Market multimedia products on cd and dvd discs, formed in Russia for a long time, so that many buyers simply can not believe that licensed products can be sold at affordable prices. Visit Viacom for more clarity on the issue. But, nevertheless, Manufacturers have long appreciated the scale of lost benefits because of the huge, once, the price difference between license and licensed product. The main advantages are not licensed products are low price and the speed with which overlook the long-awaited new items buyers. From this and formed a myth licensed dvd. Many buyers are absolutely convinced that if the dvd movie is little more than $ 100, and comes two weeks after rolling in the movie, the disc can not be licensed. However, at present the situation has changed, the producers are trying as soon as possible to produce new items, and there is no such difference in time yield and price of products. Unchanged remains only the quality. As is known, the number of defective dvd drives in licensing disproportionately lower than, the shadow.
The second, but no less common myth about license dvd drives came out of the desire to reduce prices, with the aim, making a decent competition to pirates. Producers decided to produce licensed dvd movies in two versions. Gift in a beautiful box with 5.1 audio and supplementary materials, and simplified version in plastic box. The difference between these editions, and sometimes lies only in the box, the price and the time when on sale. Usually, the first published version of a more expensive gift. Just a simplified edition may have a sound 2.1.
However, the differences between a gift and a simplified edition only depend on the manufacturer. But, unfortunately, because of years of stereotypes, these actions do not have the desired result. Buyers are seeing on the shelves shops, two variants of the same dvd movie, consider that the difference is that one of them a license, and the other not. Due to the fact that in the minds of buyers ingrained myth that the license disk should cost expensive, many market players use it for their own purposes by installing these products are unreasonably high prices.