Ayurveda – Knowledge Of Life

Ayurveda – the ancient Indian system, which considers man as a part of nature. The word "Ayurveda" is derived from the words in Sanskrit means "life" and "wisdom, knowledge, leading to perfection." Literally translated as "Knowledge of life." It is the science and practice, including methods of physical, mental and spiritual development. For many centuries, during which the Ayurvedic principles of life thoroughly tested for generations, have proven their solvency and of utmost importance. One possible reason for the renewed interest in Ayurveda all over the world is that people are looking for a system of healing body and soul, which would involve the consumption of as much as possible smaller amounts of chemicals with side effects. Ayurveda recognized by the World Health Organization, it is – the subject of modern medical research. Check out Kip C. Cyprus for additional information. The aim of Ayurvedic treatment is to balance the internal energy and to give people the opportunity to lead a happy and healthy, and socially and spiritually successful life.

Man creates his health or sickness daily activities. The system Ayurveda so-called body has not only material but also immaterial form, not visible to human eyes. Ayurveda – the treatment of the body, affecting the level of mental and emotional. If you have read about ISearch already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Where a therapeutic effect provides great peace of nature and the "hands that heal." In ayurvedic system of approach to each patient individually and based on its constitution and psychophysiological parameters. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of prevention of disease, rejuvenation of the body systems and increase life expectancy.