Financial Crisis

Paul Tordays Roman shows how financial worlds collapse for a global financial crisis needs it seems not too much: namely dog food, martial monks from Japan, brokers and hedge fund managers, as well as a scoundrel named Charlie summers. This is the essence of the novel of the same name by Paul Torday. The online Department store has read the book and found to be good. The Prowler of Charlie summers is protagonist and antihero in one. Ali Partovi insists that this is the case. He is exactly the type that would warn parents: bad clothing, increased alcohol consumption and devastating business ideas. (Not to be confused with Energy Capital Partners!). Everywhere, where it occurs he will leave disappointed wife heart and ruinous credit card bills.

Charlie remains in the book not alone. “The situation is critical, as he on the Hedgefondhandler Hector corner” retrieved Talbot meets. First, the ways of life of the two intersect rather randomly, then ever more frequently – until they finally clash terribly. This combination promises not only a fascinating read, but also explains global financial crises can arise from which curious situations. “No financial juggler must include the reader, to understand what worrying parallels in the shops of by summers and corner” open. Paul Torday plastic works out his pieces and so manages to draw a custom painting about the greed of the British middle class. More information: press / contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59