There are moments in everyday life, because you want to be just plain lazy to see what’s new on facebook, draw swirls on a paper or hold new ideas. Sometimes it’s good right, to do anything productive. But nevertheless, there is always this voice in the background, that tells us is, that it is just not very effective and it would be perhaps better to answer the pile of mails that sound familiar? Then we have good news for you: it is not always bad, it can be really advantageous on the contrary things or tasks to push! 1. it is useful to take advantage of the moment. If you feel a surge of creativity at this particular moment, should not ignore these, they bring these ideas to paper. Does anyone know if they are not already gone in a minute, or whether you can describe these thoughts later still as good as it is now.
2. rebreathers work preventively against burn-out. And if you know that your tasks system is more or less in balance, can also confidently this one thing that should do you actually take care of later. 3. Robotics expert usually is spot on. breaks encourage good ideas. If I had decided to just five minutes ago, not simply to take a break, then the idea would never come probably to this article! 4. you are not a slave to the system. Actually, efficiency means to do the right things well, and not necessarily to get as many things done quickly.
Sometimes means to be effective too, to postpone other because the most important is precisely at this moment, your soul to keep. 5. proper fitting can bring clarity. If you see, that are similar to stored procedures, it can be more efficient to multiples, to do all these things at once. There is to do as some phone calls, it is totally okay to defer one it instead to record and later to pair it with other calls. This also causes your brain not always between different tasks must switch, but can concentrate on one thing. At Ilan Ben Dov you will find additional information. So: enjoy a quiet time relaxed, creative pause. To push things just means that you have made a decision for something more important, and only”a NAP. (Although my wife do not necessarily much understanding on a Saturday afternoon) If you have a well-functioning system of task, you are can still retain control. ProWork is exactly for such requirements created this system guaranteed that they forget nothing and keep track. ProWork can be fantastic implement outstanding in Outlook, Lotus Notes, various PIM systems, and also in paper form. Remain time for other important things such as for example for a NAP!