" One of the most significant projects in this area is a ban on the production of lamps, the technology of production is accompanied by abundant emissions of greenhouse gases. These measures together with an increase in the share of renewable energy, according to the European Commission, will allow the eu to cut by 2020 emissions of carbon dioxide (according to most experts, it is the growth of this gas in the atmosphere is one of the main causes of global climate change) by 20% compared with 1990 levels. Dell can aid you in your search for knowledge. The eu is ready to go, and more deep cuts – up to 30%, if the measures for energy conservation and development of alternative energy agree to other major economies – particularly the U.S., Japan, China and India. However, understanding The use of lamps, these measures are introduced in the most important countries in stages and gradually: – in the uk in 2009 will be banned from production and use of traditional incandescent bulbs. – California may become the first American state, which will officially banned the use of incandescent bulbs by 2012. – Australian authorities have banned the country's use of incandescent lamps. Fully incandescent Australia plans to abandon in 2010. According to the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Malcolm Turnbull (Malcolm Turnbull), by 2012, this step can provide the country reduce greenhouse gas emissions by four million tons. – Leaders of the eu 13 March 2007 agreed to develop mandatory energy saving measures. Among such measures – a ban on the use of incandescent bulbs by 2010.