Primary Agriculture

However, Oak & Kaniski (2000) understands that from dcadade 1950 another sector, the Quaternary, on emerges to the information and acomunicao (to see Table 2). However, these sucessivossetores of the economy predominant for one had been determined time, perdendoparte of its importance from the innovations of science and the technique. Primary Osetor already was predominant, using most of the one hand-of-obraocupada, answering for the production of most of the wealth, however, evoluoda science and of the technique it makes to emerge a new way to produce established naproduo in series and mass, through the use of machines and tools. It is aemergncia of the secondary one, that it gains importance predominating for some tempocomo hegemonic model, bringing in its bulge, the specialization detrabalhadores, the discovery in new ways to produce energy, etc. Thus, such model, by acting tambmcomo man power economizer, is suppressed by a new nocomrcio established paradigm and in the sector of services, the tertiary one. Now the activities of maiorrelevncia make to enormously grow the number of products, merchandises and pessoascirculando.

When the tertiary one if becomes unsatisfactory due to the datcnica advance fed by science, deep changes happen making emergirum new based tecno-economic paradigm in information, that is, in the generation deservios and the production and transmission of the information. Table 2 – The sectors of the economy and asprincipais economic activities. Main sectors of the economy economic activities Primary Agriculture, cattle and extrativismo (on activities mainly to the agricultural way). Secondary It includes the activities industrial Tertiary Includes on activities to the commerce and the rendering of services Quaternary on Activities to the information and the communication Source: elaborated from dadoscoletados in Vesentini & Vlach (2002) and Oak & Kaniski (2000). 3.1. on activities to the setorprimrio In the agreement of Vesentini & Vlach (2002), the older economic activities are the extrativas: the hunting, fishes it and the collection of fruits in the bushes.

Statistical Sciences

The hunger that more than punishs the half of the world-wide population is resulted of me the distribution of income and not of the lack in the production of alimentos.’ ‘ In the first years of century XXI, the production farming world-wide it was enough to feed about 9 billion people, while the population of the planet was little superior the 6 billion. The hunger that more than punishs the half of the world-wide population is resulted of me the distribution of the income and not of the lack in the food production. Numbers sufficiently expressive only demonstrate that the theory does not incase more in the reality where we live currently, but also does not want to say that the problem with the food does not exist. By the same author: Peter Asaro . We have as an excellent example, our proper country that although to have the shelves of the always full supermarkets, I also possessed thousand of inhabitants passing hunger for all the parts. importance of the matter here. .

The Field

Many of these forms of organization of the agricultural space are considered by the author as ‘ ‘ novas’ ‘ between quotations marks because many of these activities, in the truth, are secular in the country, but they did not have recently until economic importance. Therefore author comes happening has certain time according to a great urbanization of the agricultural space, considering that the urbanization in Brazil a so recent fact many of these activities had also not been born of one day for the other, what it moved in the truth was the form of if seeing and if thinking the Brazilian agricultural space that if became an agricultural space penetrated by the urban world with old and new personages, as ‘ ‘ neorurais’ ‘ (professional liberal and other former-inhabitants of the city that had passed, to inhabit in the field) to the side of seated (former-without land) the of that we have called ‘ ‘ without-sem’ ‘ (without land and job and almost always also without house, health, education, and mainly without organization, thing that the without-land already had unquestionably obtained). Project that demonstrates as if gives to the new relations and activities in the agricultural world: CONCLUSION. When thinking the process of industrialization for which it passed the Brazilian space all, we leave many times to consider that the spaces are several, where each one of these absorbed of differentiated form the effect of industrialization. She is necessary to understand that the globalization that also reached the great cities arrived at the country properties for minors who were. If in the urban space these changes of organization if had not given in a more distinct homogeneous way had still been to the occured changes in the different agricultural spaces.

We need then to search new forms of if to understand the agricultural one, where it is possible to fit from the different forms of you analyze each one of the different Brazilian agricultural spaces. When we go to an aboriginal tribe and we come across with a space strong urbanizado, indians using cellular to the times we think: ‘ ‘ indian thing none, they had lost razes’ ‘. Here it is that a question appears: because to think that the globalization process that reaches the terrestrial space all would not arrive at the agricultural space? It fits then as it says it to reply of a chieftain of the Xacriab tribe: ‘ ‘ I can be what you are, but without leaving of being what I sou’ ‘. Such affirmation serves as reflection on the Brazilian agricultural space, that did not leave of being agricultural, however also was not outside of the processes and the activities that had happened in the urban space.