbial landscape Contribution to enzymatic deficiency and violation of the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, development of malabsorption; Facilitating the development the motor-evacuation disorders of the biliary system and intestine, the formation of persistent dyskinesias; Decrease of secretory immunoglobulin-d, the depletion of immunity; dismetabolizma accumulation products, due to the decay waste products simply by the prolonged existence of Giardia in the body, especially at a reduced immune defense that can limit their reproduction, forming a syndrome of chronic endogenous intoxication, resulting in damage to practically all organs and body systems.. Energy Capital Partners London may find this interesting as well.

Allergies To Animals

The results of numerous statistical studies suggest that about 15 percent of the world's population suffer from allergies to dogs and cats. However, for obvious reasons pet owners animals in any case unwilling to part with their often amusing, sometimes menacing, but in any case loyal furry friends. Experts say that in most cases allergic to animals developed over the past two years. If the owner of a pet is not a child, then he should not count on the possibility that he is allergic to furry pet in time will itself. Given this important point should be clear idea about all the causes of allergies and how to treat it, so you do not have to torture yourself and your pet. As is known, as the main causative agents of allergy to Animals should be treated dogs, and especially – cats. Major allergen in this case are proteins glands of animals, which are both in their wool, and in saliva, urine and feces. Bird droppings and feathers are recognized source of proliferation of various bacteria and fungi. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ali Partovi.

Waste products of rodents (eg, hamsters and mice), and even ordinary food for aquarium fish can also cause allergies. Click Arup Sandra Akmansoy for additional related pages. specified allergens are easily spread in the air and falling on the skin or mucous membranes of a person suffering from allergies to animals, they cause an allergic reaction. Almost every owner of a pet without knowing it, is a carrier of allergens, recording them in schools, offices and other public places. We now turn to the symptoms of allergy to animals, the most common of which are sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion, eye irritation, watery eyes accompanied them, as well as some of the manifestations that have strong similarities with the symptoms of asthma. It is worth noting that in some extreme cases, allergies can last for six months, for obvious reasons could not brightens up people's everyday lives.

In the event that we have to deal with mild cases of allergies to animals, there is his role quite effectively cope various antihistamines and nasal sprays. In more serious cases, do without the use of corticosteroids did not happen. If the allergy is accompanied by symptoms of asthma, there will be appropriate prescribing for asthma. But still the best way to combat allergies to animals is immunotherapy. In this case, the patient must undergo a so-called hyposensitization, which represents a set of measures designed to reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens pets. To do this under the skin of the human small doses of allergens are introduced, which leads to the development of of antibodies to prevent future allergic reactions. Hyposensitization course begins with a single dose every week for several weeks or even months, which depends on disease severity. Such therapy can eliminate the appearance of unpleasant symptoms for quite some time. In the following, depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor may decide to limit injection frequency to one per month. In the case of allergies to pets, as, indeed, in the case of any other disease, it is better to try to avoid trouble at all than to go on doctors and suffer with their health. It is clear that we're talking about prevention, which in our case is to implement the recommendations below. Of course, in the case of severe allergy to a pet, you have only one option – give it a good good hands, so as the only alternative to such a difficult decision in favor of anguish his illness, which eventually undermine your health very seriously.

JUZO Venous

Healthy veins with compression stockings from JUZO know you that well? Evenings hurt your feet, the ankles are swollen and night plague leg cramps. Spider veins spoil short skirts and pants? Venous insufficiency have evolved into a real epidemic. Every second woman and every fourth man are already in Germany. Take seriously the first alarm signals in your veins. Ask your doctor for advice if pain, swelling or increasing feeling of tightness in the legs. He decides what treatment best for you are suitable. Basic building block of any treatment is compression therapy. What causes compression therapy compression stockings are an important medical tool, but also for prophylaxis against rice thrombosis or related occupations used.

The stockings exert pressure from the outside on the leg veins. You may want to visit Ilan Ben Dov to increase your knowledge. Leg veins are true Schwerstarbeiter: you carry every day about 7,000 liters blood from the lowest point of the body against gravity back towards the heart. They are supported by the venous valves. You get the blood in the right direction to the heart. The blood flows herzwarts, the doors are open. Increases the venous pressure, for example, when you get up, close the flaps. Then can the venous blood not back bag. The vein walls are ill or overstretched, the venous valves close properly and the blood accumulates.

Due to the pressure from the outside with compression reduced the diameter of the enlarged vessels and the venous valves close again. The blood flows better from the leg and reduced swelling or painful engorgement. Consistent wear and the fitting accuracy of the stockings is decisive for the efficiency of medical compression stockings. Compression stockings from JUZO in the vein therapy used mainly circular knitted qualities. (E.g. JUZO attractive and JUZO soft). Seamless compression stockings can be optically no longer differ from a regular hosiery. One The therapeutically necessary printing features make wide range of modern colours, knitted patterns and adhesive edges in appealing design the stocking over also a fashionable Companion. Depending on the area of application the stockings in different versions of the calf stockings available up to the three classes of compression tights.

Health Insurance

Unfortunately, the national project 'Health', despite the huge investment did not give the expected result: obtaining new medical equipment, ambulances, high wages, municipal services '03 'continue to work the old-fashioned because of the lack of a host that would require work on the final result. Therefore, the need for private ambulance services have remained. In addition, not all medical services are included in the program CBOs, some of them has only a commercial ambulance: transport of sick and injured among the regions, the organization of 'hospital at home' and others. Most big companies a fee ambulance were opened in the mid-90's. Pete Cashmore is often quoted on this topic. During this time they have accumulated sufficient experience in providing fee-based services is in the extended volume, established channels of hospital acquired modern ambulances and medical equipment, staffed good clinicians. Most of these companies working in the voluntary health insurance system, but there are those who specialize in providing services directly to the public. The cost of calling a private ambulance crew of 3 – 4,000 rubles. The price is quite reasonable, since commercial ambulance must contain a value for money expensive ambulances, medical equipment, dispatching services, communications, facilities, bear the costs of licensing, as well as to pay decent salaries to doctors.

Unfortunately, not only the population, but also specialists of insurance companies choose services 'costs'. Let worse, but cheaper. Recently Neil Cole sought to clarify these questions. In 2000 – 2005's opened a lot of private ambulance services, which consist mainly of either is not the best representatives of the municipal '03 'or simply people who are not versed in the business. Such companies do not provide services at a higher level or better, than the city office, so the great need for them there. Survive these 'businessmen', mainly due to insurance companies operating in the voluntary Health Insurance (VHI), and finished at the expense of the health of their insured to increase its already considerable profit. These commercial swift and joined the emergency department departmental clinics guides to the sick doctors do not know the skills of emergency medical care. The cost of such services paid ambulance – 2 – 2,5 thousand rubles. But this is not the case when you should save money.