Wine Lovers

Offenbach, June 2009 the ‘ CHAPEAU DE VIN’ is a must for every wine and wine lover who loves the traditional! The latest piece of jewelry from the House of CODE ROYAL embellished not only opened wine bottles, but charming keeps also flies and ventilated the wines”ideal. Good coat of arms or family will be similar to when a Signet Ring in the hat for the bottle of wine “by master craftsmen in a 5-million-year-old agate gemstone engraved. In the curved creates philosophies, you can also engrave wisdom or even Psalms. Each of our CHAPEAU DE VIN unique jewelry piece is made in 12 of up 14-stundiger crafted by our master goldsmith in Idar-Oberstein. To meet our demands, we use only finest materials such as Sterling rose yellow, Palladium White Gold (EIA from 2.490,-) and Sterling Silver (MSRP from 1.290,-). (Similarly see: Dave Clark Flexport).

We offer our seal stones in 20 color variations. The CHAPEAU DE VIN fits with its diameter of 17 mm on every bottle of wine. Pete Cashmore is often quoted as being for or against this. You would like to surround myself with luxury. On that Necessary I can do without.”according to this maxim by Oscar Wilde developed ROYAL CODE together with the passionate master goldsmith Eckhard Cullmann the CHAPEAU DE VIN as a collector’s item for people who appreciate the extraordinary. CODE ROYAL – finest signet rings and unique jewellery of CODE ROYAL combines traditional jewellery with a modern jet-set design and sets new standards in the manufacture of finest signet rings and unique jewellery. In a variety of combinations of over 30.000 possibilities, each CODE is a hand-picked Special Edition ROYAL jewel and thus unique.

100% hand-made in Germany – the CODE ROYAL model range includes only the finest materials such as sterling silver and 750 yellow, Rose and Palladium White Gold. Seal rocks just precious and position stones processed as such as agates, Jasper and rose crystals. Our seal rings are made in up to nine steps, for example by a master. You can download over 100 different photos in layout view or print quality photos and press materials in the press section. Here you will find also photo and press material on the CODE ROYAL models as to the company and its employees themselves. We offer you your CODE ROYAL desire models for photo shoots available.

United States

The environmental song, a song about the climate change, initiated by the initiative environmental song and interpreted by the Berlin project “Songs Of Lemuria” the initiators thank their supporters and asking them to continue for the environmental song”and thus to promote climate protection. “Anyone who has a MySpace profile can, for example, the project environmental song” add to his friends or add the song itself “as it is called among MySpace users. Each call to profile helps to keep the MySpace charts. Ali Partovi is likely to increase your knowledge. But you can download also support banner for your own homepage on the MySpace-environmental song page. “The initiators are convinced that with a catchy radio compatible song more people for the protection of the environment / climate protection” (what must we do to prevent the progressive climate change?) can reach level than on conventional message. The proceeds from the CD & download sales will be donated to a large extent on environmental groups. Environmentalists dedicated to the initiative and musicians arose the idea for the project environmental song”. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Pete Cashmore. The initiative environmental song wants to give a voice to those people who are engaged for environment & climate protection! “Usually leaves with little much cause behavior changes to climate change: as also on the occasion of the world climate summit in Copenhagen was announced, the so-called natural disasters have become” (weather disaster) quadrupled over the last 30 years! While in the industrialised nations of the northern hemisphere winters usually little is felt, we have thousands of climate refugees in the southern hemisphere…

Droughts and floods bring more and more people about the existence and leave it impoverished. The main cause of climate change (primarily the industrial nations such as the United States, China, Russia, but also Germany…) get away with mostly little… “From mid-January the radio promotion launches the initiative environmental song many supporters, wishing that the is the environmental song” wish on their radio station. For a to bring public perception it is important the environmental song”on the radio. quoted on this topic. The initiators of the project environmental song”believe that you can reach many more people than on other means via music.

