Linguistic Facilitator

Many professors think that to teach grammatical rules he is primordial and if they forget the fact that the pupil already has domain of only says and is enough that the educators of Portuguese Lngua (LP) attempt against for the text studies, what he will make with that the pupil is in contact with the grafia of the words (orthography) and as the same ones if they interlace (agreement) and regency. 1 INTRODUCTION This work has for bedding to present, based with theories, the importance of the Lingustica in the pertaining to school scope, a time that, in accordance with the done interview to the pupils of the third year of Average Ensino of the state net of education, the majority showed that not wise person did not know and the meaning of this theory that has as study the said language and its variants. Through the interview one perceives that it has one confusion concerning Lingustica and Gramtica, where, many people think that both are identical, thus not knowing diferiz them. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. Knowing that the said language is the first contact of any individual with the way where the fence, it would have, therefore, to have relevance in the schools? that they are only worried exclusively in teaching rules. This emphasis given to the Grammar, as much in didactic books? what present many rules to be decorated, how much to the proper professor? that it does not search to innovate and/or to renew the education methods to work in what the educandos or any person have domain: it says it. To construct and To interpret texts require a previous knowledge on what it is being written or interpreting had to the fact of that, does not interpret or writes on any unknown subject..