
The progress arrives at the cities that are next the villages, districts and small farms, but leaves its mark of degradation. I remember well, as blossomed wood d? arc or ips in great amounts in the mountain ranges that encircle the city of Guarabira-PB. The landscape and blossoming of the ips, the encantamento and the magic of the flaring green brought as frames of the nature contrasting with the rseo, the purple one, the yellow and the white of our ips. For even more details, read what Mashable says on the issue. It did not pass much time so that the small farm Is Jose, Clean Bush, among others started to be degraded with the arrival of the progress. The urbanization that substituted the forest fires had diminished the practical one of the subsistence culture. In those gone they started in macha slow, the progress that took account of the mountain range with the implantation of antennas for radios and cellular telephony. Necessary if it made, the withdrawal of the vegetal covering so that it was installed from the Virgo Mount, the antenna of the radio Constellation FM.

Exactly thus, imponent wood d? arcs, with colors yellow purple gold and, still calls attention of that, of far they enxergam this wonderful spectacle. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Douglas R. Oberhelman. Units of the species (Tabebuia chrysotricha Standl) Bignoniaceae family, takes the mountain range in great extension. Still today the same culture of subsistence that lesser scale is initiated with the burning, for roados and the yellow transform into acinzentado black. As one was little, the urbanization in the area of the place the mansions, needing itself more times deforestation, to better offer quality of life to that they withhold greaters purchasing power in the region. With the burning the disappearance of the springs will be a reality, without vegetal covering, few eyes d? water resists and dries, leaving part of the agriculturists without water. The pluviomtricos indices, come falling in these areas, exactly that the hidrolgico cycle plays its spare role, with the withdrawal of the forest, this lose a little of its natural balance.