Health Risk

In Germany over 2 million people suffer from physical or mental work. In Germany so the latest figures of the Federal Statistical Office suffer from over 2 million people physically or mental work. Then have more than 6 percent of all workers in acquisition-related health problems. While disorders of the locomotor system make up the largest proportion followed by mental illness due to time pressure and workload. Accidents occur much less frequently.

The now published figures come from a survey of 80,000 workers. The background is a supplementary survey to the EU-harmonised labour force survey in 2007. The article in the called “Health risks at the workplace” of the Federal Office of statistics ( provides more information about work-related health problems. In the wake of the financial crisis, many companies their existing health programs run out or canceled already agreed measures in the short term. These efforts are particularly in the current situation Take the health of their employees more important than ever. The fear to the workplace and the missing balance to the professional stress increase the pressure and the attendant health problems for the workers. As a result, an increase of occupational diseases of in particular mental health can be expected in the next few years. This work-specific health and fitness concepts can costs demonstrably permanently through a reduced sick leave. By the way such programs, which are integrated as far as possible in the daily work of employees, make a valuable contribution to the increase of the motivation and promote the team spirit and communication with each other.

Massage For Health

Naturopaths Wolfgang Scholz from Munich-Pasing informed the medical massage is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. In a variety of application areas, it proves that massages can far more than to relax. To fully develop its healing effect on both body and psyche, massage therapists need an intensive multi-year training, which gives them a theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the diverse interactions of muscles, body and psyche. In Germany, the execution of a medically prescribed massage is limited therefore to professionally trained physiotherapists and masseurs. Due to its nature as a healing process, the Munich naturopath Wolfgang Scholz highly all patients of a medical massage, pay attention to the professional qualifications and practical experience of her masseur advises. The effectiveness of therapeutic used massages among the wealth of experience of healers and doctors since time immemorial. Medical massages with corresponding symptoms as a remedy are accordingly by the medical arranged.

In the professional medical massage, five grips in different frequency and intensity are combined to achieve the desired effect on both body and psyche. Deletion, kneading, rapping, friction and vibration cause different reactions in the connected muscles of patients and can properly interconnected, salutary effects develop or support other forms of therapy. Here lies the need for a professional training of masseur. The comprehensive mutual relations between muscle groups and their treatment by measured pulses of contact require a high degree of anatomical knowledge, tactile skills and practical experience. Medical massages represent a particularly versatile remedy and have proven themselves in a variety of indications, such as the spinal column therapy.

Typical is the application of medical massage therapy in the treatment of tense or hardened muscles. This can be treated individual muscles as well as extensive related muscle groups targeted. The combination of muscle relaxation, promote the lymphatic and blood circulation and pain relief through muscle-centered massage therapy has beneficial effects on body and psyche of patients. The modern, burdened by various stress factors everyday, not without a trace misses many people. Energy Capital Partners gathered all the information. The mentally relaxing relaxing massage techniques have proven to cope with burdensome consequences of stress. The Munich naturopath Wolfgang Scholz anytime more information makes the diverse applications of medical massage techniques available.

JUZO Venous

Healthy veins with compression stockings from JUZO know you that well? Evenings hurt your feet, the ankles are swollen and night plague leg cramps. Spider veins spoil short skirts and pants? Venous insufficiency have evolved into a real epidemic. Every second woman and every fourth man are already in Germany. Take seriously the first alarm signals in your veins. Ask your doctor for advice if pain, swelling or increasing feeling of tightness in the legs. He decides what treatment best for you are suitable. Basic building block of any treatment is compression therapy. What causes compression therapy compression stockings are an important medical tool, but also for prophylaxis against rice thrombosis or related occupations used.

The stockings exert pressure from the outside on the leg veins. You may want to visit Ilan Ben Dov to increase your knowledge. Leg veins are true Schwerstarbeiter: you carry every day about 7,000 liters blood from the lowest point of the body against gravity back towards the heart. They are supported by the venous valves. You get the blood in the right direction to the heart. The blood flows herzwarts, the doors are open. Increases the venous pressure, for example, when you get up, close the flaps. Then can the venous blood not back bag. The vein walls are ill or overstretched, the venous valves close properly and the blood accumulates.

