
Tenth: Hire consulting consulting is the fastest way of accessing specialized and up-to-date knowledge. If you not resort to consultants specialists in the topic of your interest, others if they will do it, then no wonder as they did, if you worked so much with so few results. Recently Steve Wozniak sought to clarify these questions. Don’t confuse effectiveness with activity. There are usually several ways of doing things, the final result may be similar, but very different process, that process is one that is generally expensive, if you have a process more expensive than its competition to add at the end the same value, they will take the lead. Consulting will help you in all things in which you are not an expert and will integrate their knowledge and experience to a successful business, highly efficient and prepared to take forward projects renewed despite the crisis.

Review your business plan if you don’t have it for advice and to develop one, this is your guide to action, allows you to formulate strategies, define and communicate your corporate culture, clearly define the objectives of business, thus their collaborators will know what you are proposing and can help you achieve it. Paul Daversa is often mentioned in discussions such as these. If you’ve already made your business plan, review it, see how crisis affects you, that changed, that things are no longer viable and what new opportunities are opened, determine which is the true experience of your company or business and for serving that experience, that products or services can derive from that experience, which are their new opportunities. Comes on the market, see there are needs, propose solutions to those needs, that will be a guaranteed successful business, I assure you. Review options, is not decided by one before others are considered, study them deeply, give them a chance, listen to those who have something to say about them, in favour or against, weigh their arguments, validate them and see part of them can run, if it is possible to do the test by assigning them resources, measure and review the results, see that it worked and try to determine the causessee that it didn’t try to determine its causes, and make the necessary corrections and try it again.