With passing of the years people see that although as many conquests, always uncovers that the people which we give value in excess, are the ones that less are imported. It is learned that to make a mistake he is completely human, mainly when forgets cellular on one in the way of a pertaining to school presentation, plus you to remain in the error is completely burrice, mainly when if hurt somebody that if it loves and pardon is not asked for. People observe that those that had created you and had educated you, had forbidden you to leave when you more wanted and you were with anger for such act, those that had said that friend in fact was not a good company, those that had said that boyfriend, not would be good man to namorar, those pessoinhas that they had made you anger when adolescent they complained and you every day to study, if to interest, to make a competition, to make college and to never give up, those where in the hours most difficult of the school they had said that if they could would help you, these yes, deserve its perpetual gratitude and support, these people, deserves its love all, all its devotion. People discover that the time does not recover, and that words badly said do not come back, pain will remain forever. She perceives that the true friends never if go, are always gifts when if more she needs, and no matter how hard they always arrive behind they lament deeply for not being present, and whenever they are for close, they say: ' ' She can count on me whenever precisar' '.
These friends are the ones that deserve the biggest affection. It believes certain things must be valued it possesss while them, and learning does not finish in the first disillusionment that if has in the life. Still it will have a thousand and problems and disappointments. It is prepared for worse, always it desires optimum and always it faces with maturity everything what to come.