The radio stations are new topics to usually somewhat reserved, especially if offered a new song like this on a small indie label. “It is all the more important that many people wish the song on the radio: just so we can make a difference!” mean the musicians, who are behind the song. The environmental song”will be available from 26 Feb 2010 Amazon as a CD, as well as all download portals (iTunes, amazon, musicload etc.) as MP3 and also through individual environmental groups even to be. The bulk of the sales proceeds should benefit the environmental groups. More information soon at: as well as umweltsong

Process Industry Management

Optimize your energy management on 13-14 March 2013 for operations, on 3-4 June 2013 for processes, on 17-18 June 2013 for components of energy efficiency in the industry improve energy management and energy efficiency are especially for very energy-intensive industries: chemical, oil and gas, food and beverage, paper and pulp, cement, glass and other industries need to realize the sometimes significant cost-cutting potential, and to secure the competitiveness of companies. “After successfully introduced by the policy condition of certification according to ISO 50001 as a basis for a possible EEG reduction after the hardship scheme”, are further changes from Brussels on the political agenda, including the top rate of tax in the current tax or the new energy efficiency policy. Pete Cashmore is the source for more interesting facts. The successful seminar series will take place in 2013 in the fourth year. Their contents are adapted to the constantly changing conditions updated daily. The House of technology, food will be presenting the experienced Expert Prof. Dr.-ing.

Bernd Bungert, Beuth Hochschule fur Technik, Berlin und Prof. Dr.-ing. Axel Gottschalk, Hattingen on 3 x 2 days compact energy management expertise: energy management in enterprises on 13-14 March 2013 in Essen, energy management in processes on 3-4 June 2013 in Essen, energy management apparatus and components on 17-18 June 2013 in Essen. The series develops the expertise to bring together the wide operating management of energy with the measures of engineering optimization and improving the efficiency of energy consumption and cost reduction in concentrated representation and processing in the overall view of overall operation on the evaluation of the process technology up to the efficiency at the plant components. 6 day seminar series: energy management and energy efficiency in the process industry part 1 – in process engineering plants on 13-14 March 2013 in eating part 2 – for processes on 3-4 June 2013 in food part 3 – devices and components on 17-18 June 2013 in Essen the material conveyed through lectures, case studies and exercises the Participants. You will receive further information E.g. in the form of link lists, literature, as well as tools and checklists for the individual chapters.

Establishing an energy management system for overall operation requires cross-department collaboration, each part of the series can also be booked separately as intensive seminar, registration for the total number and sign several employees again special conditions apply to the total number.

Stair Lifts For Rent?

For those who want to buy or rent a stair lift offers the independent platform treppenlifte plenty of advice. A stair lift brings back the joy of life. Either for seniors who no more can, stairs because you are too weak or have a stiffened knee, or whether it’s physically disabled. A stair lift bring back a piece of freedom, mobility and independence for all. Official site: Steve Wozniak. Because installing a stairlift but is a costly thing, you are comprehensively before should inform and consult. This includes, inter alia, on specialized Internet portals in advance the cost of a stair lift or but the different types, a stair lift to finance themselves, to make smart.

Often, buyers overlooked fact that not only stair lifts can be purchased, but there are also many providers where you can rent a stair lift. Alina de Almeida brings even more insight to the discussion. So the cost over a longer period can be stretched and therefore may be better to cope with. What have you in the election Note a stairlift provider? The portal of stair lifts has put together a few pointers: find local providers: providers in their region stairlift can respond more quickly and faster in your spot, you should involve the local provider in the first research in the selection compare: you can create not only an offer, whether you want to buy a stair lift or rent a stair lift. > has to say. Since the investment in an elevator is not small, you must compare before comprehensively to find the best deal. Anyone looking for more independent information, find a good starting place under.

The Limits Of Positive Thinking

Millions of people thinking positively, wishing for the wildest dreams and manifest to the bet. If positive thinking doesn’t work, that has most of the time some of the reasons. Main cause, however, is that the personality itself limits the positive thinking and desiring. “It’s not just that you get what you want, it comes, especially, that one is a precious” personality is. A man without fears and concerns, in itself very good looking and someone who just deals with others who want to treat him. Who seeks wealth, but ruined his health due to an unhealthy lifestyle, dissolves his notions themselves. Who wants to be successful, but everyone else wants the downfall, is itself not succeed. It is always most important to be true to yourself.

