Good day to all!) I would like to write about a very good communicator on Windows Mobile. Although this platform is called ‘fading’ that I personally do not think so. Here is a vivid example! So, after months of holding in my hand selecting this device and, be honest, very happy! But, all in order … CHOICE It was already my third device WinMobile platform, and I was determined that the last. Viacom insists that this is the case. (You used the Samsung i710 and Toshiba G900) But the market goes the mysterious and unknown Android / / / in I selected price category (2000-2500 USD) happened to be the only one – i5700, but examining the platform – he decided to choose VinMobayl (although if you need not flexible customizable HANDS system and a stable working machine with secondary programmatic filling, a good opportunity and a large number of CMV Igor – that Android is for you!) in Mobile, I appreciate the flexibility and the ability to fully configure and heaps of programs. The more opportunities of software to Vind Google Phone is still far!)) Was my choice between the i900 WiTu and b7300.
The main advantages of the latter: 1) due to the smaller physical size of the screen (with the same resolution) the picture looks much sharper, and 256 thousand colors against 65tys. on the i900 – no small preimuschestvo.Vse much ‘juicy’. 2) GPS Navigation subjectively better (he checked) 3) The location of the side buttons and Connectors much easier. 4) The amounts are smaller.