Wooden Houses. FAQ .

Tree – one of the most ancient and traditional building materials, combining both sufficient strength, various textures, aesthetics, excellent thermal insulation and environmental cleanliness. By the same author: Leanne Marchevsky. Wooden house suitable for all climatic conditions, so the construction of wooden buildings can be built on the territory of Russia. What are advantages of wooden walls? Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity, so if the house was not heated in winter, warm it up to comfortable conditions possible for several hours. Wood recreates the healthy microclimate in the house, excess moisture quickly leaves the room. The walls are made of wood light-resistant.

They can be to build a pier foundation or foundation "floating bars". Wooden walls can withstand an unlimited number of cycles of freezing – thawing, but because their lifetime can exceed 100 years. Which wood best suited for building homes? Most comfortable for the sanitary-hygienic requirements (including those due to its low thermal conductivity) are bruschatye and log walls of coniferous trees. Conifers the breed is more suitable because they have more regular form the trunk and less susceptible to decay than the deciduous. Which wood needed for building log walls? This forest is necessary to "bring down" in winter, when wood will be dry and easy to handle. Calculate the minimum diameter of the logs on the basis of the relationship: for each degree of possible frost in winter – 0,8 cm diameter logs or timber thickness. Thus, north of Moscow logs should be 20-25 cm in diameter They definitely need oshkurit, or under the bark will collect a variety of parasites.