Due to the pressure from the outside with compression reduced the diameter of the enlarged vessels and the venous valves close again. The blood flows better from the leg and reduced swelling or painful engorgement. Consistent wear and the fitting accuracy of the stockings is decisive for the efficiency of medical compression stockings. Compression stockings from JUZO in the vein therapy used mainly circular knitted qualities. (E.g. JUZO attractive and JUZO soft). Seamless compression stockings can be optically no longer differ from a regular hosiery. One The therapeutically necessary printing features make wide range of modern colours, knitted patterns and adhesive edges in appealing design the stocking over also a fashionable Companion. Depending on the area of application the stockings in different versions of the calf stockings available up to the three classes of compression tights.

LASIK Germany GmbH

LASIK Germany GmbH offers complete LASIK surgery with follow-up on only two days of Hamburg may 2011. The LASIK Germany GmbH is innovative: from June Dr. Jorg Fischer’s team allows Universitatsallee a LASIK surgery at the weekend. Saturday surgery, follow-up on Sunday and Monday finally begins new life without glasses or contact lenses. Robert Bakish insists that this is the case. Scope of services and price match the previous LASIK performance variants this 100 percent. The LASIK Germany GmbH will offer the new service concept at six sites in Germany. The new performance innovation of LASIK Germany GmbH proves it: A LASIK surgery should not be a problem for patients with full calendar. The reason: From June 2011 patients of LASIK Germany GmbH can undergo even at the weekend a laser eye laser surgery according to modern methods including aftercare.

Dr. Jorg Fischer and the team of LASIK Germany GmbH respond to increased requests from Universitatsallee a LASIK surgery for timing reasons has been so far impossible for expanding their range of services. At the same time eliminates the need now, many of those affected by surgery has held after experience of LASIK Germany GmbH in the past may be precious for the LASIK surgery vacation days to take this. The LASIK Germany GmbH can now offer a convenient, time-saving solution these people, and which can be combined perfectly well with business travel. The performance options for the weekend-LASIK”basically are no different from the previous performance types standard LASIK, comfort-LASIK, Platinum-LASIK and premium-LASIK. The timing of the weekend eye laser surgery is independent of the output option that you selected in any case: after an intensive preliminary investigation, in which the personal suitability for a LASIK surgery is detected, is the intervention on Saturday morning the afternoon can the patient for recreation use. The aftercare program is scheduled on the Sunday morning.

Then the patient can leave the clinic, the verb sufferer weekend relax in peace and from Monday Finally live a life without glasses or contact lenses. To the LASIK Germany GmbH uses the performance extension weekend LASIK”first from June 11, 2011 at the clinic in Hamburg. On the location Oberhausen, the action starts on July 23, 2011, followed by Stuttgart and Munich. At the end of the year, the LASIK Germany GmbH is the non-contributory weekend LASIK”can offer a total of six locations. To find more information about weekend-LASIK, on the Internet at and For a personal initial consultation or appointment, you can reach the team of LASIK Germany GmbH on the free phone number 0800 599 599 9. About the LASIK Germany GmbH and the germany laser vision lasik centers the LASIK Germany GmbH operates the lasik germany laser eye centers of offices in Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Oberhausen and Munich. Founder of lasik germany is Dr. Jorg Fischer, who has 17 years experience in eye surgery. In a lasik Germany laser eye Center will surgery made according to modern practices and refractive surgery procedures, among others with the FEMTO-second laser. “The operators of lasik germany can look back on over 1000 independently carried out surgical procedures per year and thus officially are among the high-volume surgeons” their profession. Headquarters of LASIK Germany GmbH is Hamburg. Dr. Jorg Fischer conducts the business of LASIK Germany GmbH. Contact: Lasik Germany GmbH Dr. Jorg Fischer of high bleach 10 20354 Hamburg Tel.: 0800 / 599 599 9 fax: 040-35017517 E-Mail: Internet:


New findings offer opportunities for personal anti-aging strategies recently headlined a renowned journal for doctors: vitamin-cocktail prolonged life. What had happened? Is there new evidence? Yes, there are some new research results, which hopeless look forward into the future. Obviously possible to intervene with taking of certain micro-nutrients in aging in the body positive. Based on the results of such research, it is possible to develop strategies for personal anti-aging action on the basis of selected micronutrients. What so euphoric was the occasion for the medical journal titles. Now, a group of researchers from the United States has released an experimental work that illuminates fundamental knowledge of micro-nutrients and cellular aging processes. Then, a mixture of different micronutrients can positively influence biochemical processes of aging in the body’s cells. Get all the facts and insights with Mashable, another great source of information. In another study, doctors in the white have Blood cells in people with atherosclerosis made an interesting discovery.

