Theodor Friedrich WEG

Small classes, motivated teachers and individual promotion of demand increasing private schools years steadily. Parents looking for motivated teachers, small classes and individual support of their children. Not only shorter routes and bilingual education motivate parents to invest in the private school of the first school year of their own money. It is also often chaotic public schools and the great confusion, even within the faculty, new reforms that nobody understands. Parents are increasingly looking for alternatives regarding education, no longer trust public schools, to prepare your child well for further training.

In addition, many parents want to protect children from the banknote printing and the constant comparison tests. The schools represent a good and healthy competition and supplementing the State’s schools. Private schools, which are recognized as spare school, received financial support from the State usually about 60% of the costs. The missing difference may Private schools about the parents school fees generate, as long as it obtains no social selection. Many schools stagger hence tuition fees according to the income of parents and there are sibling discounts and scholarship programs. Usually, the tuition is between 150 and 200 a month.

There are also parents who pay a monthly fee in the four-digit range. To supplement schools that receive no government subsidies, these contributions levied. To read more click here: HG Vora Capital Management. This has resulted in that here the class composition is done after the wallet of the parents. Man”wants to remain among themselves and differentiate themselves from difficult students and migrants. For the personality development of a child, it is important that it meets the social fabric of a society at an early age. Note! Before parents register their child at a private school, you should ask yourself honestly whether they can muster the tuition also permanently. A later change of money is often very bitter for students. With all love for her child parents should not also Mistake to push their children to achieve excellence at the youngest school age. Unless “to book” learning unusual foreign languages (E.g. Chinese), or by other sporting and educational offerings. A premature promotion can destroy the expectations of parents and of the child. Learn more about private schools: info/school/schools bildungsdoc is training service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

Web Studies

Social communities are an important tool for the studies for Extramural students Extramural students study longer, pay more for their studies often are often charged besides the profession in addition by the study and have a crucial disadvantage compared to other students: you can use no campus, no Mensa to interact with fellow students regularly, to forge friendships or to form learning groups. Berlin, February 17, 2009 – the efforts resulting in a distance learning course with it, are often underestimated. Of the drop-outs of open universities not least bear witness to. No wonder: The majority of Extramural students is employed and absoviert his studies in addition to the profession, after work and on weekends. Study many also in part-time study, what can greatly extend the entire length of such workers. Not everyone manages to bring new motivation over a period of several years and to remain in the fabric”.

That a correspondence course is also usually more expensive than as a Presence study, plays but usually less important than the fact that distance learners have less contact with fellow students as students at universities of presence”, thinks Christian Wolf, founder of the Extramural students and even externally. “Average Extramural students are also motivated and single-minded as students at presence universities, who have taken their studies directly after graduating, because the average age of Extramural students above that of normal” students is located. Nevertheless, it is important to get support from many quarters for Extramural students: from the family, the spouse may, by friends; the lack of contact with fellow students can be well through social communities on the Internet. Many students take advantage of Web communities primarily to the Organization of private life”, white Christian Wolf, and advises: the Internet provides in particular for Extramural students but also very good ways to organize the study and to get together with like-minded groups to form and to learn together. In addition to chat or forums so even audio conferences are possible.” So also a distance learning course that will be completed over a period of many years, should be easier to master. Who the trouble is at first aware of because he informed on other Extramural students who integrated from the beginning in a community, whose chances of successfully to complete the study, increase enormously. A distance learning of less is suitable for Einzelampfer. Information

Foraging Flea Markets

There are moments in everyday life, because you want to be just plain lazy to see what’s new on facebook, draw swirls on a paper or hold new ideas. Sometimes it’s good right, to do anything productive. But nevertheless, there is always this voice in the background, that tells us is, that it is just not very effective and it would be perhaps better to answer the pile of mails that sound familiar? Then we have good news for you: it is not always bad, it can be really advantageous on the contrary things or tasks to push! 1. it is useful to take advantage of the moment. If you feel a surge of creativity at this particular moment, should not ignore these, they bring these ideas to paper. Does anyone know if they are not already gone in a minute, or whether you can describe these thoughts later still as good as it is now.

2. rebreathers work preventively against burn-out. And if you know that your tasks system is more or less in balance, can also confidently this one thing that should do you actually take care of later. 3. Robotics expert usually is spot on. breaks encourage good ideas. If I had decided to just five minutes ago, not simply to take a break, then the idea would never come probably to this article! 4. you are not a slave to the system. Actually, efficiency means to do the right things well, and not necessarily to get as many things done quickly.