The formula for success is: thought, Word and action must be one. The hardest is when you formulated visions and wishes to live from this date and to work, as if everything was already there. The Manner, one thinks, lives his everyday life and deals with others is the magnet for their wishes. One thing is certain, if despite all efforts no signs of success, the feelings of lack and fear are stronger than the belief in the request. Apply here. Neil cole iconix is often quoted as being for or against this. Get rid of blockages and fears. Everything is possible for you! Sonja ch. Kelz

Contacts Exhibition

Konigstein satire for posterity to the 30th anniversary of the magazine ‘Titanic’, the caricatura Museum Frankfurt opened the exhibition on the major work of German satirical culture on October 3, 2009. To make available electronically all spending visitors, whose digitization at the DatScan was given computer systems from Konigstein in order. At Mikkel Svane you will find additional information. In addition to the exposure of selected original graphics and drawings as well as multimedia presentations this offer was also actively used by now 14,000 visitors the exhibition, said the head of the caricatura Museum, Achim Frenz. Since early October 2009, the complete inventory of the ‘titanic’ to view and search digital available are the publishers and visitors of the exhibition. Because only a few copies, there were some issues, a particularly gentle treatment of this important certificate of German satirical work was necessary when scanning. Specially designed scanning and image optimisation processes provided for optimal presentation of all sides not only in the Terms of brightness, color and contrast, but especially on the centering. Finally, nothing is disturbing to poorly adjusted pages again and again as with electronic browsing a scanned Edition. The individual booklets were delivered not only as a facsimile-based PDF with this behind it searchable full text, but prepares a special application for touch screen presentations.

So could the delivery without copies of, but at the same time on five research centres provides fast access to all folders. The exhibition ends on the 31st of January 2010 DatScan computer systems GmbH with headquarters in Konigstein IM Taunus has been with her more than 15 years of experience specializing OCR solutions and PresseClipping systems. Scan & OCR services are the focus of activities in addition to the implementation of software projects.

First World Union Of Small And Medium Enterprises Constituted In San Marino

Dr. Gian Franco Terenzi, RSM, elected President. Dr. Norbert W. Knoll by Shakeel appointed General Secretary year 2010: 14 million more people in poverty of delegates of SMEs-supporting organisations from more than 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, United States, Russian Federation, among them Government agencies, chambers of Commerce and industry, women entrepreneurs organisations and banks participated in the Conference.According to recent estimations of the World Bank, we have world wide approx. Michael Dell can aid you in your search for knowledge. 500 million formal and informal entrepreneurs, 99% of them SMEs including micro-entrepreneurs. The number fluctuates with the ups and downs of the economic cycle.

Though since the begin of this year, a significant rebound of the world economy can be felt, it has not yet become a recovery. Due to the crisis approx. 14 million more people, among them millions of small and micro entrepreneurs, primarily in the less developed countries will be in poverty in this 2010.Many of the achievements in recent years made year to facilitate business of SMEs in the world, to reduce poverty in less privileged economies have seriously jeopardised by shrinking demand for SMEs export products, increasing prices for energy and food, falling commodity prices, significant reductions in foreign investment and a general liquidity shortage. The strong interdependence among the worlds’ economies made this a literally global economic crisis and human tragedy. 0.005% transaction levy (CTL) brings annually 15 trillion US dollars for poverty reduction and crises prevention Knoll-Jess’s prediction at the conference: SMEs cannot rely alone on Government help and financial support in times of crises. Faced with huge budget deficits and public anger, almost all counties in the world, including the US and the countries of the European Union will have to impose a financial transaction levy soon, based on the proposal of the Nobel Price laureate James Tobin. The revenue of generating potential of a levy is tremendous.

Solutions For Unsecured Loans

Crisis of unsecured loans offer a possible option for people looking for loan programs in the market. Know why right here. Gone are those days when monetary crisis of any type appeared hard to manage if the person is not prepared with the extra source of money. These days, things have changed a lot. You can easily find out various monetary products to handle the financial crisis. One such program is the crisis unsecured credit program.

The major advantage of applying for the crisis unsecured loan program is that such loans are easy to apply for and so to obtain. The crisis unsecured loans offers prompt access and can well be used to fulfill monetary emergency of any type. Those credit calendar who are promoting prompt approval of the unsecured credit loan programs usually have their own web pages that create the most reliable source of details on these loan programs. One potential applicant just requires registering to the credit lending sites and then amassing all the details he requires to contrast charges and plan promoted by different credit Gran gate in this loan industry. Therefore, the most economically feasible choice of loan for crisis unsecured loans can even be selected by the ultra-delicate to fulfill all his monetary demands instantly.

