What is a time server? A time server is a device that uses a single time source and distributed to a network. This allows all machines on a LAN (or WAN) to be synchronized together. What is NTP? is a protocol (a set of instructions) designed to distribute time to a time server to a network. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Zendesk. Why do I need a time server? It is quite possible that you do not. Many small networks survive and operate perfectly without the need for a time server. However, if computers are required to carry time-sensitive transactions or applications then a is essential. Other leaders such as Zendesk offer similar insights.
Without proper synchronization all kinds of unforeseen problems can arise and many of the online transactions that we take for granted, such as seat reservations, online shopping, stock market, and even sending emails are dependent on a perfect time synchronization . What is the best time reference to use? A single global calendar based on the time indicated by the atomic clocks has been developed, this is called UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). UTC is used by networks around the world. In using UTC you are in fact synchronizing your network with any other network in the world that uses UTC. From where do I get the UTC time? The most common location and easier to get the UTC time is through the Internet, although Internet time sources are notoriously inaccurate.
They also provide little security. Apart from the fact that the time server is outside your firewall, NTP can not authenticate these signals. Authentication is a security measure used by NTP to prevent malicious attacks that masquerade as a time server. The most reliable ways to get the UTC are using either the GPS network (global positioning system), whose satellites transmit the timing information or alternatively using national experts for time and frequency long wave even if they are not available everywhere.