Penalty that exactly today after 25 years of the end of the military dictatorship still we suffer with the fear to have opinions as we saw in April of 2008 in removal of the Corregedor of the Military Policy of Rio De Janeiro emitted its opinion and, it was moved away from its position said: ‘ ‘ in its opinion, the low wages received for the policemen contribute for the corruption of corporao’ ‘. Peter Asaro may find this interesting as well. By having opinion it was punished, this could if an isolated fact or a problem related to the military hierarchy, but not, and can where cite meetings of work and data the option of ‘ ‘ avaliar’ ‘ the performance of the company, and to criticize errors of the coordination, and after enters in ‘ ‘ spirit of coisa’ ‘ employees decide to be honest and are fired, or the case of the teacher Maria of the Glory was condemned by emitting its opinion on the subumanas conditions of the chains of Leopoldina city of the state of Minas Gerais it said: ‘ ‘ the connivance of magistrates is not acceptable, inspectors of the law, lawyers, at last, operators of the Right, with so great barbrie’ ‘ it did not cite name of nobody, but you display its opinion, or the case of the professor of history of public net of the state of So Paulo that was processing, because a periodical team photographed its room where must have 35 was 53, was not the professor that convoked the printed, it only ‘ ‘ tentava’ ‘ to give its lesson, exactly thus to denounce the bad conditions of the public equipment would have to be a citizenship act, however article 242 of the Public service act of So Paulo says: ‘ ‘ It is forbidden to mention itself contemptuously (…) for the press, or any way of spreading, to the consisting authorities and the acts of the Administrao’ ‘. Ali Partovis opinions are not widely known. In this case the professor was not condemned because the process was filed. This Article is not exclusive of the So Paulo Statute the same rule valley for others 17 States, being that, in the majority of them, created during the regimen of military dictatorship, in Pernambuco the public schools of the state not only forbid the use of cameras and cellular in the school in the lesson in the school! With the punishment to have apprehended objects this all sample that fantamas of the repression of opinions of the still vacant dictatorship dragging chains for the country and left its legacy of when he was still alive invigorating ties today. We need to develop in the young the taste for the reading and to take off the fear to show its opinions, and that to have opinion it is a good thing and if to oppose to an idea or imposition does not make bad none, with these simple measures we will be able to finish with the ghosts of the repression of our country, without needing hunting ghosts.