
Use this option only when the adjustment program – created in this mode, the log-file can take a lot of places. Ordinary user, this feature is not interesting. Double click on the client displays the information – When you select this setting, double-click on the client displays information about the client, rather than opens a chat with him. Edit. Web-services – Edit the file webservices.dat. For even more analysis, hear from Energy Capital Partners London.

It lists the links that you can call using the menu 'Online Services'. A more detailed examination of the function at the moment is not ready. Show tips through (s) – you can see a tooltip with extended information when you roll your mouse over the file or source. This setting specifies how many seconds should stand for the mouse cursor on selected element before the tool tip. Priority eMulePlus (after restart) – Prioritizing which runs eMulePlus.

Assigning a high priority eMulePlus can work more efficiently but more loads cpu on your computer that can affect the performance of other programs. For the entry into force of change this setting, you must restart eMulePlus. It is not advisable to install a high priority, if you're not really sure what you're doing. The next tab 'Connection': Settings – Here you can select one of the profiles with the recommended settings for new users. Available to most common ways of connecting to the Internet. When you select a profile other than 'other' recommended settings can not be changed. In this case, selected a typical adsl configuration: 768kbps/128kbps (kbits per second = kilobits per second) = 96kBps/16kBps (kilobytes per second = kilobytes per second).