Every seventh respondent at least once a secret alien looking through a list of e-mails and phone calls to calculate a possible contender. One in five at least once ran into a playful nature of the message received from an unknown partner boyfriend and another six percent were found in a mail or SMS-archive some of the details regarding the upcoming secret meeting. Oh, and another 13% at least once encountered the "secret message" with "criticism directed at them." Text messages (SMS) from mobile phones are slowly but sure to change attitudes of young people to the rules of courtship. More than half of Russians aged 18-24 years – were invited to appointment or receive an invitation by SMS; – exchanged with each other sexually explicit "text messages" – consider flirting via text message by one of the types of treachery to the guy or girl. Mobile Technology new form of communication between people and the moral principles is not as rigid as the traditional communion – believe sociologists. Very often, people write in SMS, such things have never dared to say on the phone or in face.
Although they have more time to think and collect my thoughts than speaking. 16 500 person poll also showed that 54% of women and 25 years 'hiding' for a mobile phone from unwanted acquaintances. On average, Russians make a call to 2.8 day and send 3.6 text messages. 51% of those surveyed send at least 6 SMS per day, but only 15% done with six or more mobile phone calls. 8 out of ten Russians do not turn off their mobile phones even while having sex, 25% after losses phone feel totally isolated and 9% do not think of life without Zoom screenshot Principle and description of the program. Download Spyder-Pc v.1.0.2.