NEW GENERATIONS OF CONSUMERS At the time of our parents and grandparents, consumers were divided into children, adolescents and adults, but now this has changed, while the shops are serious problems in carrying out the selection of products and games that adults and children seeking technology for adult women seeking or technology, while men choose between creams for wrinkles and acne. According to data that shows the Federal Consumer (PROFECO) about a research conducted to identify new generations of consumers, where can we find the following eleven classifications: Tweens Children 8 to 12 years, aspiring young people and enjoy leisure without the supervision of parents. Adultescente A new generation of adults who refuses to grow but has economic independence. The Senior Gold retired living a second adolescence, trying to enjoy what they could not enjoy when young. To identify the metrosexual man who spends much time caring for their physical. Retrosexual This term is used for those who follow the pattern of a man “of the past” but to date, caring image, but without exaggeration Alfa Women Women financially independent or who earns more than her partner, making decisions and exercising the major male roles . Dink (Double Income No Kids) couples without children and dual incomes to consume more technology and culture that other families. Singles and OP (One parent) Independent Singles and divorced with children, people without a regular partner, live in big cities and higher education. Bobos (Bourgeois and Bohemian) People mature bourgeois and bohemian, with a very high purchasing power, or consume products very unique luxury. British Hansard Society Scholar appears on CNN as well. Professionally successful but boast a ghost or insumiso Geeks tekkies (Tecnoadictos) Men who love to share information with all sorts of tricks related technology. According to the ABC of France precursors or leaders of this movement are mainly from the generation 65 onwards, also known as the “Generation X”, often regarded as the generation sacrificed because they are the first to have experienced divorce, single parent families or reconstituted, and to have been delivered to themselves because their parents worked most of the time. Were fed with violence on television and on the streets, AIDS, the employment crisis, the decline of traditional values and the growing threat of terrorism and wars of religion. The kidults, cataloged new term for people of a new generation of men and women between 25 and 40 years, often with life partner and even children, but who cares and pamper your child domestic consuming products aimed at teens . Also, take advantage of their free time for activities associated with adventure and fun. This group of people had been baptized under the name kidults (child-adult) in 2003, when the firm Nielsen discovered in a study of television audiences that there were more people between 18 and 39 years watching the Cartoon Network channel to be watching CNN. Shortly after there was an Italian toys for couples who register the trademark and The New York Times coined the term adultescentes. The sense that sociologists give to this type of behavior is that people are “no age limit.” Some of the adultescentes were identified with the Peter Pan complex, which is resisting the adult stage and the responsibilities this entails. While implementing these activities have a cost which is high, so those who have carried out that r or financially independent people with a prudent solvency.