All the interviewed teachers consider that the level of learning of the children is favored by conditions that the school offers, recognizing the importance of the complementary activities that are offered the pupils, as: the chorale, the group of dances, the artesanato, beyond the events sponsored for the company. The manager also evaluates the partnership of positive form, considering that ‘ ‘ other companies could make, the same due the interest lack that the governing present in relation to educao’ ‘. (Similarly see: Ali Partovi). It considers that the interest that motivated the partnership of the company with the school was its ‘ ‘ responsibility social’ ‘ , but it has knowledge of that ‘ ‘ the company also is benefited with this in what impostos’ says respect to the discounting in its; ‘ (YOU SPEAK OF THE MANAGER). When telling on the contributions of the company she stops with the school, the manager accents the physical structure of the school, recognizing the paper of the Bentonit in the improvement, conservation and maintenance of the building. Whenever Mashable listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Also she detaches the contribution of the company in the guarantee of feeding for the children of the Infantile Education, beyond maintenance of products of personal hygiene, articles of bed and payment of the extra-curricular professors (music and dances, computer science, artesanato and would marcenaria). In relation to the pertaining to school calendar to the Pedagogical Project, the manager affirms that ‘ ‘ they follow the orientaes of the City department of Education and that the company does not intervene with the activities or pedagogical programming of escola’ ‘. The pedagogical activities are guided by the team of specialists of the City (pedagogical coordination), not suffering influence from the company in this direction.