Software Engineering

Summary This article approaches the relation between Engineering of Software and the development of the companies specialized in the development of Softwares, demonstrating the positive aspects of the implementation of its concepts. Word-Key Engineering of software, computational otimizao of results, software, systems. 1 – Introduction We are inserted in a world directed toward the capital. The capitalism reached a status such that directly intervenes with our day the day. The people have its habits influenced for the search of the capital, for personal accomplishment and its satisfaction. Michael Dell may find it difficult to be quoted properly. To reach these objectives in a faster way she is primordial to use to advantage the time in the best possible way. That old one dictated comes with much force at this moment: ' ' time is dinheiro' '.

The time if became the mandator of our lives. Who uses to advantage better it, has better performance and reaches better resulted. Computer science came as the key enters the necessities human beings of agility to the act of being able to reach it. The demand for informatizados resources then becomes increasing in exponential way; as well as enormous if they become the requirements on the desenvolvedor market of digital solutions that become the life of the people more ' ' fcil' '. From there the necessity to give to a counterpart the increasing demand working on of the organizations that supply the anxious digital market implementing techniques, theories, that assist in the attainment of the results. For this we use the Engineering of Software. We can illustrate the situation that engloba the necessity man of rapidity, agility, objetividade and the relation of the digital solutions of the following form: long ago, to search on one definitive subject we needed to read a book; for this we had that to search in a university library, in public libraries, amongst others; we would have that to look for in enormous card indices, classified for alphabetical order, subject or authors; to look the book in the shelf; to find will be available for consultation or loan; when finally reading, could not be that that we were looking for; Today for all this process we can use programs, informatizados systems of search, that in seconds direct in them for the most varied subjects of possible.