Black Cat

Just exit of a relationship very conturbado, and no matter how hard I tried for diverse times to remove my old love of the heart, could not affirm that it did not go up to around my thoughts, that is, was not the moment to know somebody, for better that it was. They had been innumerable colloquies for the MSN, few phone calls, at that time it travelled very, for this reason not yet we tinhamos in the joined one. It was then that my friend seeing that one rains and does not wet, tried ‘ ‘ bolar’ ‘ a plan stops finding in them, in the anniversary of its daughter-in-law. I confirmed everything, and I made with that all believed that would not lack, but obvious I did not appear.Here it is that in the same day in the end of the afternoon I receive a phone call, was it, half brave, asking because does not appear, pulls life I was without favour, it told that it was without car and for this reason we could not finding in them in that night, and pra my luck it it would travel in the following week, uffa! I thought, when it to return already forgot everything and is free. Peter Asaro has much experience in this field. Which was my surprise when I was summoned to leave in that night, without excuses, there My GOD, I tried all the reasons, but in this height until my friend already it was of full bag, and it spoke that it would have to go, I BEGGED that it was with me, therefore the possibility not to like it was very great, and from there she would not be alone, tadinha, it directed for hours, it has 400 km, but exactly thus it did not abandon me, and still it took the son, tadinho, the place did not have nothing to see with last.

Banal Criticism Separate Feed

The system of food combining American nutritionist Herbert Shelton, sufficiently known, strictly regulates the compatibility and incompatibility of food. Settle such claims alleged unsuitability of the gastrointestinal tract of man to the simultaneous digestion of meat and fish proteins to polysaccharides of bakery products and cereals second dishes, and protein from dairy products proteins of plant origin. The vulnerability of the conclusions of Mr. Shelton's visible even in the non-specialist, as even an approximate consideration of this concept allows you to easily identify its superficial and ignorance supporters of the basics of food combining physiology of digestion. Their views dominate the mechanistic view. Here are the main arguments of modern nutritionists, raised against the concept of food combining.

1. In nature there is no pure proteins, fats or carbohydrates. Most foods contain several ingredients. Under most conditions Peter Asaro would agree. Maybe it's someone seem surprising, but the meat, which is considered an important source of protein, the latter is less than a fifth. Fat in it is much more than protein. In cereals a lot of carbohydrates, but quite a few proteins. So it's hard to bring the body from food proteins or carbohydrates in its pure form.

Therefore, whether we like it or not want, but during the meal in the stomach at the same time coming, and proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. 2. Digestion and absorption of food takes place largely in the stomach and the intestine. Digestive juices contain a set of different enzymes and are ready to digestion of a multicomponent food. Simultaneous entry into the blood amino acids, fatty acids and glucose facilitates, and in many cases makes it possible to own synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Of course, the mixed diet digested longer. Learn more on the subject from HG Vora. But for this organism and appropriate and acceptable, and optimally, since has grown deep substances enter the blood gradually. Where separate feeding some dietary factors, such as glucose into the blood quickly and in large quantities, which complicates the process of digestion, contributes to overloading of enzyme systems responsible for this process. (The attack on the pancreas!) Finally, the food in the stomach is delayed by at least several hours. So the plus-minus 30 minutes, no significance, no matter whether you eat protein first, and at the end of dinner, carbohydrates, or it was done the opposite. That being said, within experimental error. In the stomach, under the influence of peristalsis all content – and the food and gastric juice – thoroughly mixed and digested it will only proteins. In a short time in the acidic environment of the stomach can not start rotting carbohydrates, especially since decay does not occur in acidic and in alkaline medium. In such an environment can not be destroyed and pepsin. On the contrary, pepsin better 'work' is in an acidic environment, while its alkaline reaction activity decreases dramatically. It is well known how much more difficult to digest protein foods in the stomach in people with low acidity of gastric juice. Medicine is not confirmed the feasibility of the recommendations of Mr. Shelton: – at the same time use only starchy and sugary foods and eat melon necessarily separate from any other food – in the morning eat fruit and cream, yogurt or sour cream, afternoon meal, rich in starch, and the evening meat, fish and other containing protein foods – avoid desserts, along with vitamins in pills to treat not only as a commercial venture pharmacists.

