She was considered as a divine punishment and also sight as one carma and the change of the terminology Leprosy for Hansenase was defined by Abraho Rotberg, after the accomplishment of international abrangedor study and enquete, that it occurred in the intention of desestigmatizar to the disease (FOCACIA, 2005) In accordance with the Health department the Hansenase is a infectocontagiosa, chronic, curable illness, caused for the bacillus of Hansen, capable to infectar great number of people for possessing high infectividade, but few adoecem due to low pathogenicity. Its imunognico power is responsible for the high incapacitante potential. It has for etiolgico agent the obligator intracellular resistant Bacillus alcohol-acid, called bacillus of Hansen or Mycobacterium leprae. The man is recognized as the only source of infection, even so has been identified in animals of course infectados (BRAZIL, 2006) Africa and India is countries that constitute the cradle of the disease, although to have possibility of this multifocal being. In agreement its history in the average age, the infectados ones were considered impure by the church and the society, being condemned to live isolated in colonies moved away from the cities. With this they had passed to be considered excluded of the society, practically died. Although these cares, in centuries XI and XIII the disease if expanded violently.
The pandemic was in all Europe, if it spread especially through the soldiers of the cruzades and the traders. The decline of the endemic disease in the Europe occurred from century XVI, attributed the isolation to it of the sick people. However today it is interpreted that the decline occurred in the majority of the European countries due to black, originary plague of India and others that had cut with a scythe the life of 25 million people (FOCACIA, 2005). As it defines the World-wide Organization of the Health, people whom one presents or more suggestive symptoms of the illness, with or without history epidemiologist, requires specific quimioterpico treatment as injuries of skin with sensitivity alteration, espessamento of peripheral nerves folloied of alteration of sensitivity and positive baciloscopia for bacillus of Hansen (BRAZIL, 2006).