Arabica Lotion

Women around the world dream to have their skin looking young, not only on the face, but on the whole body. However, in the rhythm of modern life, you do not always have time for complex care kozhey.Ispolnyaya wishes! Multifunction tool capable of just one step to solve several problems at once: to provide care aimed at combating the signs of aging skin, moisturize and tone up at the expense of specially selected herbal extracts and ingredients that enhance the skin. Lightweight, silky, fast absorbing lotion provides moisture to your skin for 24 hours. The skin of the body is exposed as the manifestation of the signs of aging, like skin of the face, it needs special care. Michele Glaze recognizes the significance of this. "Taymvayz – toning lotion for the body directional demonstrates maximum with a minimum number of steps towards achieving results. In this exclusive formula lotion out efficiently struggling with numerous problems of the skin of the body. Thanks to the funds included in the plant extracts and other ingredients effective lotion: it strengthens supporting structure of the skin, helps improve skin tone and make it more elastic.

At the junction of the two upper layers of the skin formed a special bond, which is called the dermal-epidermal junction (DES), and the integrity of this communication is responsible for how taut and supple your skin will look like. With age, the DPP is subsiding due to natural aging process and external factors. And here is the time to use the "Taymvayz – toning lotion directional of the body. Its more efficiently formula containing extracts of pumpkin seeds and seed argan barbed, helps stimulate the production of proteins needed to maintain DPS. Pumpkin seed extract also enhances the production of collagen and reduces the effects of enzymes that deplete it. Amino acids strengthen the supporting structure of skin cells kozhi.Napolnyaet strength and energy. Here, charles koch expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In order to grow and be updated, the cells need energy.

"Taymvayz – toning lotion directional body stimulates cellular activity. The lotion contains caffeine and an extract of coffee beans Arabica, buyout fill the cells with energy and remove excess liquid from them, which gives the skin a smooth, neat appearance, especially in problem areas. Formula lotion also contains an extract of hawthorn berries, which helps accelerate the process of splitting fat harmful effects otlozheniyUmenshaet environmental impact, providing your skin the necessary moisture level. Antioxidants – Bodyguards of the skin, zaschishayuschie it from one of the causes of aging – free radicals. In "Taymvayz – tonic lotion directed deystviyasoderzhitsya six sources of antioxidants, which are all necessary skin protection from external factors: the extract acai berry, vitamin E, extracts of myrtle leaves, gotu cola, green tea and horse chestnut. Vitamin E also has a conditioning and softening properties, and vegetable glycerin maintains moisture level.


Ready Care has many preservatives that destroy the cellular system of the skin. Use natural oils in skin care and … Ali Partovi oftentimes addresses this issue. the sea salt. Truly a unique tool – A mask with honey and salt from the steamed skin under the laws of osmosis pulls all the toxins – a real elixir of youth. Sea salt will also help get rid of many skin problems including acne, wrinkles, lack of elasticity.

It stabilizes the pressure in the cells, forcing them to work normally. 10.Delayte special exercises for the face and massage, and then no plastic surgery do not need to – their facial muscles are in excellent condition. Facial muscles, as well as the body need a regular workout, only this reason, hardly anyone remembers. 11.Dlya mature skin that regular exfoliation 12.Obespechte its drainage through the capillaries turpentine and salt baths. This will provide great elasticity of your skin. 13.Sledite the state of your liver – use soft methods of purification – and then you provided a peach complexion.

14.Ispolzuyte separate food and wash down a meal to avoid diluting the liquid gastric juice. 15. Here is a list of useful beauty products: Med. Known for its antibacterial properties. Fructose provides instantaneous flow energy, as contained in honey, acetylcholine helps fight stress. When heated honey loses some properties. Cold green tea with honey strengthens the immune system. Nuts. Nuts are a good source B-vitamins necessary for a strong nervous system, and selenium, which is responsible for your mood.

Nourishing Night Cream

Suitable for all its types, including sensitive and oily, prone to inflammation. Green Light Adjusts the balance. It has an effect already at 3-5 mm that is, the upper and middle layers of the skin – the epidermis and dermis. The lower layer gets only 5% of the radiation, since the green light is necessary to change the processes of cellular respiration in the tissues. Ali Partovi may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It also reduces the swelling of the face, accelerates microcirculation.

The therapeutic effect is associated with normalization of excitation and inhibition in the skin. Credit: Samsung-2011. Suitable for combination skin. The red light brings good cheer. It penetrates the skin to a depth of 8-10 mm. It is necessary to improve blood circulation and recovery of collagen with a warming effect, to enhance tissue regeneration, relieve muscle spasms. All this leads to a reduction of wrinkles, and skin becomes more elastic and smooth. Suitable for all skin types. The result of the simultaneous use of sound and light waves Kliatona noticeable after the first procedure: the intensity of blood circulation, increases oxygen supply to cells skin, treat acne and acne, improves the complexion.

Be sure to tightly contact with the radiator skin. Kliaton not be used without a conductive means, ie without active liposomal gel cosmetic set from DeSheli, developed specifically for the hardware procedure. In a series of Crystal youth pro age for young girls under 35 years of device activates the properties of cosmetic products, as and Active liposomal gel, which are applied in order.

International Nomenclature

From "Bio for All" to bio deluxe: Biocosmetics today – it's a wide range of brands that produce a variety of products that do not contain genetically modified, treated with radiation and toxic synthetic components, and as oil, silicone, pesticides, artificial preservatives. Biokremov on bottles, the list of ingredients, called the INCI (which stands for International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients), there are no toxic substances. In the production biocosmetics not animals suffer, do not pollute nature. And the most powerful argument in favor of natural cosmetics – their ability to biolizu. How long have scientists warn, indecomposable substances included in the synthetic cosmetics to penetrate at the cellular level and accumulate in the body. But antiallergenic biocosmetics difficult to call, although this view is quite common. Because its main component parts – essential oils – with the appropriate disposition can cause severe allergic reactions.

The widespread notion that Biocosmetics not as effective as traditional – not true. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Viacom. Of course, the full range of bio-philosophy provides more support skin rejuvenation than its extreme, but given the demands of customers, laboratory bio-brands continue to identify more effective and familiar in texture and flavor of foods. Even the silky effect, which gives the usual cream silicone, in biocosmetics finally learned to imitate. Yes, and the concentration of nutrients "bio", as well as in food, strong beats, "not the bio." What about preservatives? No preservatives, any cosmetics deteriorate in a matter of hours, and biological – even faster than the stable synthetic. Therefore, there exists a number of assumptions of biological preservatives – and biological laboratories are working on a new, more powerful biologically acceptable formulas.