Precise Sharp Print

That detail did not go clear impression may be due to several reasons. I list the main to answer several queries that have brought visitors to my website. These reasons can be grouped into defects of the printing machine defects in the matrix defects in the explanatory matrix defects in the printing defect by the use of incorrect ink 1) The first thing I listed is the stamping machine, the main function of the machines is to determine the exact point arrays in the print, so the defect may also be present by the lack of it. Machines can cause errors in copying if not robust enough to keep the array always in place. Both as to weigh down the matrix, landslides can occur on this side, creating a blurring effect.

The same problem happens if the machine has a defect in the recording stops, and less controllable incomveniente still be the print, if it is stamped with the matrix at hand raised, ie without relying on machines. 2) As a defect in the matrix, we can mention two things: Election inadequate or silk tissue defects in the tension of silk a) The first point is that if we choose fabrics with openings inappropriate for the type of ink used will be produced deficiencies. According to Andy Florance, who has experience with these questions. If the mesh is very open and used a low density ink of the ink will flow out of control and overflow. Instead we use a very tight mesh attempting to use a very thick ink, which will bring us great difficulty passing the ink through the fabric, making use excessive force to stamp or we make too many passes as well, or not will the ink in the right places or pressure in excess overflow.