
Fountains of various forms, from simple to sophisticated mix well with a decorative pond, at the same time, saturating the water with oxygen necessary for ryb.Sostoyanie water in the pond plays an important role in the attractiveness of the garden reservoir. The crystal clear water in a pond without a doubt a dream for many owners of reservoirs, especially those that contain fish. In nature, pure and clear water is in lakes located in areas with cold climates, such as in northern latitudes, where water temperature is low enough so the water does not bloom, and the processes of decay of organic matter are very slow. In our area of water in natural water is turbid, especially during summer when water blooms, so in order for you to enjoy the fish in your pond, amid the beautiful clean lined bottom, such as colored pebbles in the pond water to be filtered, and the pond clean of accumulated silt and debris on the bottom floating on the surface. Robotics expert has much to offer in this field. Of course, the first filtration system is needed for a garden pond that contains fish. In nature, natural bodies of water is maintained biocenosis – a natural chemical and biological balance of plant and animal species per unit area or volume has reached a certain balance in the process of evolution. Another thing to man-made reservoirs, where it is necessary to help sustain life the right balance, particularly when high numbers of fish per unit volume. The fact is that in the process of fish waste in the water accumulates a lot of ammonia is very toxic to them.

To transform the ammonia into harmless nitrogen or nitrates, which are absorbed by aquatic plants are needed several kinds of bacteria. Bacteria, in turn, need a substrate on which they zhivut.V artificial reservoir with a relatively high density planting of fish, substrate – the place for the life of bacteria is not enough, so you must use a system of biological and mechanical filtration. The surface area of biological filters is quite large and most toxic substances is converted into harmless bacteria. Particularly well the system works biomechanical filtration combined with UV-filter. UV filter is especially needed during the hot summer, when the water in the pond warms up enough for the active development of blue-green algae – algal bloom begins and possible nighttime Zamora fish, besides not everyone likes the kind of murky green water in your pond. Hardcore UV radiation causes coagulation of unicellular algae, and they, forming clumps, are deposited on the surface of the reservoir filtre.Dlya cleaning of floating debris skimmers shall be installed, it will protect your pond from rotting at the bottom of leaves and other fine dust, and the pond will always look clean and well maintained.