– the standard service industries easily & safely replacing the protection of minors or the Altersverifiaktion Web providers. offers no own offerings or content. Dusseldorf, April 01, 2009. The it BBs me! GmbH has today published the identity service portal on the Internet solves the problem with the protection of minors on the Internet as a neutral service to the age verification simply and safely.
Children and young people must be sufficiently protected according to strict German laws against development-impairing content or adult entertainment. Ensuring the protection of minors must ensure the Web site operator itself. is a centralized and neutral standard service that solves this problem for Web providers and offers a legally compliant solution for age verification and identification on the Internet. is industry-neutral and has no own offerings or content. Thus remain the register users to the Web provider with security. You may find Kip Cyprus to be a useful source of information. is easy to integrate and runs (such as known by payment service providers) as a standard service, without requiring the Web Provider binds its own resources or needs to develop its own solution. The registration of the user on is easy and the service can be easily integrated into existing processes. The sales process is not disturbed and optimized the conversion rate with the help of is a standard service for age verification and identification on the Internet. The user can choose between the proof of age with the EC money card or with your mobile phone via SMS-TAN in conjunction with PostIdent select. The Web provider receives a guarantee about the authenticity of the user data from after successful verification. Thus Web provider using are right-secure and online transactions are completed effectively. Up to June 30, 2009, in beta is completely free of charge and is available immediately online. works transaktionsbezogen. No registration fees, no monthly fees and no setup fee will be charged. Web provider can be Register now without obligation and benefit from the pioneering initiative. its me offers all Web providers who register an attractive thank you in April as a partner”for the early integration. The website operator receives more than 50% discount on the transaction fees – for his pioneering spirit permanently guaranteed and forever. After the promotional period, as of 1.7.2009, only 0.09, instead of 0.19 per transaction (plus VAT) are calculated for age verification. for 0.49 (ex-VAT) offers verified data with verified names and addresses, as well as a guarantee of the authenticity of the data.