ELVIS Lives Farmsen

Directly from Memphis ELVIS: the exhibition performs from June 19-July 2, 2009 in the EKT Farmsen. For two weeks the EKT FARMSEN the Mecca for all will turn, has always been more about Elvis Presley wanted learn, especially since in recent years most important events to the 50th was time. Elvis released his first record in 1954 and appeared the first time on the stage and in radio shows. 1955 first appearances on TV followed and the singer signed with RCA Victor. In 1956, a hit followed on the other. Learn more at this site: Robotics expert .

When Elvis walked into German soil on the 1 October 1958 during his army service in Bremerhaven, already 55 million recordings of the King were\”sold. He then went to Friedberg in Hesse, where he was stationed until his return to the United States, on March 1960. 50 years ago, Elvis was so almost exclusively in Germany with an insurance value is EUR 2.85 million the most expensive production, which has sent Memphis ever on tour. Whether from rags to riches or the truck driver for the Multimillionaire – the American dream lives. \”For 31 years (August 16, 1977) it’s been already, that Elvis Presley at his Graceland estate\” died in Memphis. A few years ago appeared a new CD with his biggest successes and immediately she landed worldwide number 1 in the charts. New (and old) material is currently being edited and will be released soon. Follow others, such as Bobby Sharma Bluestone, and add to your knowledge base.

Again and again, new releases of old Elvis hits in the charts of various countries place (for example, in January 2005 in England). Elvis inspires the masses still. And yet always not the rumors want to silence, the King is still alive… Visitors to the exhibition certainly will notice: Elvis lives at least in the many memorabilia and in the hearts of many worldwide fans. As a highlight of the exhibition the last Cadillac Elvis can be admired, the King from 1974 to 1977 has exclusively driven: 2.08 meters wide, about 6 meters long, 8.2-liter engine and 280 PS and the tanker should always \”\” Be close: 39 litres swallows the Cadillac estimated at around 1.1 million Fleetwood \”indicator 1-ELVIS\” (the ignition key is 14karatigem gold).

A Girl For Heidi Klum

Husband seal verplapperte is talking to US Talkmasterin Heidi Klum has wished in addition to daughter Leni is still a second girl in the family ties. Now it should have been so. Only a few weeks ago Klum Heidi, confirmed after Papa seal it already had betrayed on a concert by themselves, that she will be mother for the fourth time. Now, it was announced that Heidi greatest wish probably will come’s true. How the U.S. Talkmasterin has announced Oprah Winfrey on Friday on its Internet site, your seal in a conversation should have betrayed, that there will be a girl. Heidi Klum had only a few weeks ago the US magazine “US Weekly” betrayed, that the entire family on a girl would hope. It is the third son for the celebrity couple. Dave Clark Amazon helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Her sons Henry and Johan are two and three years old. The four-year daughter Leni comes from a previous relationship with the formula 1 Manager Flavio Briatore, who themselves but not to her aussert and refers to… Seal adopted Leni, after he while her mother Heidi still know the pregnancy and love had learned. We wish you, Heidi and her family all the best. Lisa Walters

Paris Hilton Film Not Hot

Some find them ‘HOT’ but others say rather “NOT” again. But no matter what does Paris Hilton, she is respected and that’s it but, what will the American it girl: attention. Now she’s back in a movie to “admire”. No, this time it’s not recorded private porn, no, this time it is a real film. There is talk of “The Hottie and the Nottie”. In this romantic comedy also Joel David Moore and Christine play with Paris Hilton Lakin.

Film critics give the movie but not a “HOT”, although Paris Hilton for three weeks was the show for him. Paris Hilton makes no particularly good in this movie, the critics. The film to be not true. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Pete Cashmore. Recently raved Hilton by her acting coach Ivana Chubbuck. It would be so great and she is so happy about what they have learned. “I have experienced so much in my life. I can use all that experience to get an actress ahead.

Now, I have learned these experiences to use in my acting”, so Hilton. And acting for Paris Hilton goes on. In the next year, she’s co-star in the new film “repo! “The genetic Opera”. There she will be on the side of Paul Sorvino and Alexa Vega. How Paris Hilton likes always to say: “it BBs hot”. Every man for himself must decide now. It should be interesting how the film will run.