Sometimes means to be effective too, to postpone other because the most important is precisely at this moment, your soul to keep. 5. proper fitting can bring clarity. If you see, that are similar to stored procedures, it can be more efficient to multiples, to do all these things at once. There is to do as some phone calls, it is totally okay to defer one it instead to record and later to pair it with other calls. This also causes your brain not always between different tasks must switch, but can concentrate on one thing. At Ilan Ben Dov you will find additional information. So: enjoy a quiet time relaxed, creative pause. To push things just means that you have made a decision for something more important, and only”a NAP. (Although my wife do not necessarily much understanding on a Saturday afternoon) If you have a well-functioning system of task, you are can still retain control. ProWork is exactly for such requirements created this system guaranteed that they forget nothing and keep track. ProWork can be fantastic implement outstanding in Outlook, Lotus Notes, various PIM systems, and also in paper form. Remain time for other important things such as for example for a NAP!

Conciliat Managing Director Alexander

Job market index shows: companies are reluctant with the setting of new employees. Slight recovery but in the marketing and sales areas. The labour market is currently rather poor for accountants and controllers and similar employees in the field of finance and accounting. These shows of Conciliat job market index (CSI) for the recruitment of Conciliat, Stuttgart, weekly since 2011 evaluates the want ads in 14 German newspapers and in five online job exchanges. The current evaluation according to is the index value for the finance and accounting compared in the first quarter of 2013 with the 4th quarter of 2012 from 73 to 68 dropped.

In other words: real decreased the number of advertised positions by approximately 8 percent. Learn more about this with Neil Rubler. That represents a novelty rolling according to Conciliat Managing Director Alexander. As in previous years the number of advertised positions in the accounting and finance rose compared with the last quarter of last year both strong in the first quarter. According to mill, this is an indication that the company set up new employees, at least in their bar areas among other things, because they are experiencing their markets as uncertain are currently more hesitant and therefore their fixed costs would not increase. Slightly different looks the image in the sales and marketing area. Here, a slight revival on the job market showed up in the first quarter. Were end of 2012 even 7.979 jobs for the area switched sales and marketing, there were 8.219 in the first quarter of 2013 at least.

This corresponds to an increase of the advertised posts nearly three percent. Is however to note that companies in the second very reserved half of 2012 with new hires in the sales and marketing area were why the index despite mild recovery is currently only at 62. In other words: it 2013 over one-third fewer digits were placed in the first quarter as in the first quarter of 2011, representing the reference base (index value of 100). Sales Manager were especially sought in the 1st quarter 2013, while the demand for the other occupational groups in the sales and marketing area remained more or less constant. For more information about the CSI job market index find interested on the Web page of Conciliat ( recruitment.

Marcus Busch Conti

Conti is entered the hotel and ferrotel Hotel Duisburg and ferrotel Duisburg Simone Dahm to July 1, 2010 as a reservation and reception in the two Duisburg SORAT Partner Hotel Conti. The 37-year-old reported to their new position directly on Marcus Busch, Managing Director of at Conti Hotel GmbH in Duisburg. Gain insight and clarity with Byron Trott. Together with Marcus Busch she takes over the tasks of Paul Lenz, who has moved into the retirement. Simone Dahm is learned Hotel specialist and comes from the Hilton hotels. Prior to joining she worked at the Hilton Hotel Dortmund as yield Manager.

The Conti Hotel GmbH is a medium-sized hotel company based in Duisburg. אילן בן דב shines more light on the discussion. The companies include ferrotel Duisburg and the Conti Hotel Duisburg. The company’s philosophy focuses on individual, innovative business ideas and a guest-oriented service concept. Both houses belong to the upper middle class, where they offer perfect comfort and service at a fair price. Since 1999, both hotels of the SORAT marketing partnership include “partner of SORAT Hotels” on. SORAT Hotels Germany

