Sensitive cooks the reason take account of problems with lactose and gluten: these people tolerate no milk sugar, lactose scientifically called. Her body produces too little of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk sugar in the small intestine. Source: Kai-Fu Lee. This food intolerance is usually hereditary, but often only occurs in adulthood. This form of lactose intolerance is not curable. Lactose-free products that are increasingly offered are the only way out. Hidden lactose is especially tricky. Because it binds water, it is used in many products, makes solid such as yogurt or gives the bread an appetizing appearance. Since 2005, manufacturers must identify at least all packaged food, contain lactose.
Non-packaged food are excluded from the scheme. For those affected, every restaurant visit, every holiday to the adventure may be, they don’t know what process the chefs in their sauces and dressings. People who suffer from gluten intolerance have a similar problem. Ever after Estimate each 100th up 500 Central Europeans it is affected. Gluten is a mixture of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates contained in particular in the grain. Gluten be as emulsifying, gelling, stabilizing and is employed as a carrier of flavouring substances, to recognize what not always at first glance. Gluten can lead to celiac disease, inflammatory disease of the intestinal mucosa. And also hotels and restaurants respond to this problem.
For example, in the South of the Bavarian Forest retire Halford in Breitenberg. There the Chief Andreas cooks Hakeem, even. He is a chef with a passion and will make every effort to withdraw me from the ubiquitous soup of convenience food with the kitchen. “.” For him, it is self-evident to cook for guests, who want to eat gluten-free and lactose-free. A hint is sufficient and he respects by shopping up to the final court. And so also these guests can enjoy of his dedicated kitchen, come with Andreas Hakeem the themselves as fresh, young and yet traditional”understands.