Call Center Strategy

Technology strategy can take many forms. In fact, if your database to work is small enough to exclusive one-person, based on a computer and an integrated phone and possibly a simple excel sheet. The important thing here is the strategy. Before technology strategy. Now, if your database is several hundreds or thousands of records and the clients themselves have different options and make multiple transactions in relatively short periods, it must rely on the many tools that modern Call and Contact centers currently offer day. Implement CRM and marketing strategies one to one, is an obligation of any company that wants to survive in the competitive market today.

Customers are increasingly demanding and want to be treated in a timely, flexible, personalized and intelligent. Perhaps this is the reason that the contact center industry has developed into a breathtaking pace. 72% of American companies use the system either internally or via outsourcing. In the United States 11 million people, equivalent to 6. 1% of the economically active population work in call and contact systems centers. In Mexico and are 23. Bogota 000 centers and approximately 300 companies already have their own system.

Education On Cultural Diversity

In it subjects are congregated for the first time in the history of the MEC as Alfabetizao de Jovens and Adultos among others subjects of cultural diversity, facing the existing injustices in the systems of education in the country with the objective to contribute for the reduction of the educational inaqualities in special of young and the adults in public politics that assure the access the continued education. 2. THE EVASION OF YOUNG AND ADULTS A CHALLENGE TO BE SURPASSED 2.1. Official site: Ali Partovi. The Education as Practical of the Freedom Pablo Freire approaches in its workmanship the Education as Practical of the Freedom, the Brazilian Society in Transistion, Society Fechada and Democratic Inexperincia, Education Versus Massificao and Educao and Conscientizao. In the first one topic of the book Pablo Freire comes approaching the question of the transistion where the country passed that it was a difficult period very for the same, the author emphasizes the question of the relation that the man stopped in the world, it relates the characteristics distinguish that them from another animal sphere that fights for its individualistic survival detaches that: We understand that, for the man, the world is an objective reality, independent of it, possible of being known, is basic that the man, being of relations and not only of contacts, not only is in the world, but with the world.

To be with the world results of its opening to the reality, makes that it to be the being of relations who is. (FREIRE, 2009, P. 47) What one perceives that has a plurality in the relations of the man with world that from the moment that the man longs for something for itself it stops a constant fight, a challenge starts in the relations where the man establishes a plurality in its singularity. Another boarded question for Freire is that the man is to be unfinished that whose fullness is found in the linking with its creator, linking this that never will be of domination or domesticao, but always of release, because the human being is born exempts and it cannot never be mentally ill the ideology of ruling class.

Brazilian New Cinema”>Coast Hiss Jnior SUMMARY: The present article was requested for professor Breitner Tavares, as avaliativo instrument of disciplines Classic Social Theory, and if it considers to relate some traces of the known Brazilian cinematographic movement as New Cinema and the concept of social representations considered by sociologist mile Durkheim in its workmanship the Rules of the Sociological Method. In way to sharpen the reflection about the seventh art and its consequence in the society, they will be correlated, some elements proceeding from the research of thinkers as Walter Benjamin on the art and the existing logic in the cinematographic images, of Christian Metz in its studies on language of the cinema, amongst other researchers that had carried through studies on the Brazilian New Cinema. Leaving of the idea of that sociology observes the cinema as a tool of representation of the different social realities, it will be made, at first moment, one briefing description of the cinemanovista movement and its followed antidogmtico profile of an analysis of sociological matrix where we will argue the social representations. Words keys: Social representations. Cinema.

Sociology. INITIAL CONSIDERAES This research present as thematic a reflection on the social representations and the known Brazilian cinematographic movement as New Cinema. Leaving of the estimated one of that the cinemanovista movement, with its vanguardista and innovative style, has acquired a place of prominence in what says respect to the construction of a social reality specifies, will be made a bridge of linking with the concept of social representations, which initially was characterized by mile Durkheim in its workmanship the Rules of the Sociological Method. The first theoretician to use the term ‘ ‘ representations sociais’ ‘ he was the French sociologist and father of modern Sociology, mile Durkheim.