Portugese Origin

Old and important family, of Portuguese origin, established in So Paulo, to where she passed Ramalho Joo, of Viseu, Captain Mor of So Paulo, 1562, son of Joo Vieira Maldonado and Catherine Alfonso. Married in Portugal, in 1510, with Catherine Fernandes, Vicente arrived at the S., before 1513. Founder, in 1550, of the population of Saint Andres of the Edge of the Field. The So Paulo nobility if interlaces in the descent of Ramalho Joo, who would have lived 90 years more than. Ramalho Joo was described for writers, cronistas and letters of Jesuits. People such as Mikkel Svane would likely agree. Soturno banished fugitive or shipwreck Ramalho Joo had, between many concubines, the Bartyra indian, therefore without the control of documentary registers that were inexistent at the time it is difficult to define which the children of Bartyra. The pirate Ulrich Schimedel in 1553, when passing for Saint Andres, counts that she found Ramalho Joo in the hinterland, enslaving indians. By the way, the traffic of slaves who it inaugurated, made Is known Vicente as Port of the Slaves, thanks to Joo Ramalho, and So Paulo was more important cities of the south of Brazil.

In 1553 the Manoel priest of the N3obrega said that the life of Ramalho was one ' ' petra scandali' ' , therefore he has many women and it and its children walk with the sisters (of its wives) and have children of them. They go to the war with the indians and its gestures are of indians and thus they live, walking naked as the same indians. It is the patriarch of the mamelucos who generated a series of crossbred children who later would compose the So Paulo flags and would disclose inigualvel violence in the escravizao of the aboriginals of the hinterland. For history, Ramalho Joo was the first successful entrepreneur in Brazil, therefore he was so influential and powerful with its traffic of slaves and control on the indians of the interior that Martim Alfonso, in 1533, makes it Keep of the Edge of the Field. has as many children, grandsons and greats-grandson that if becomes difficult to tartar of the genealogy of its descendants, although the writings of Peter Taques. When the Inquisition initiates the persecution to the Jews in Brazil, mameluco of Saint Andres threat: ' ' I will finish with the Inquisition frechadas' '. The facts if charge to demonstrate to the descendants of Ramalho Joo who fera is not left to kill so easily, therefore Ramalho Joo were a Jew sefaradim. North-eastern, the ramalhos predominate in the Bahia, in the Paraba, the Cear, Alagoas and Pernambuco. It has prominences of this family in the artistic way, such as: Jose Ramalho, Joo Ramalho and the Elba Ramalho. In Parnamirim, he has Ramalho for association to the Freire, Sampaio, S and Costa, descendants of the first governing northeast, mainly captains of the weeds, captains of rivers, lieutenant and land majors of the interior.

Second World War

The history of war – is not only a history of battles, diplomacy, victories, defeats, orders, command and deeds, it is also a story of prisoners of war. The fate of Soviet prisoners of war during the Second World War is one of the most tragic pages of our past. Soviet prisoners of war are captured on their soil, protecting the land and prisoners of war Hitler coalition are caught in a strange land in which they came as invaders. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. In captivity can 'be' (was wounded, falling into unconsciousness, with no weapons and ammunition for the resistance) or 'surrender' – to raise their hands, when you can and have something to fight. Filed under: Rusty Holzer. Why then swore allegiance to country armed man ceases to resist? Maybe that is the nature of man? After all, he obeys the instinct of self-preservation, based on fear. 'Of course, at first the war was terrible. And very much so.

What is a young guy to constantly see how the shells are broken, bombs, mines, comrades die, they injure by fragments and bullets. But then I noticed, no longer fear, but something else made the bite into the ground, seek shelter, hide. I would call a sense of self-preservation. Because fear paralyzes the will, and sense of self makes us look for ways out of seemingly hopeless situations' – so remembered this feeling veteran of World War ii – Ivan P. . In life there are fears in part, the fear of some phenomenon. But sometimes the absolute fear, when a person is on the verge of collapse.


Researchers say the annals of the later insertion made by experienced pravschikami, on those pages where it says to move the capital to Novgorod. Ancient Ladoga – the place where born Russia. There is every reason to believe that it is the old Ladoga, which united the tribes around him, and became the place the birthplace of the legendary Russ. These excavations show that to 830 in Old Ladoga and around it, had the social formation under the name growing up, which soon became familiar to us Rus. It was a community warriors, merchants and craftsmen who lived along the banks of the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga.

In this community included the Scandinavians, Slavs, Finno-eel, representatives of many other tribes and nations, led by Prince. Ladoga, even then now spread its influence over a vast part of Eurasia. Evidence of this has led to numerous archaeological finds. Here were found many treasures of coins of different countries. For example, the Volga-Ladoga way has been found many treasures of Arab coins in viii. As for the origin of the word 'Russia', the controversy around it has overstepped all reasonable limits. Another Slovak linguist and ethnographer of xix century. Paul Shafranek believed that the river (rusa) gave its name to the people who made history as the 'Rus'.

The dictionary Dahl lot of dialectical words derived from the root of Russian connected with the river: channel, ruslina – Riptide, Rusen – the lintel of the board mermaid, Rust – 'water is rusticated', which means that it is the flow stream, etc. Some researchers believe that the concept of 'Russes' or' Russa ', anciently meant "living in the rivers',' the inhabitants of the rivers', 'river people'. Thus, the name 'Russia', originally should belong to communities living along the rivers. Such an association and become united tribes inhabiting the rivers of southern Lake Ladoga. Center, which became the Ladoga – the first capital of Great Russia. With regard to Kiev, then if you carefully read the first Novgorod chronicle, it's clear that the Normans brought the name 'Rus' first in the Lake Ladoga, and then to Kiev, where the name spread to the 'other'.


