Ancestral Contact In The Walburgisnacht… So Could It Be

Bewitched meets its purpose in the night of witches, it is Walburgisnacht. The night of the witches, and each is known that witches are daughters of the fallen angel Lucifer – so of the devil. And they come from hell. There it is very fiery – witches are so they are some red-blooded and phantasievoller…als normal women with that in mind all meet in the old castle ruins. Some are seductively dressed and masked.

It is night, the flames of numerous candles and torches flame in the wind, smoke and mysterious incense fragrance be sprayed sense flows through the old walls, hell or even heavenly sounds echo across the room. A witch dressed in a red-and-black dress, as the pure temptation, walks in, in the hand she’s holding a red and a black silk scarf. With these, it will connect the chosen ones that tie the hands and the eyes so he can enjoy the ritual of love. Don’t know who it will be. She just know that he will find them. So It stands in the prophecy.

There is, that he will find them and joins with her when it is time. She turned to a wall and watched the hustle and bustle from a distance. Suddenly, she felt hot breath on her neck. When she turns around she can look in two beautiful Brown eyes and offers a wonderful and at the same time full of secret smile. He had dark hair and a handsome male face. Without talking to her, he pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately. Samsung may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Then he moved it into a dark corner and took her to the Silk scarves out of hand. He thus tied her to a gate and joined her eyes. Again he kissed her, this time but with a passion she had never experienced. Delicate, their tongues played with each other. A warm feeling flowed through her body. She felt the magical passion and the Crackle in the air. Then she felt his hands on her body. He stroked slid along her neck with his mouth. It durchzuckte it like a bolt of lightning. Her heart began to race. You felt his warm breath on her whole body. He hardly touched her and yet she feels his lips everywhere. Suddenly he stopped. Then she heard him speak very softly. But she could not understand the words. Elen feana or govas nis. Aniron resources. (A star shines above our encounter. I want you.) He took her scarf from his eyes and looked at her. And said: Telithon ad. (I will come back). Then he kissed her and walked towards the door and disappeared into the darkness. She know not had passed away how much time, when the others found her. She was tied up with the silk scarf at the gate. Everyone wanted to know what had happened. Who and why she was tied up at the gate. Although he was no longer visible, she felt his presence and his kisses on her skin. As they tied her hands go, she all smiled mysteriously and said: next year we will spend again on this castle the Walburgisnacht, because here we are at the place destined for us. Here we will find our Ancestors.

Lisa Neumann University

‘ Book ‘ connected’ behaviors on the net shows who today has no Facebook profile or belongs to a comparable community, is obviously out “. The social networks seem always to be one step ahead and register every day new applications. The book connected “has this behavior reported investigated the online Department store Trends such as the online game Farmville”Facebook quickly prevail in the network. Meanwhile, over 75 million users operate virtual agriculture and cattle breeding.

What resonates suddenly, can be interesting but just as quickly again. Life on the Internet is just slightly different: fast, networked, and active. Countless books try to analyze these structures and the behavior of the users. This target also Nicholas Christarkis and James Fowler in their book connected to “committed. You indicate that the community in the network has a strong influence on personal interests, decisions, and perceptions of individual users.

As the book title figuratively illustrates, the authors compare this behavior with a shoal of fish. Because here is not a single fish of the decision, but the entire swarm as a unit. The scientists had numerous Facebook profiles, which gave them information about this behaviour as a basis for their study. Companies know to take advantage of this effect, because real human behind every online profile”, potential customer, with real interests and preferences. More information: press / Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH

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The Cabala in the Supper of Leonardo of the Vinci the visible one reigns as form of setting of the experience in all its constituent elements, and with it a new physical form will go to impose itself without exempting the forms. But it considered could be an obstacle, as he intends Mondzain, when supports that ' ' the invisible one is an overloaded term of religious histories or ideologies, but as to speak of the not-visa, that is, of what it is not hidden, occult and impenetrable, but of that we are charged to learn to see? The not-visa is ahead of us, manifesto; that who has eyes if becomes apt for olhar' '. When disclosing the Cabala in the Last Supper of Leonardo of the Vinci and carrying through the reading of the symbols that certify ' ' Salai' ' as the private identity of Smooth Mona, Eucajus, author of Order of the Ghosts it considers an imaginary experimentation, that cannot leave of interesting in them. It is treated to show promptly that as the absolute espiritualismo it could create in the Real its hallucinations or ecstasies, affecting it, now the proper Real can be produced through the spiritual or of the invisible one. From inside the exterior can be interpreted. As it affirms: ' ' To hear with the eyes and to see with ouvidos' '.

If we fossemos blind and deaf and unprovided of felt e, on the contrary of this, our soul completely was opened, if our spirit was the equivalent of what now it is the exterior world, the body would be in our power, would be a part of our interior world, to the similarity of what now it occurs with our soul. It was of the will to see, espritos, angels and other translucent, optically invisible beings, that our machines had originated and, in certain way, all the technology. If in the book, the unreal Real and if confuses, the same it occurs with the form and the substance. As if it was in course a paradoxical materialization of the form. Nor substance nor form, what it is in cause is the sprouting of intermediate states, where the hybrid dominates.

The literal construction of the cited book is precious. We leave of side the final harmony of the narrative and pass of one history dominated for the partial disharmony for the partial harmony, that is, of the domain of the mstica consecration for the one of sciences and the arts. This occurs why in the magic the body serves the soul or the world of the espritos. (Madness – dither). Collective madness leaves of being madness and becomes into magic, madness submitted for the rules, becomes proper it a way to regulate the tickets between visible and invisible. After all in the Biblical text on the Ceia Saint the salt pot is not cited, not even the localization of the apstolos is demarcated, that is, forgets that the painting is a representation of the called artist Leonardo of the Vinci, a man, only one man, passvel of being understood. I am certain that the author of Order of the Ghosts illustrates the words of Wilde Oscar: ' ' The mystery of the world is in the visible one, not in invisvel' '. It knows more on this gorgeous book in: