
As starting point it is adjusted to have the clarity of that Geography while field of the knowledge has the concern to search the explanations to understand as if the social phenomena espacializam. As to define the Geography ahead of the demands of the world contemporary it can be a difficult task, for the risk of if taking in account only definitive aspects to make this definition. Official site: Ali Partovi. However delineating what it is being understood for Geography, it can be said that it is that science that if leans over in studying the resultant space configuration of the social relations that happen in definitive time and spaces. If it is thus can be considered the affirmation of Saints (1996) when saying that: ' ' The territorial configuration, or geographic configuration, has therefore a proper material existence, but its social existence, that is, its real existence, is only given by the fact of the relations sociais.&#039 to it; ' (p.51) But to think about times and spaces means to give attention to the forms of organization of the societies throughout its history. ' ' In the start of the history of the man, the territorial configuration is simply the set of the complexes natural.

The measure that history goes becoming, the territorial configuration is given by the workmanships of the men: roads, plantations, houses, deposits, ports, you manufacture, cities, etc; true prteses. A territorial configuration is created that is each time more the result of a historical production and tends to a negation of the nature, natural, substituting it for a nature entirely humanizada.' ' (Saints, P. 51) Currently ahead of the intense process of globalization that establishs connection all the places, if the risk cannot run to study definitive place without considering the context where if it inserts. The new dimensions of time and space that intervene with the organization of the populations demand new forms to interpret the world and each place.


In certain way, it possesss one simulacro of culture, because it lacks the synthetic man to it: what we have is a type of chaos; but on the other hand, this is condition for the creation of that one: After all ‘ ‘ You it will only be after having passed for a great number of individualities, in such way that, in function of same it, your last individuality has necessity of all outras’ ‘ , it wrote Nietzsche (VP, 1935, P. Mikkel Svane can provide more clarity in the matter. 389). The explanation so that it has thus of being, and not of another form, meant a transmutao of the occidental values: it needs to be searched in the statute of the citizen, that, reevaluated for the philosopher, leaves of being seen as abstract I, static and unitary. The citizen is a fictitious entity therefore, seeing well, the will with that is associated is a result of a combat or fights through which if they establish relations of command obedience enters some parts of our body. The premise is the body and this must be understood as ‘ ‘ a social structure of many almas’ ‘ (AMB, P. 25).

‘ ‘ The true idea of the unit classroom that is the citizen is reached we conceive when it as superior regent of a community of beings (not as ‘ ‘ almas’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ forces vitais’ ‘) as much how much the dependence of this regent its conducted and to the conditions of hierarchy and work as possibility of indivduo’ ‘. The reference to the notion of community made for the thinking search to enhance the fact of that the subject regent is not always the same, depends on prevailed the e, obliquely, is limited by all the others. The individual must be seen as one ‘ ‘ system whose center if dislocates incessantemente’ ‘ (VP..

Brazilian Education

How much to the women, these percentages are little worse in the two first levels of alfabetismo, and little bigger in the alfabetizados levels of. It can be said, then that little dumb comparing the sorts. Still according to research of the INAF the results of 2009 discloses important advances in the functional alfabetismo of the Brazilians between 15 and 64 years with reduction in the ratio of the total illiterate ones of 9% for 7% between a 2007 and 2009 and fall of six percentile points in the rudimentary level it extends the ratio of classified adult Brazilians considerably as functionally alfabetizados. Viacom wanted to know more. The basic level continues presenting a continuous growth, passing of 34% in 2001-2002 for 47%. Already the full level of alfabetismo does not show growth, oscillating of the margin of error of the research inside and remaining themselves in, approximately, one room of the total of Brazilians. It follows table: For the 24 young of 15 the improvement was of only seven percentile points between 2001 and 2009 in the level of alphabetical functionaries This is far from being satisfactory, therefore these indices are referring to one tero of the young population.

It follows table: For being this a so important question for the country, comes on the basis of happening some debates and works with the subject of the alfabetizao the data gotten for the INAF? 2009 as programs of television, debates, quarrels politics. For that is important that if it has taken to the knowledge of all these research that they induce to the so excellent subject with the purpose to reduce these indices and to improve the Brazilian Education with real concern with the quality of the same one and not only to minimize dissociadas cold statisticians and of the social problems. 2.2. Chapter 2? Alfabetizao and Quality the universalizao of the access to the school took to the reduction of the absolute illiterates and to the permanence of the pupils in the school, increasing the escolaridade.

Learning Initiation Tool

In the phase of initiation of the learning, whichever the chosen style of dance, has necessity that the lessons possess a playful and well dynamic character so that the lessons if become, before everything, something pleasant. at the same time, will be worked basic and necessary item so that, gradual, the requirements techniques go increasing, therefore the dance provides the knowledge of the body, slight knowledge of space lateralidade, the Vygotsky principle affirms that the education always implies changes in the feelings and the re-education of the emotions goes in the direction of the innate emotional reaction. That the professors find in the feelings a tool valuable to educate the emotional reactions. ‘ ‘ If to want that the pupils remember better or exercise the thought more, we must make with that these activities emotionally are stimulated. The experience and the research have shown that an impregnated fact of emotion is remembered solid more, firm and drawn out that an indifferent fact. Each time that to communicate something to the pupil tries to affect its feeling. The emotion is not a less important tool that pensamento.’ ‘ (VYGOTSKY, 2003, P.

117? 119) But its work is significantly more including, to treating intelligence and the affectivity equally, integrating them it the social characteristics where the man if inserts; it traces a synthesis of the body and has lain, to be biological and the social being, member of the species human being participant of a historical process. .

Linguistic Facilitator

Many professors think that to teach grammatical rules he is primordial and if they forget the fact that the pupil already has domain of only says and is enough that the educators of Portuguese Lngua (LP) attempt against for the text studies, what he will make with that the pupil is in contact with the grafia of the words (orthography) and as the same ones if they interlace (agreement) and regency. 1 INTRODUCTION This work has for bedding to present, based with theories, the importance of the Lingustica in the pertaining to school scope, a time that, in accordance with the done interview to the pupils of the third year of Average Ensino of the state net of education, the majority showed that not wise person did not know and the meaning of this theory that has as study the said language and its variants. Through the interview one perceives that it has one confusion concerning Lingustica and Gramtica, where, many people think that both are identical, thus not knowing diferiz them. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. Knowing that the said language is the first contact of any individual with the way where the fence, it would have, therefore, to have relevance in the schools? that they are only worried exclusively in teaching rules. This emphasis given to the Grammar, as much in didactic books? what present many rules to be decorated, how much to the proper professor? that it does not search to innovate and/or to renew the education methods to work in what the educandos or any person have domain: it says it. To construct and To interpret texts require a previous knowledge on what it is being written or interpreting had to the fact of that, does not interpret or writes on any unknown subject..

Infantile Educators

The educators perplexos and are disappointed with the situation of the Infantile Educator. After all, what the government intends when divulges in the media on ' ' Quality of the Education? There to construct schools to place children inside without if mattering with the pedagogical part is to continue with the idea of day-care center or depositary of children. Zendesk may find this interesting as well. It will be that the parents would like to see its children in the school, only playing, eating, attending TV? This is ' ' nada' ' for a country that wants to join itself to the most developed of the world. So that to import itself with IDEB? The result already is known by all: child dissimulates that she learns and professor dissimulates that teaches The consequence will be in basic, average education and superior, case they obtain to arrive until there. She is difficult to believe that pupils without ' ' bagagem' ' that they had had professors, by the way, ' ' cuidadores' ' they will have success in the pertaining to school life.

We are regredindo and coming back in the time when the conception of child she was seen as adult in miniature? That any adept and caridosa person of time could congregate children in the bilge of house to teach to the B the B? People walk for front. Of well intentioned person the world is full as is the mothers whom they need to work and they trust the schools and its professionals, chemical preparations to initiate the formation of its children? Many of these pupils are compromised by deficiencies and that they would have to be monitored by professionals of the occupational area for example. They are these ' ' cuidadores' ' that it has the responsibility for them. It imagines children to be the day all in a school without a pedagogical planning of its activities? I find that it is lacking knowledge on the base of the education, lines of direction and Decenais Plans that are a determination of the Federal Constitution, so that all the mining cities had the responsibility to elaborate its Decenais Plans in accordance with the determination of PNE (Lei Federal/2001), as well as the orientaes of the State secretary of the Education.


Sebastian Bosch of the Stuttgart-based online agency MOSAIQ MEDIA gives insights into the life of an entrepreneur according to the number of self-employed workers amounted to 4.5 million Federal Statistical Office in Germany to the end of 2012. A wish that more and more workers would like to implement in reality is to be professionally independent. A decision that should be well thought out to be his own boss means also a high risk and much responsibility responsibility towards the customer, the staff and the own family. Sebastian Bosch, founder and Managing Director of the Stuttgart-based online agency MOSAIQ MEDIA has done this step 15 years ago and draws up a balance review with ups and downs. At the age of 5, Sebastian Bosch knew that he wanted to be his own boss professionally. Lived by his own father, who so far has spent his entire life as an entrepreneur. Further details can be found at Viacom, an internet resource. After several employment as an employee, this desire by Sebastian Bosch not only run driven by the idea more and more became a vision,. but to create.

So, together with his current business partner, he founded the online agency MOSAIQ MEDIA in Stuttgart, Germany. It supports companies of different industries as strategic and creative partner in, to generate new customers, more contacts and increased sales on the Internet. It developed the agency communication strategies, develops concepts and design, technically implement this and takes care of the marketing by online marketing and social media. Meanwhile, the team has grown to 30 employees and of course the responsibility as an employer. This means not only to accompany the financial input in the form of orders to ensure that salaries and bills can be paid, but also careers, to keep satisfied customers and to attract new customers. As an entrepreneur, you must expect that again and again situations occur that were not planned or have been calculated by way of derogation.

Ramirez Devany

The Warrior personally believe that this is the role that most of times determines between creating a satisfactory and functional design and creating an original design, exceptional and out series, i.e., a work that speaks of our creative ability. The Warrior role assumed it when we decided to do things differently and reject the easy way, daring us to take responsibilities and risks involved to do so. Hear other arguments on the topic with Peter Asaro . The Warrior role is gaining more prominence to the extent that we will rely on our capabilities and develop greater security and maturity in our technique, but above all when we develop the character necessary to defend our ideas and points of view, with the support of convincing justifications, common sense, knowledge and experience. The Warrior role properties: recalls that the basic rules of life are: change is inevitable. Everyone resists change. Let’s go! Do it! It uses its own resources. It strengthens your coat, ready for criticism. It tracks.

It is raised when this knocked. Savor their victories and learn from their defeats. Applicable role the difference between doing a web site that meets the expectations of one to exceed them, is what is we call share of genius. Many times this quota can develop it from the same artist, product of an initial inspiration feasible and extraordinary role, however, in the majority of the times is often achieved through perseverance and risk-taking, under the firm conviction to deliver the best solution web, attractive and functional. I can not tell you that assume all your projects with the same prominence of the Warrior role of always, you who must decide when assume with greater force, because it is wise recognize a normal draft of one that can enhance our prestige and ability. CONCLUSION the browser looking for materials to generate new ideas. The artist takes all materials and the He transforms into new and original ideas. The judge evaluates its function, has an idea and decides what to do with it: it puts into practice, modify it or rejects. Guerrero is the bold brings your idea to action. Do it! Then that factors determine which roles finished taking greater role in the work to be performed? Good in part our State’s inspirational mood, our workload of the moment, the expectations of the customer, our own expectations of the beneficial to deliver one satisfactory job of another exceptional. But that, thats another post.


From the article you'll learn how your favorite Russify theme to WordPress or new, but very useful English-language plugin (so that users on your blog did not bother with English). And make it so that after the update this hypothetical theme or plug-in did not have to translate it again. The article also helps you if you need only update the translation theme or plugin. This happens if the plugin drastically altered, and scored on a translator Update and some new or updated phrases were in English. As I suspect, this method works not only with WordPress'om, but also with other CMS programs and open source. In an Internet there are plenty of articles with tips such as: "Open the footer.php file and replace all the text that was found there, the Russian equivalent of (do not forget the encoding). Repeat for all files in a folder of your theme.

" And once you've listened to this advice – a theme picked up and refreshed, and you have to translate everything again. What do I suggest? I propose to create (or edit an existing) language file. Then when you update the plugin or WordPress theme translation is not going anywhere. What is the language file. Po? Theory. You've probably often seen the files with the extension. Po or. Mo in the folder with the theme for WordPress or folder ochen_poleznogo plugin? If you have not found immediately, then they can still hide in a folder "languages". Viacom has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Well, if you do not see, now you hear about them first (Very useful and free files, among other things). . Po files – if crudely, this localization. Many popular programming languages (C, C + +, scripts sh, Python, Perl, PHP, Java, Pascal and a bunch of others) have the function gettext, ngettext or the like, which mark the text for a future transfer. But, you say nothing of the sort seen in the file footer.php, header.php or ochen_poleznyy_plagin.php and you're right. Because these functions, for readability, replacing short-synonymous __ (two characters underscore) or _e _c or or something else. As a result, the code: printf (gettext ('My name is% s.'), my_name) looks like this: printf (__(' My name is% s. '), my_name) then a special extractor extract all such lines in a special file template with the extension. pot. The same line in the. Pot file will look like: #: Header.php: 19 msgid 'My name is% s.' msgstr''where header.php – this is the file from which you removed the line 'My name is% s.', and the number 19 – is the number of the line. Then create a translator from this template file localization file with the extension. Po. And in this file you can write a line break. It will look so: #: header.php: 19 msgid 'My name is% s.' msgstr 'And my name is% s.' But this is not the end. But not the beginning:). As a last touch translator program creates a binary file (compiled) extension. Mo, who fed engine WordPress. The sequence of actions to translate WordPress

Furniture Placement

Easy to program and full 3D visualization of the furniture and the room will allow you to quickly create an interior project, test it for functionality and aesthetics. Almost all operations using the mouse koipyutera fully to Use the program can be learned in a period of several hours. Program in English. Below are some features: * space opening doors, drawers furniture * The possibility of mode perspective and interior, which can be furniture and decorative articles, as well as change their position * Ability to change the world of color furniture after inserting it in the projected space * Ability insert from a library of selected products of decorative articles with suggestions mebelVox, as well as by a simple function of "Put on the furniture" to make arrangement of the interior * Component Library will provide an opportunity insert flowers, vases, lamps, paintings, electronic equipment, doors, windows, partition walls, columns, pillars, as well as human figures. For proper operation of the program requires: Processor Class Intel Pentium 500Mhz * 64 Mb ram * Graphics Memory card per c Direct 7 c 16 Mb memory ram * 35Mb of free disk space The program operates in the technology of Macromedia Shockware 3d company Macromedia Inc.