Professional Edition

Images represent as you would see them with your own eye simple photographs often not nearly reflect the amount of detail that is visible to the naked eye alone. Even high-quality analog and digital cameras fail to absorb all visible lights and shadows, as well as the full color gamut found in reality. The shots vary in hindsight therefore mostly by memories of the scene or the place – this alienation may be under artistic aspect very appealing and desirable. But when it comes to capturing moments (such as vacation and private memory recordings) and the exact reflection of reality (relevant especially for the product and scientific photography, for medical imaging, surveillance systems, architecture, Panorama and nature shots), then this information loss is disappointing and unsatisfactory. The HDR (high dynamic range = high dynamic range) technology offers a solution here. The pictures created in this way come with one uniform exposure, a great wealth of detail and high contrast range on.

The motif classically does to produce HDR images with varying exposure at least three times: once with normal setting and in addition once over – and even underexpose. An image that combines the full dynamic range of absorbed light and details can now be calculated using appropriate software such as HDR projects Platinum. With some new programs, a one shot HDR can be calculated from only a recording: here the missing information is calculated by the software to. Through the multiple shots of the same subject, only stationary scenes can be photographed as this would cause motion blur. (Similarly see: Kai-Fu Lee). Also the camera movements are to be avoided ideally a tripod should be used. In the manufacture of HDR photos can be made a variety of hand, to increase the realistic effect, or to achieve an alienated, surreal impression: for example the partial After exposure of individual colors, color channel blur or light tuner. offers a variety of information, tutorials, entry videos and exposure examples. With HDR projects Platinum, as well as the Professional Edition, there are professional software at hand, with the creation of its own highly dynamic images shouldn’t be a problem more.