I love advertising! I’ve always said that advertising is more important than the product or service you sell, and rightly so I say. You can have the best product or best service. You can give your customers a unique experience that separates you from the competition and can be excellent in customer service, but if you do not do advertising, no customers. Simple, right? However, advertising can be divided into 2 parts. One is when you’re the customer. That is, pick up the phone, send mass emails and pray that that client will choose you and not to competition. When looking for, you’re begging.
You are exposed to “no” the customer. That I do not like. Neither do you. The one I like best is the strategy to make customers come to you. What I call “Pull Marketing”. “Pull Marketing” is a strategy that you sow in the market and is the client who sees you, raise your hand comes to you pre-qualified and with a mind more open and ready to buy, thank you positions towards him as an expert. This is the best strategy.
It is constantly used to capture an average of between 50 and 100 daily readers of my newsletter strategies, is present, on vacation or sleeping. Here are three simple strategies “Pull Marketing” for you also fill your business customers. 1. Write articles I have written about 250 articles. 250 articles over these four years as Marketing Queen! Writing articles position you as an expert, magazines and newspapers will publish and potential customers when they see your articles published, they come to you prequalified with a more open mind to buy. After all, people buy from the experts and all experts write articles. 2. Write a book My book form this coming out in March 2010. Why do it? I do not by sales or by the money that I earn it. The real reason is that when you write a book on the subject that you cover, the book gives you fame, an aggressive free exposure in the media are invited to seminars and workshops and opens the door to countless unimaginable sources of income. Finally. Writing a book is your gateway to financial freedom easily. 3. Make strategic alliances exist in your market companies that are your potential customers. An example is a landscaping company. This makes alliances with a real estate firm. Advertise to the customer list and split the profits. In my case, I’m making alliances with other experts on the subject I will cover in my next book. These experts have lists of potential customers, promote my book and I will draw without paying a cent in advertising to hundreds or thousands of people. With these three simple strategies “Pull Marketing”, achieving what many would do with the cost of advertising on traditional advertising, pray and wait for customers to come. So do “Pull Marketing” from now on.