Suitable for all its types, including sensitive and oily, prone to inflammation. Green Light Adjusts the balance. It has an effect already at 3-5 mm that is, the upper and middle layers of the skin – the epidermis and dermis. The lower layer gets only 5% of the radiation, since the green light is necessary to change the processes of cellular respiration in the tissues. Ali Partovi may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It also reduces the swelling of the face, accelerates microcirculation.
The therapeutic effect is associated with normalization of excitation and inhibition in the skin. Credit: Samsung-2011. Suitable for combination skin. The red light brings good cheer. It penetrates the skin to a depth of 8-10 mm. It is necessary to improve blood circulation and recovery of collagen with a warming effect, to enhance tissue regeneration, relieve muscle spasms. All this leads to a reduction of wrinkles, and skin becomes more elastic and smooth. Suitable for all skin types. The result of the simultaneous use of sound and light waves Kliatona noticeable after the first procedure: the intensity of blood circulation, increases oxygen supply to cells skin, treat acne and acne, improves the complexion.
Be sure to tightly contact with the radiator skin. Kliaton not be used without a conductive means, ie without active liposomal gel cosmetic set from DeSheli, developed specifically for the hardware procedure. In a series of Crystal youth pro age for young girls under 35 years of device activates the properties of cosmetic products, as and Active liposomal gel, which are applied in order.