The Time

Hurt I it very, I begged me to it I vary times I to come back, but so blind for my pride that was, that I decided not to give plus a possibility it, exactly loving, I suffered and it very also, but in way as much suffering, some people who knew what she was happening with it, they had never participated, it to me was imprisoned you vary times, if he inebriated, he doped themselves, if he played on account in the world of so great desperation that he felt, and I skirt to drink with the fellow workers, dissimulated that it was all good with me, I I condemned a night it I appeared in my house, total doped calling for me, to my I had placed it brothers to sleep and my mother did not leave I to go to speak with it, I waited it to sleep, and I was there, and in I silence, with horrorosas pains in the chest, I said I loved that it, but I could not more being, what he had if broken, I did not obtain to fix. I was to live my life. Passed one three years, I invited to go in the house of it, qdo I knew q it I was namorando, I talked a little with the mother of it and the sisters, but I did not speak of what he was feeling, pride, always the pride, to admit that he was feeling the lack of it for as much time, was not part of me, but I waited to see it, nor that he was only for a few seconds, exactly that it I did not speak with me, but this never happened, it did not arrive, I was even so plus one year if it passed, somebody said q to me it was marrying, was a shock, not to know of the news, makes with that the time stops, to know of the news, makes with what people flies, I looked a time more to it, and I was made use to ask for to come back, therefore one weeks before our meeting, it had on pra house and had invited me to travel with it, but as I could? Associated cowardice the pride, I was namorando a youngster at the time, and I was very unhappy, but he did not want to give the arm to twist, I waited it to I for as much time, not that youngster q was if destroying, but that one that I had known, that I never only spoke, I always locked myself in one I silence without end, and now I had the chance to find it and to say for it everything what it had passed with me, was hour to open hand of as much pride, I needed to become free itself of that homesickness, but it was to our folloied meeting of brother q did not like me he left and me talking with it and he did not say no word, I came back pra house crying, was all lost one, I I needed to be satisfied itself on account with the life who I had, with the life who I had chosen, of arrogance, wounded pride, weakness and cowardice, I deserved, I I choose that. .

Introducing Liquid Cordyceps

The animal had lived in the family for some time, become a member of the family, together with the people and plants creates a general aura – aura of the family, and the death of the animal for adults, and especially for children – the tragedy, tears and stress. Conducted dowsing measuring some industrial feed and feed additives imported production available in the market of Kiev have shown that in terms of subtle energy (Qi) – it 'dead' food. At best, industrial feed, do not contain a subtle energy, replenish the body's need for protein, fats, vitamins, but not the energy potential of the animal, and even more so – does not stimulate production in the cells of the animal interferons. Their main purpose – to deliver the body of animals building material for the renovation outlived its time cells. Hence the main conclusion: for good health pet (especially cats and dogs) than industrial liquid feed should be given Cordyceps-containing drugs.

Best on today are the products of the company 'ASTER'. They contain the necessary building material and energy 'Chi', sufficient to maintain energy-homeostasis at the level of health. In determining the dose of liquid Cordyceps-containing drugs should consider the purpose of destination: – For the correction of energy-homeostasis of the animal enough (depending on the breed and age) of 0.5 ml. to 1-2 ml. every 3-4 hours.

– If we are talking about Stimulation of interferon, or restore the missing micronutrients, the dose should be increased. – In cases of resuscitating an animal, the dose may be increased by 10-15 times. Introducing Liquid Cordyceps-containing drugs can not only under the tongue, but intravenous and intraperitoneal. Practice shows that overdose it does not happen. Study to determine the toxic effects of Cordyceps showed – preparation for cell culture tissue is not toxic. Hematological studies of the blood of dogs who were given Cordyceps Liquid-containing drugs have shown that the drugs help to increase the number of neutrophils and monocytes. This allows talking about a significant increase in the immune system in general and particularly cellular immunity. Application of liquid Cordyceps-containing drugs help prevent cancer in animals.