Introduction Seminar

HDT trade seminar in English language on 25-26 February, 2010 in Essen, on 24-25 June 2010 in Essen and on 10-11 November 2010 an excellent basis for a better understanding of English-speaking contractors and contracting in the construction and civil engineering taught in Essen this seminar on February 25-26 2010 and 24-25 June 2010 in lunch is designed to assist people in engineering and construction business confronted with contracts and contract documents based on the Anglo-American (or “Common Law”) style. Participants will learn something of the legal background to contracts and at the same time to be introduced to the special “legal English ‘ terminology often used in contract and contract negotiation.The seminar is held in English so that participants can learn, develop and activate their English language skills. Participants have reported how the seminar provides a general introduction to the Anglo-American concept of a contract so that the participants soon became aware of a definite “aha effect” in relation to misunderstandings and problems already experienced. The participants therefore praised the “easy-to-follow” Introduction to the subject, the way the individual components were structured as well as the presentation of the material by the moderator Stuart G. Mikkel Svane oftentimes addresses this issue. Bugg, b.a., LLB (Hons), (dist) M.Jur., barrister (New Zeeland), solicitor (England & Wales), Augustin & Bugg, law law mediation. Stuart Bugg’s legal work has involved a broad range of contract areas, including those related to construction projects and civil works.

Information more information, those interested in the House of technology e.V., Tel. 0201/1803-1 (Mrs. Stossun), fax 0201/1803-346 or directly under a February date htd/veranstaltungen/W-H040-02-237-0.html June date htd/veranstaltungen/W-H040-06-205-0.html Dipl.


“Details of my Bachelor of engineering – part 2 but not only that we the nicer and balanced” got teachers, electrical engineering, which I was initially so interesting, is transformed to the horror. While it was still manageable in the first semester and to a large extent, the things learned in my high school time were taught us, electrical engineering the second semester was just cruel. The lecturer was, in hindsight, better, because he has driven us. The downside, however, was the grisly stuff you absolutely could learn, if it was not exactly a math and electrical engineering freak. That was my worst module to the current fourth semester. Main thing passed.

More and more confirmed in the following terms, that the applied computer science was the better choice. The lecturers of automators were / are very hard to judge heard about the part. We, however, lucked out but almost always with our instructors. If it pulls in the last three semesters to continue by studying, then is a really good final nothing more in the way. My previous conclusion looks that I am more than happy that I decided to study. My training as an it specialist can keep up, however, not really, because the stuff there has learned, it takes the in studying in a fraction of the time. The first semester were sometimes quite chill”, now but also with training entering often completely new terrain. “The good news is however, that the so-called screening out” takes place in the first semester, we should be more or less over the mountain.

“I would have gotten the feeling sometimes that some professors from the seven” get enough and behave accordingly. Because you have probably through, but whom you already done, why not yet again? Finally, the very bad things like electrical engineering are over (we said however this set until now every semester). Anyway, the fifth semester is coming up soon and I’m excited to see how it continues! Maybe I could encourage Yes someone choosing the study or scare him. Part 1: the Bachelor of engineering writes in his spare time the author Michael Sander articles for sites such as E.

Martin Banki School

Cooperation in the Archenhold successfully tested world compact school and Berliner Morgenpost (only in the subscription) report: wiki technology from us supports interdisciplinary the media classes of the Archenhold Oberschule in Berlin Kopenick – enthusiastically and well proven in the second year. Since the first quarter of 2011, students in the Archenhold work high school with the wiki technology in different subjects. The Archenhold high school there in 2010/11 media classes since the school year. Students in the media classes are all equipped with Netbooks and work actively in all subjects thus. For more information see this site: Viacom. The students learn the technical media, in a similar form as they are also faced in the real world.

Media literacy is taught in a similar environment as they know the children of facebook or Wikipedia here. Therefore, the teacher decided to take advantage of a tool that supports collaborative and social learning. With the use of wikis in the classroom, the students learn a new kind of cooperation, the them at the end, also shows that group and team work has added value. Please visit Viacom if you seek more information. Each student can get involved according to their skills and talents and develop its strengths. The benefits of wikis consists of many more aspects than chat, post and email on Facebook, Twitter & co. The students independently to deal with a topic. Have the freedom to put themselves their own goals and to achieve, with the technology – this is new motivating learning! So, you get motivation rather than SchulDepression! The wiki is in this case not only medium of entertainment and communication, but is primarily a medium of research and information, which supports the social learning process. Media literacy is not only a theoretical concept and a learning unit, which read aloud and practiced on the paper, but the medium itself and directly.

