It is registered, still, that the visual deficient user will have to press the F1 keyboard key to enter in another screen with diverse options. Keyboard key ESC can if used to cancel any function and, optionally, it can be used the arrows and the options are shown in a menu popup in the proper screen. To choose the desired option, it is enough to pressure ENTER and to clean the screen, bar of spaces is used it. The main advantages of the DosVox are its simplicity, cost and adequacy to the educational reality. It follows below other existing screens in the DosVox system and a Manual that meets in the annexes of the article. The test of the keyboard is necessary deficient it to recognize the position of the alphanumeric keyboard keys and of functions.
Pressuring keyboard key ESC, it again has the acknowledgment of the question: ' ' DOSVOX? what you desire? ' '. When pressuring the letter ' ' A' ' (after the question ' ' DOSVOX – what you desire? ' '), they are informed by the system: ' ' Number of archives in this directory: xx' ' ' ' Archives: it uses the arrows to select, later uses a keyboard its opo.' ' From this moment, using the arrows are said one by one the archives of the system. The games aim at the entertainment and the learning. ' is set in motion using a keyboard the option; ' J' ' followed of a letter that represents the abbreviation of the game. Utilitarian the general purpose one helps in the daily tasks. ' is set in motion using a keyboard the letter; ' U' ' followed of a letter that represents the utilitarian one that he will be used. Each utilitarian one is opened by the program, using a keyboard first letter with ' ' leitura' ' of each item for the sintetizador of voice of the program.