If your wedding will be a bit guests, a man of 25-30, the administration may propose to set the table in the common room, arguing that it would be financially beneficial for you, well, even the fact that you do not have to spend money on music. In the main hall, one way or another, will igratmuzykalnaya group that works there, and you will hear music. I will say unequivocally, that option I do not advise you, and explain why. Celebrating its grand event in the room you’re not alone, and this is the most important thing. Customers are likely to be many, are unlikely to welcome your holiday. They came to eat, relax, talk, and now your leading or the toastmaster constantly utters some speech, greetings and jokes, holds contests and sweepstakes.

Do it all this is likely to be in a loud voice or a microphone, and other visitors to this will probably be a nuisance. They will come to you, make comments, say that your wedding and got them to claim that the toaster would be stopped. You are, instead, that would be glad and rejoice, will solve the problems. Count on the administration not worth it, they will not do anything. Or give you “advice” to celebrate quietly. Unpleasant emotions are guaranteed.

Then come the musicians, and here, too, may start some difficulties. Of course, the administration of the restaurant you solemnly promised that the band will play light dance music. And even if initially it will be so, it is unlikely they will be able to play just for you. Indeed, in the hall there are other people, and it is possible that they like very different music. These people will be treated to musicians, and order that suits their tastes and desires. And they will order? Yes, anything! “Prison,” “Confessions of a Thief”, “Accord barbed wire,” “Taganka” “- here possible a rough list of “wedding” songs will be played on your holiday, and maybe more than once. Do you really need? Well, I have to mention another possible aspect of such an option weddings. The presence of absolutely strangers on your holiday is often fraught with unexpected consequences. From their friends and acquaintances who moved intoxicating drinks, we usually know what to expect. About other people this will not tell. May development scenario to happen on the principle of “fight ordered?” In general the halls are good social events, birthdays and anniversaries. Only be collected in advance before the arrival of the musicians, so that would not have to make speeches, competing for volume with the sounding music. All that suggests the presence of lead, the script, a focus of the musical program to celebrate in a separate room.

Favorite Gift, Select It And How To Make A Holiday !

Any person likes to give and receive gifts, but not all gifts are good! The gift should be relevant and be directly involved in the life of a man pleasing to the eye, forcing to smile! Many people going on a birthday party, birthday party or even any celebration prefer not to give attention and give gifts already proven shower accessories and toilet water, but always remains open question on how much data is relevant and necessary gifts? When receiving a gift, we are all in confusion and slight anticipation of something unexpected, which can be a big surprise for us and surprise that makes us laugh and enjoy, admire and enjoy the surprise! When choosing a gift should be given to a person who belongs to a particular surprise, age, hobbies, preferences of a particular commodity, possibly even dream of a distant childhood. But special attention is given to the need for gifts, well, like the amateur photographer can give a professional camera or lens to it. Lover of exotic plants can Gifts shoots rare and exotic flowers, children, loving the game can give a novelty hit, which is still a rarity in sales, but it can be found in online stores. Pete Cashmore has firm opinions on the matter. Fans of baths and saunas will always be relevant for a gift set saunas and baths, the women create coziness and comfort in the home will be pleased to receive a gift of a blanket, shawl or bed linen thus showing his concern about the beautiful female half. Also, girls and women prefer home comfort you can give her robe, thereby expressing their concern and warm environment and kindness. In the global Internet can find and order the pick whichever gift for your dearest people, thereby saving time and money! Here, for example in the online shop of bedding, you can always choose to donate linens, towels, kits for baths and saunas. Give always timely, appropriate gifts, those who dream about your friends and relatives, give them warmth and care!