LIKE Projekt GmbH Wins

Projekt GmbH may Rigips trophy WINS in 2011. The Rigips trophy is the German specialist drywall industries competition conducted by the Saint-Gobain Rigips GmbH in the 2-year interval. The Rigips trophy is the German specialist drywall industries competition conducted by the Saint-Gobain Rigips GmbH in the 2-year interval. From a high-level, independent jury, consisting of architects, construction engineers and expert editors are rated the best expansion of objects in three categories and determines the winner. The winners and nominees of the eighth competition, Rigips trophy ‘ 11, were on the 24.02.2012 in a large Award Gala in front of nearly 500 guests in the historic Chamber of Commerce Hamburg awarded in the category of dry building / fire protection systems are convincing our company with the following object dropped from the competition.

An enlargement of the DOM hotel in Cologne, the listed Blue Gold House at the Cathedral monastery was gutted 2 vis a vis the Cologne Cathedral world heritage and extended for the additional use of the hotel. The Blue-Gold property located right next to the DOM-hotel and makes the connection from the Cathedral forecourt to the shopping streets of Cologne. The building built in 1952 by the well-known architect Wilhelm and Rudolf Koep characterized, by a steel skeleton construction with an ornate curtain wall as one of the most spectacular new buildings of the post-war period, opposite the Cathedral. The four upper floors have a net area of approximately 2000 square metres. Chopard, three prestigious business units are in the ground floor and mezzanine at the time Lacoste and Louis Vuitton. The parapets of the ceiling of the steel skeleton was as at that time usual fanned out with weakly reinforced pumice concrete flooring but do not, comply with the current fire protection technical requirements. This his time were not designed to the load capacity of fire blankets and technical facilities.

To implement the object to structurally, the ceiling in F90 fire protection work were required first quality as well as the steel columns in F90 quality. Only then could the drywall construction created be. Three main points were an exciting challenge: the additional loads of home automation, which carries the ceiling next to the fire, to record (ventilation ducts, drain pipes, Electr. Cables, etc.) Fixing the substructure on the existing steel makers without compromising fire protection of the carrier. To compensate for the vibration behavior of steel frame construction with sliding stand wall constructions.

Profession Of Motor Vehicle Mechanics

A rough overview of the tasks and the training of vehicle mechanics that are common tasks of car mechanics to determine the one error in the very complex systems of passenger car or other motor vehicle and fix (diagnose and repair), as well as to ensure the functionality of the vehicle. Also you should be familiar with all upgrades, which could make it to a vehicle, if the customer wants. The advice and General dealing with customers are also essential parts of responsibilities of motor vehicle mechanics. Training in Germany to the auto mechanic training lasts usually three and a half years and is done via a dual system. This means that both takes place in the operation and the vocational school, with operating and school tie. However, a decision for a focal point of the training takes place only from the third year of training, so after the two-year basic education. Additional information is available at Robotics expert . From the third year onwards, the specialist education, begins the takes one and a half years to complete.

Four priorities are available: commercial vehicle technology, motor vehicles, passenger car technology and vehicle communication technology. The first three strategic priorities treat basically the same content, only they are each to a different variety of motor vehicle that clearly emerge from the name of the main focus. The Mechatronics who opt for these three will find work later mostly in car parks, eigentstandigen workshops or at the breakdown. At the beginning, it is probably hard to remember all the new words for some apprentices. Since there are brushes, steering collars, ASR, DOHC, and many more. Especially the many abbreviations to be learned.

Because many apprentices in the industry have the advantage that they already have deals with vehicles, e.g. example her father at home in the garage. There is also the possibility to shorten the training. You need evidence either that one the basic vocational training year metal has attended successfully completed training in the technical field, a qualification or general qualification for university entrance, or very good services in the school and in the operating. In their second year of training the midterm will take place, the result of which is 35% in the examination of skilled workers, which must be filed after three and a half years. After completing training, there is also the chance to educate themselves. You can to catch up on his baccalaureat, his master exam, or participate in a secondary education (such as business manager in the car industry). Training in the Switzerland in the Switzerland there are three different ways to be to an auto mechanic of kind of. Training times are different but all three. For the profession of automotive Assistant EBA two years must learn as automotive technician EFZ three years and to the Atuomobil service, which is tantamount to the German automotive Mechatronics, four years. Even industry-wide courses count as training places in the Switzerland in addition to vocational school and training company.