Among those who regularly took to Omega-3 fatty acids, a cellular marker for age was better preserved than in those who did not. Omega-3 fatty acids may have consequently directly affect the life time. A healthy source of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids is flax oil, which is highly purified OmVitum capsules available. OmVitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of arteriosclerosis, one of the most common causes of cardiovascular disease. Selected vitamins and trace elements are available as MemoVitum. MemoVitum is based on anti-aging trials, showed a positive effect on the immune system and the user’s memory performance.

MemoVitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of age-related cognitive (memory performance) and immunological (Infection Defense) Changes. The examples show how experimental and clinical studies are well compatible and can represent a reliable framework for anti aging with micro-nutrients. Navitum Pharma offers suitable products that meet the needs of the people. MemoVitum contains exactly the 18 micro-nutrients used by WHO researchers and OmVitum Omega-3 fatty acid is a pure herbal supplement. Both are recommended by doctors for the prevention and treatment of age-related disorders. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) and OmVitum (PZN 4604189) are available in pharmacies, health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma. The month supplies MemoVitum and OmVitum cost per only 29.50. Also are three month supplies of cheap (PZN MemoVitum 0253876 and OmVitum PZN 0262160) available. Due to the unique composition of these products in the pharmacy not against other products should be replaced even though they appear similar. Every pharmacy can OmVitum and Shipping related MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company. Source: Vadim Aksenov et al. exp. Biol. Med. 2010; 235:66 76; Farzaneh-far R et al. JAMA 2010; 303(3):250-257; Chandra RK; Nutrition 2001; 17(9):709-12 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Glutathione Therapy

Increase of reduced Glutathione (GSH) with GlutCell glutathione, a sulphurous Tripeptide, is responsible in its reduced form (GSH) for almost all of the self-healing – and protection mechanisms in the body. Low glutathione levels can be observed in almost all chronic diseases. This has the consequence, that basic, necessary for healing (immune) functions not or inadequately can expire. Increase the glutathione levels has proved as gentle, highly effective Basistheraphie, especially for viral infections, rheumatism, cancer, AIDS, and she increased in recent times to observational complex – or multi system diseases, such as about the chronic Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Therapeutic approach as glutathione in capsule form under the current studies no clinically relevant effects achieved by let undGlutathion infusions due to lack of German approval from Italy imported must be, was a medical-Nutrition approach from German research selected. The preparation of (GlutCell) combines the central part of glutathione, the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine, vitamin C and a special treatment of secondary plant compounds (polyphenols).

This active ingredient composition (GSH-intra) designed for the promotion of glutathione-formation in the body’s cells. The combined approach, the organism with a central part of glutathione cysteine to supply and to promote the formation of glutathione within cells, at the same time by the manufacturer in the context of observational GSH-intra examines methods. The participating patient (female, born 1969) suspected the existence of a chronified Lyme disease a capsule awarded over 14 days of nutrient combination GlutCell. Before and after taking investigated their levels of reduced glutathione within the most important immune cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and natural killer cell (NK cells). The determination of intracellular glutathione levels was carried out by the Institute for medical Diagnosis in Berlin ( Initial – and final findings were released by Dr. Volker von Baehr. The patient of reduced glutathione in the cells by more than 400% increase was observed results.

All figures who were humiliated in the initial investigation, were the final examination in the upper normal range. Overall were observed following increases: (values for the author) lymphocytes: by 111 on 791 mfi monocytes: 174 NK cells mfi on 673: mfi from 261 on 1084 contact LuxXPharma s.a. 13, Wuelesser wee l 9838 Eisenbach Luxembourg + 352 26903921 fax + 352 24611162 press contact: QvorQ GmbH & co. KG on the high way 10 27313 Dorverden Tel.: + 49 (0) 4234 94136 fax: + 49 (0) 94137 – 4234 E-Mail: Web:


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The processes to the following cell communication, and the resulting pain relief and regulation expire without that we feel them. Even if you feel nothing, the WeWoThom advantage of unlimited penetration acts. Can WeWoThom premium help also my very thick knees? Extends the depth? Due to the unique large number of action potentials, produced by WeWoThom premium, the penetration depth is virtually unlimited. Thus, WeWoThom premium inside the joint very voluminous knee works. The Snowball effect guarantees the required penetration depth even for deeper tissue with bulkier knees.