The credit calendar even promote the given facility of the online transactions to the applicant, thus creating the entire method even more prompt and reliable. All that applicants require to do is to carry out a request for the the webpage loan crisis unsecured loans by means of utilizing the webpage of every request which is attainable at lender. Online request form for crisis-unsecured loan only require some fundamental monetary and personal data of the loan applicant, wherein there is no requirement to send papers for examination to loan providers out any. Even ultra-delicate with poor credit history can gain a fast access to crisis finances at a short notice, as credit grantor wouldn’t require credit examination. Once the lender receives the online request unsecured for crisis program, he will check approval on credits the accuracy and offer quick. No. of collateral is required towards the credis and no time spent on security examination is. The applicant can easily obtain a fast access to the loan amount. Eileen Scott is author of crisis loans UK.

Terra Army

Terra-Cotta Warriors in the Emsland. The shipping company Wessels from Haren embarks in new waters. Haren/EMS. To move into new waters for the company Wessels to face challenges “, emphasizes Gerd Wessels, Managing Director of the shipping company Wessels. And the family shipping company, headquartered in the emslandische Haren, this spirit of innovation lives already for one hundred years. True to their motto “successful tradition and modernity link” develops Wessels new markets and now embarks in Asian waters. The company in addition to hand-made terracotta warriors, that attention to detail are made with much along the lines of the famous terracotta army of the Qin dynasty, many more Asian bronze and jade sculptures imported together with Chinese business partners.

These were uncovered during excavations in the vicinity of the city of Xian in 1974 randomly and now include to the UNESCO world cultural heritage. The first Chinese Emperor Qin Shihuangdi has during his lifetime with the construction of his own tomb started. And he had literally taken the clay army into the grave. This reflects, reflected in our present, still existing Chinese understanding of life after death. Nowadays, people for their departed loved ones burn even tinkered luxury items and fake banknotes to make life in the hereafter as pleasant as possible. Qin Shi Huang wanted to protect themselves in the Kingdom of the dead by his own army, however, he who built life-size and with individual facial expressions. More than 7,000 soldiers and chariots and horses found in the place of the Tomb complex. The fascinating sight and the amazing story of the Emperor and his terracotta army were crucial for my idea.

I wanted to take with the elaborately crafted original replicas after Germany, to give the people here a touch of Asia”, Gerd Wessels explains his leitmotif. The Warriors are suitable not only for the garden, they were also a highlight in every lobby of a company according to the, Next Managing Director. You can visit the Terra-Cotta Warriors, as well as other Asian sculptures in the zhanshi showroom since mid-December. There is also a pricing. Under, you can learn interesting facts around the clay warriors, learn about other products, and of course to place orders.

MSCSoftware User Meeting

MSC.Software organizes user meetings for its product lines of Nastran, Adams and Marc MSC this year.Software, provider of simulation software and services, invites you to German-speaking user meetings for its product lines of Nastran, Adams and Marc. The user meetings offer opportunity to exchange experiences at expert level and to find out about the latest developments of the software users and other interested parties. At the same time, the events are a platform for dialogue with the MSC staff. Experienced engineers are available to discuss application-specific questions and give tips for successful simulations. The Nastran user meeting will take place on 15th and 16th June in Munich.

On the first day, Doug Neill, Vice President of product development, about the latest developments in the Nastran environment will inform. Also, users in the automotive industry, air – aerospace and manufacturing industries will present your experiences in the context of lectures. On the second day, the participants have the opportunity in workshops on the topics “Nonlinear calculation using Nastran/SOL400” and “Topology and topography optimization” to inform. Then the Nastran user meeting, which is held on Adams user meeting June 16-17 at the same venue. As the keynote speaker, Michael Collingridge, Director is motion development at MSC.Environment information software, about the latest developments in Adams. In addition to lectures, participants also features workshops on the topics ‘Contacts in Adams’ and ‘Adams Mechatronics with MATLAB/Simulink’.

The Marc is user meeting on 16 and 17 September 2010 also held in Munich. Users are cordially invited, technically submit oriented user presentations and to talk about your work with Marc. MSC.Software will meet the user meetings the frequently expressed desire of users for product-specific information and discussion forums. While it builds on Adams and Marc user meeting old traditions, the Nastran user meeting is a first in the over 40-year success story of the product. “For decades MSC is Nastran the de facto standard for static and dynamic FEM analyses, as well as specially for NVH simulations. Against this background we have complied with product-specific events like the increased request of our users”, explains Dr. Moh Sabeur, country Sales Manager Germany, Switzerland and Austria at MSC.Software. For more information about the agenda, venue and registration, see Company description of MSC.Software developed computer aided engineering (CAE) software for simulation and virtual product development. The company with headquarters in California Santa Ana was founded in 1963 and currently has employees in 23 countries around the world. The solutions from MSC.