is co-managed by with an eye for detail and beauty In the first part I pointed out a journey on foot that may take a day or more, extending from the Arc de Triomphe to the cathedral of Notre-Dame (or vice versa), the place for anyone visiting Paris for the first time. many art galleries deal in antiquities, like Of course, the Eiffel Tower also is antiquities to be seen whether or if a first visit to the city, but if you have exhibits a little more time you exhibition can include it in a longer journey. Speak of a possible trip to walk on the famous rive gauche (left bank) of the river Seine.Ramses I rest in his grave over two hundred years, until, perhaps during the reign of Esmendes I, his body was moved to a safer place that also serve as a refuge from other royal mummies. This site turned out to be KV17, where in addition to Ramses I were sheltered bodies of his son and art his grandson, Sethy I and Ramses II. And together, the first three kings of the XIX dynasty reposarian some more time until they became the first to be transferred to the tomb of the cliff of the former Queen Ahmose-Inhapi and then to DB320, in Deir el-Bahari. S.A. This was the works of art destination of much of the pharaohs of the New Empire, and remained hidden for centuries until its discovery in the mid-nineteenth century by the family Rassul Abd, who traffic in much of the objects and even some of the mummies that rested there.
Of all the known mummies of DB320, without a doubt was that of Ramses I, which suffered more ups and downs in recent history. The Rassul Abd el stole the doctor and sold it to James Douglas, who travel to Ontario, to a “museum of monsters and curiosities of nature ‘, to be presented as the mummy of nothing more and nothing less than the beautiful queen Nefertiti.
However, the interest it aroused that mummy was increasing, mainly gallery due to the fact that her arms were galleries crossed on his chest, a posture typical of the pharaohs. Finally, after 130 years in prison that