BMC messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) – innovative measurement technology “made in Germany” at the present time with high pressure of competition is becoming increasingly important to present meaningful results in a short time. The downtime of a system generated immediately high costs. The long term monitoring of important sizes can often detected early enough and diagnosed problems. The monitoring of production systems is today with the help of PC measurement systems. Check with Robotics expert to learn more. A measuring software takes over the storage, analysis, and evaluation of measured data. A crucial point is that access to data can occur at any time during the monitoring. Technology investor has compatible beliefs. Also, the ease of use of the software is important, because otherwise the program only by specialists is operable. NextView meets these criteria exactly.
The professional software of measurement manufacturer BMC messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) for data acquisition and analysis provides all functions for performing a measurement task, such as configuration, visualization, collection, analysis, and documentation available. The user-friendly interface reduces training time to a minimum. Meaningful results immediately. Through the ‘ MultiScan ‘ function, measurements over a long period of time can be solved over optimally by the total measurement is divided into sequentially numbered partial measurements. For example, NextView daily creates a test file and automatically starts the next part measurement.
This process has the following advantages: 1 the part file is available, even while the overall measurement, is already running for the processing available. Measurement files consecutive in direct is clearly visible that NextView continuously records the measurement data. This is critical for quality evidence: there is not the slightest data loss. 2. a direct comparison of recordings of several days is made possible by the periodic saving easily. 3. analysis of file limits across or over the entire period of the measurement are guaranteed by the “FileTrain” function: NextView depends simply on the part files like a train together, making the part files again a total measurement.