III.Ps-Modernismo: It calls the changes that had occurred to leave of years 50 and 60 in the culture of the postindustrial societies as advanced technology, computer science, consumption they are words keys of this period. DEVELOPMENT I.VISO POSITIVISTA IN HISTORY the vises that we have of beginning of the manifestations and sprouting of new ideas and innovations had propitiated the creation of a model of society, based on a system where it integrates a new form consequentemente to make science that came together with the positivistas and marxist models and creating a new chain of thought that were called after-modernismo, through theoretical beddings and the empirical formation, that if it desires to approach in this production of knowledge, backwards I obtain a new form of sees the history based on the analyses of didactic books of I teach medium. According to analyses that had been made in didactic books of Jose Jobson of. the Arruda and Nelson Piletti of the publishing company Stoke 1997 of general history and history of Brazil on the Positivista chain. In this marcante presence can be evidenced operating of the positivista chain in the construction of history for the authors and it is easily visible, for the fact of proper history to always focus the position of a society strict estratificada placing as base the classrooms more favored and forgetting the classrooms less supplied, and in this it was if creating a mentality of ' ' verdade' ' produced for ' ' construction Reals of histria' '. According to VASCONCELOS (2009 P. 43), Ranke believed that history would have to portray the past ' ' as really aconteceu' ' , that is, to separate what it is fact and what is fiction, to incorporate the historical story the Real and to discard the imagined one. At the same time where if it tries to separate real history of fiction, one searchs to question on the purpose of if to construct a new form of if seeing to another source of history, of this form, in what it was evidenced in the authors, is that the mentality is being shaped to the few for the search of a critical and reflexiva history.