Choosing A Gift

Gift – this is a good thing and a sign of attention, which brings joy and good humor. Giving a gift is not only a sign of public attention fixed traditions, but also a sign of personal attention person to another. Choosing a gift becomes a problem for the very reason that life often events occur when both functions are involved. In addition, the present need is not often when we are willing to give and not only Besides, who wants to please. The main sense is a gift that makes us think the tradition of the family even when they do not really want to own something to think about. We should do all that attention did not seem formal. In order to turn things into a present need to meet the certain requirements.

A gift may be viewed as text, with which defined the relationship between giver and recipient of the gift. Essence gift lies in its content according to the existing relationship between giver and recipient. Since the gift can be regarded as not the thing itself, and the process of donation, its material content can acquire the most unimaginable forms. Therefore, to transform everyday items as a gift, you must give it a certain status. Thanks to this stroke, as bright and beautiful packaging (common characters present – tape, wrapping paper, baskets, boxes, etc.), ordinary things are transformed into products suitable for the function of the gift. It should be remembered that the gift thing (even if it is one of many included in the daily life) should have properties of visible and be able to recall its origins (the act of donation and the donor) through time.

The desire to give gift bright, unique and unforgettable appearance, helps to make the presentation present an impressive and memorable moment. That is what makes people tick in the quality of packaging a gift, and has nothing to do with the habit embellish flaws. Do gift wrapping is another important positive argument. A colorful and tasteful packaging gives a flying time of delivery of the mysteries, enhances the effect desired or unexpected, but still a nice gift. In all cases, the flowers – a nice gift. And no matter how changed our tastes and views, flowers are an attribute of the various ceremonies. It is not necessary to present huge bouquets, one can restrict a small bouquet, or even a single flower. The Japanese believe that one flower is better than a bouquet conveys luxury colors. Fruit Baskets and sweet bouquets of sweets – has also become a good tradition, and the floral arrangements and various accessories brings originality to any gift. Money must be present in the envelope. To the envelope usually make a small sign of attention: a box of chocolates (a bottle of good wine) or flowers. Do not forget that gifts must not only conform to material features the giver, but also the nature, interests and lifestyle of the person to whom they are intended. Therefore, valuables, items of clothing, cosmetics, clothes – is more appropriate to give to friends, relatives and close friends.

Site Dating

The results, of course, very different – who struck up a huge virtual harem, but someone who could not qualify for any response. All assess your own photos posted in the questionnaire, as well as what you write in the space of personal data. Who once in my life was recorded on the Adult Dating websites, let, say something to me – with a different purpose, and at various times you may find yourself tried tasted pretty companion or mate on sex-mentioned resources znakomsta in Ukraine. The main thing is not to throw all annoying phrases like 'I'm not sober, silly, ugly, unsportsmanlike, joyless …' You may well have the ability to imagine show a man who described himself as' ugly, stupid and without a sense of humor? All written obratnoe.Vashi personal qualities or interlocutor interlocutor able to learn through direct contact, the presence of the above phrase indicates only one thing: a lack of imagination about dating site users. You should not seem to indicate as well as direct allusions to sexual pleasure, like 'I like Thai massage, what are you doing'. Believe me, even if the most liberated women prefer more subtle methods of dating, even if the subject if they are looking for the same thing now as you. You should not also seems to expect that those who now pay interest on your favorite TV show or rock group.

In general, it is best not priminyat not less than 200-250 words for the sake of filling in your profile. A smaller number indicates the outside of your reserve, the greatest – of gab, as well as boasting. Write what you have training as to where you work, briefly describe your plans. It is best to mention also the location of the family – to the source, in which case it is not a false teshil hopes. It is best to show his real companion, with whom you met in real life, and that you are entitled to describe himself as a brief. Think about what you would like to indicate in the first place. 300-450 good words do not take on its own description, and not significantly greater than 500 – the characteristic of the future man, with whom you want or do not even want to meet you. In addition, the mention of that in what place city you live in some place like to spend their free time as well as prefer to relax. Also allowed to tell your visitors about what language you have what you are fiction predpochetaete.