Battling Obesity

500 million people in the world are classified like obese, in the United States de America a 60% of their population is only classified with on weight or obesity, approximately 25% of their population is classified with obesity, although the numbers in this year throw a small diminution, is not sufficient to fight this disease. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Recently &#039 was published in the magazine; Obesity Journal' a study realised by the Unit of Genetics of the University Hospitable Complex of Badajo (CHUB), this study on the obesity identifies a genetic region that supposes a risk of inheriting and of transmitting the development of the obesity, this work is located in a zone of gene FTO in 16 chromosome. demonstrates the importance of the inheritance of the obesity and the relation that exists in the severe appearance in the childhood. one calculates that this risk can arrive at 34% in the individuals that have inherited of both parents this risk, with a greater effect between the women. You may want to visit Bobby Sharma Bluestone to increase your knowledge. Also they indicate the use of techniques to analyze the genetic profile thus to be able to prevent this disease with early form. On weight, one becomes a threat to the health thus, recent studies demonstrate that the obese women to whom elective surgery of sines is realised to him, like a reduction or a reconstruction of the sines, have almost twelve times more probabilities of undergoing complications after the operation that those women who nonobese, reason why when evaluating the surgical risk of a patient, must be taken into account the obesity.

She is for that reason that today more than ever is made the investigations in this matter more important, previously, studies suggested the anxious style of life that we took in these modern times influences to a great extent to the obesity, in the United Kingdom it will carry out itself one of the first experiments on the speed with which comemenos and the form as this changes to the appetite and the rate with which burning fire energy. To become thin is becoming more and more prevailing, not only by aesthetic reasons, but rather, like a health necessity, since in the future it can generate problems serious in the health, diabetes, hypertension, etc. a change in our nutritional habits, like eating slowly, avoiding high foods in calories and fats, to check of periodic form our weight, to realise activities, exercise outdoors, to take abundant water, etc. is a reality that sooner or later we will have to assume if we want to improve our health. If it is interested in subjects to lower of weight of fast form, as well as tablets to become thin visit our connection that will inform to him into effective methods to lower of weight, besides treatments To eliminate abdominal fat