All this raised with a critical approach, questioning the approaches that have supported scientific psychology and raising the biases and assumed truths. Relevancy, interdisciplinarity and criticality, as well as encouragement to reflective stance with regard to what we have been given as absolute and true. Before entering into the concepts of scientific psychology, positivism, the Socioconstructivism an attempt to establish a definition of the concept of science. The concept of science is, in itself, problematic and its discussion and in-depth analysis is a matter of the philosophy of science and epistemology. Several have been the definitions given in the debate in this regard, such as a way to acquire and organize knowledge, the most powerful tool we have to find out why the things happen so in our world as the only valid way than hitherto the human being has been able to create for interpreting the phenomena that surround us and establish principles in order to organize our realityavoiding possible subjectivity form of generalizations from research that is carried out through observations, analysis, comparisons, hypothesis, tests, experiments, etc how to understand us and understand the world that surrounds us to acquire knowledge based on empirically demonstrable reasons as an activity that is strongly linked to the environment and the historical moment, as well as the scientist who performs the activity their values and beliefs, attitudes, perceptions of reality, strongly influencing the direction of his work. He has been, also, Club proclaimed elite of thinkers, which imposes some general rules the scientific method – that determine and circumscribe a track record for acting in the context where they are located, using a series of instruments created by them that legitimizes them act as such..