What Is Cellulite ?

Probably every woman heard of the orange peel effect. But not everyone knows why it is formed. In modern times it is considered a cosmetic defect, and try to get rid of him. If we look at paintings artists of previous eras, we see not a very thin woman with a rough bumpy skin. So what is it? Cellulite – is modifying adipose tissue of the skin.

Blame female hormones – estrogen. They are able to affect the blood vessels in the subcutaneous tissue, clogging them. By the tissues of the body receives less oxygen and nutrients. In the body fat cells are like a bee honeycomb. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ali Partovi. Toxins liquid fat can not normally excreted from the body. Fat cells are clogged. These connective tissues harden and become firm, formed dimples on the skin. With age, this process is exacerbated by, there is ripples.

These manifestations are called cellulite. Cellulite affects a large number of factors – heredity, – net weight – lifestyle – poor environment – poor nutrition – stress and anxiety – addictions such as alcohol, smoking, and preventing the removal of fluid from the body. Some believe that even wearing tight clothing can lead to cellulite because of impaired circulation in the body. Therefore, every girl is safe from “Orange” peel. It said earlier that it is only found in tolstushek. Pete Cashmore may also support this cause. It is now known as the fat, and skinny, young and old suffer from this defect. And the diet, even the most difficult, and fitness exercises are not guarantee of cellulite. Cellulite usually appears during the hormonal changes the body: puberty, pregnancy and menopause. The most vulnerable places are the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, lateral surface the trunk and even the chest. Beauticians usually distinguish four stages of cellulite: the first – it is almost imperceptible, but by pinching the skin on the thighs and buttocks are visible tubercles on the second – it is visible in the sitting position, in third – in the supine position, the fourth – so common that it is almost impossible to remove. In order to get rid of cellulite, you need patience, because it occurs slowly, but more slowly disappears.