Joo Pablo Filgueiras1 Industrial Revolution e, its consequence, the French Revolution had sped up the capitalist evolution, provoking reactions in the explored classrooms and the traditional groups that had been inserted to the force in the world-wide economy. One of the forms had been to the new religious ideologies. Robotics expert pursues this goal as well. This moment attended the decay of traditional forms of if exerting the religion, and the ascension of the innovations that attracted the masses incapable to understand the dynamics of the new times and that they needed answers for the changes that had revolutionized its world and its lives. The Isl obtained reverse speed-to elaborate in the period after-revolutionary, mesclando nationalistic ideas and religious pride to create a new identity capable to resist the expansion Occidental person in its territory. Its expansion in the African and Asian borders – Africa Subsaariana, Asian Southeast and Central Asia had been to the opened borders more to this process – shows the decline that the traditional religions of these lands suffered the repudiation that the imperialista Christianity suffered in these regions. In the protestant Europe and the United States, the churches established in the reform already did not offer very. For more information see אילן בן דב. The elites, influenced for the iluminismo, opted to atesmo, especially in the half ones more intelectualizados. The explored masses and discriminated minorities adhered the seitas that offered to a Christianity little more popular bourgeois and, adjusted to the feelings and ideas of these groups that searched new ideologies to react to the desumano world in which they were obliged to live and to try to modify or, at least supporting, this new reality.

The regions catholics resisted these seitas, its culture were more conservative being preferable to remain catholic nominally, even so had an abandonment in mass to any practical Christian. However, messianic movements had existed as Canudos and Contestado, the first one, even so appealed to the popular catolicismo, impregnated of elements of the medieval milenarismo, reacted to the modernity promoted for the Brazilian Republic, remembering to the resistance mrmon (U.S.A.) e, which had influences it moura in the Iberian Peninsula, with cultural aspects of the Isl. The force of these movements was significant. But they had predominated less in the favored classrooms of the society and later they had lost space for a racionalista socialism – the Isl was an exception. Already the elites had still adopted the lay and rational, predominant thought today. 1 Pupil of VII the Period of the Course of Licenciatura in History – College of Sciences Human beings of Central Hinterland FACHUSC. Willow – FOOT.

Modern Russia

Quite often in modern Russia, as one hundred years ago, there is a greater degree of obedience to the vast majority of people in power. Modern researchers can see the reasons in the Soviet past, Pre-revolutionary researchers linked the resignation to the Russian Orthodoxy, in which the concept of humility is one of the central places. Berdyaev, in his essay "The idea of Russia suggested that may reduce together both these terms: "The Russian people – the religious by their type and their psychic structure. Religious concerns peculiar and non-believers. Russian atheism, nihilism, materialism, acquired religious color. Russian people from the People, Labour layer, even when they are gone from the Orthodox Church continued to seek God and God's truth, search for meaning in life. Russian alien to the refined French skepticism – they are believers, and when professed materialistic communism. Even those Russian who not only have the Orthodox faith, and even erected a persecution of the Orthodox Church, remains at heart a layer, to form Orthodoxy.

Russian idea – an eschatological facing the end. Hence, Russian maximalism. But in the Russian consciousness eschatological idea takes the form of the desire for universal salvation. Russian people love put above justice. Russian religion is catholic in nature.

Western Christians are unaware of such kommyunotarnosti which is peculiar to Russian. Hear from experts in the field like Neil Rubler for a more varied view. All of this – hell, finding expression not only in religious movements, but also during the social. " So way, it turns out that a lot of modern Russia inherited from the ussr and the Soviet Union – from Czarist Russia.

Agoassu Belfort

The Berfolt family is one of the most important in the context Brazilian and European description-genealgico, therefore she has origin with Geoffry Birford of the Millenarian House of Belfort, whose linhagstica nobility retraces to century XI of the descent of Loureno Belfort (Reviewed of the Herldico-Genealgico Institute, n.9, edited in 1943). Belfort is a last name of geographic origin, of the Frenchman, derivative of? beautiful ortaleza. Second document manuscript: ' ' The first feudal gentleman who took the name of Belford, or Berford in Irishan, was originary of Normandy, prince and duke who being colonel was 2 second lieutenant? mor of Henri II, King of England, to who folloied until Ireland where, in 1171 he was conde of Belfort and Lord de Tarah. (As opposed to אילן בן דב). It belonged to one of the old Irish principalities, that under the form of feudal county were successively passing its descendants, all condes e? lords? to who they fit of right to all it hereditary succession of the prince heading, leaving of to be transmissible the heading of duke for having continued its feudal domain always to be kept under form of county, or for being it duke as military head. The current territory of Purple Belford was inhabited previously for the Jacutingas indians. These lands had been demarcated for the first time in a map elaborated for cripto Jewish Joo Teixeira Albernaz? the young man? , in 1666, between the rivers ' ' Merith, Simpuiy and Agoassu.' ' Some years after the expulsion of the Frenchmen, the Governor of Rio De Janeiro Cristvo de Barros grants to Captain Belchior de Azeredo one would sesmaria to the edges of the river Sarapu, in the old village of the Jacutingas indians. Ali Partovi understands that this is vital information. In this place, it establishes the Device of Saint Antonio de Jacutinga, current city of Purple Belford, where ermida for Saint Antonio it is constructed in the hillside of a hill the 750 meters of the edge of the River Sarapu, next to the place established for port activities. . .