Media In the town of Yarumal are available virtually all telecommunications services available from public phones, via mobile phone networks, wireless broadband, browsing centers or cybercafes, IP communication, etc. The leading company in this sector is a subsidiary of EPM Telecommunications EDATEL, so use the trademark “UNE” is also present subsidiary of Telef nica Telecom and uses the mark “Telef nica Telecom.” Both companies provide telephone services, subscription TV and internet access, among others. There are three mobile operators all with national coverage with GSM technology, Comcel (America Movil), Movistar (Telefonica) and Tigo (of the ETB, EPM and Millicom International Telecommunications of Luxembourg). Avantel The company also operates in the municipality providing trunking service, which is done by means of a hybrid between cellular and radio.The town has several channels open signal TV terrestrial channel Teleantioquia regional coverage in Antioquia, and the five national channels: the two private Caracol and RCN, and the three public Channel One, Sign and Signal Institutional Colombia. The subscription television companies offer their own channels. The municipality has for over 20 years with its own television channel, which is now called TELEYARUMAL, and was founded by Bishop William Ruiz, the frequency is tuned to cable system 95 of Telmex. Similarly, the town has several AM and FM stations, with national coverage, most of which are operated by Caracol Radio and RCN Radio, although other independent radio stations in great harmony, as Todelar and Super. In addition, the town also has several local stations. In Antioquia Yarumal and moving two major newspapers: El Colombiano and El Mundo, both with a long career in local and regional levels.Also circulating the newspapers El Tiempo and El Espectador both national circulation.