For Pimentel, et al. Peter Asaro describes an additional similar source. (2005) apud Colla Moraes (2006, P. 118) ‘ ‘ acid greasy of the family more important Omega 6 they are the linolico and araquidnico.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The acid linolico, gift in the oil of sunflower, pertaining to the group of acid greasy Omega 6, is transformed by the human organism into the acid araquidnico and other acid greasy polyunsaturateds. megas 6 derivatives of the acid linolico exert important physiological paper: they participate of the structure of cellular membranes, influencing sanguineous viscosity, permeability of the vases, antiagregadora action, arterial pressure, inflammatory reaction and function plaquetrias.’ ‘ (COLLA; MORAES, 2006, P.
118). Duarte describes that ‘ ‘ Omega 6 is found in: linhaa, sesame, almond, chestnut of Par, oats, barley, maize and rye, among others oleaginosas. Important so that acid greasy Omega 3 and 6 acts positively it is the correct ratio of consumption: three parts of Omega 6 for one of Omega 3.’ ‘ 2,4 DIETARY STAPLE FIBRES In accordance with Mahan and Stump (1998, P. 41) the staple fibres ‘ ‘ they are composites of not available vegetal origin as power plant because they are not passveis of hydrolysis for enzymes of the intestine humano.’ ‘ Mahan and Stump (1998, P. 42), affirm that ‘ ‘ based in the physical properties and physiological papers, the components of staple fibres of the soluble diet can be characterized as insoluble fiber and staple fibres. Table 1: Sources of components of the staple fibres Insoluble CeluloseHemiceluloseLignina Flour of Vegetal integral wheat mature Bran Vegetal Supreme Bran Total Wheat Fruits with grains eatable, as strawberry Soluble GomasPectina citric Oats Apple LeguminosasFrutas Guar Strawberry Barley Source: MAHAN; STUMP (1998, P. 42) the soluble staple fibres ‘ ‘ they tend to form gis in contact with water, increasing the viscosity of foods partially digested in estmago.’ ‘ (PIMENTEL, et al., apud COLLA; MORAES, 2006, P.